
作者&投稿:穰司 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

自然拼读5-关于音节那些事(音节分类 划分 成音节 等)
1)元音字母+r”所构成的音节,一共有五个:ar, er, ir, or, ur 2)“元音字母组合+r”所构成的音节也属于-r音节,这一类共有8个:air, ear, eer, eir,ier, oar, oor, our。 5 、R E 音节: “元音字母+re”所构成的音节,一共有5个:are, ere, ire, ore, ure 6、 成音节 : 辅音因素加上一...

戏腾19270722435问: hoard什么意思 -
永年县硫酸回答: hoard [英][hɔ:d][美][hɔ:rd] n. 积聚,囤积;密窖;贮藏处 vt. 积聚;秘藏 vi. 积蓄,贮藏 第三人称单数:hoards 过去分词:hoarded 复数:hoards 现在进行时:hoarding 过去式:hoarded 同义词 adj.,贮藏,积聚 store amass keep accumulate gather 其他释义 stock collect store collection gather accumulate save amass provision

戏腾19270722435问: Treasure是什么意思? -
永年县硫酸回答: n. 宝物,财富 v. 珍爱,重视,储藏词形变化: 形容词:treasurable 动词过去式:treasured 过去分词:treasured 现在分词:treasuring 第三人称单数:treasures例句与用法: 1. This museum has many art treasures.这家博物馆收藏了许多艺术...

戏腾19270722435问: 关于雪或雪花的英文诗? -
永年县硫酸回答: SNOW-FLAKES 雪花 Out of the bosom of the Air,Out of the cloud-folds of her garments shaken,Over the woodlands brown and bare,Over the harvest-fields forsaken,Silent, and soft, and slow Descends the snow. 挣脱苍天的怀抱 冲出她摇摆的云叠...

戏腾19270722435问: 奇的两个读音 -
永年县硫酸回答: 奇 qí 部首笔画 部首:大 部外笔画:5 总笔画:8 五笔86:DSKF 五笔98:DSKF 仓颉:KMNR 笔顺编号e68a84e8a2ad62616964757a686964616f31333262343639:13412512 四角号码:40621 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+5947基本字义1. 特殊的...

戏腾19270722435问: 谁有The story of stone soup为题目的英文文章的译文 -
永年县硫酸回答: 石头汤的故事 The Stone Soup Story (作者:亭子 编译 资料来源:《视听英语》) Once upon a time, somewhere in Eastern Europe, there was a great famine. People jealously hoarded1 whatever food they could find, hiding it even from their ...

戏腾19270722435问: 就业培训英语短语
永年县硫酸回答: 就业的含义是指在法定年龄内的有劳动能力和劳动愿望的人们所从事的为获取报酬或... they hoarded. 消费者并没有消费进而创造就业机会,他们把钱都存起来了.13. ...

戏腾19270722435问: 请问一下“捂货惜售”的意思是什么?用英语怎么表达 -
永年县硫酸回答: 捂货惜售用经济学术语hoarding 可表达,即囤积居奇.如,The shopkeeper hoarded goods for making profits before the storm.

戏腾19270722435问: 英语作文:复述《长发公主》 -
永年县硫酸回答: This is the story of a girl named,Rapunzel.And it starts,with the sun.now,once upon a time,a singledrop of sunlight fell from the heavens.And from this small drop of sun,grew a magic,golden,flower.It had the ability to heal the sick,and injured.Well,...

戏腾19270722435问: 培训经理课程话题英语
永年县硫酸回答: Need For Good Managers Increasing对优秀经理的需求正在增长The need for good ... You see information as a tool to be used,not as power to be hoarded. 你将信息视作可...

戏腾19270722435问: 英语翻译:但当我有一次遇到难过的事情,她看到我在哭,她就过来安慰我 -
永年县硫酸回答: However, once when i was depressed, she saw me crying and came over to comfort me.

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