
作者&投稿:针奖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


任务型阅读for several years ,americans
The need fo***igh quality means that European teleshopping companies will have to be different from the American companies. They will have to be more careful about the quality of the things they sell. They will also have to work harder to sell things that the buyers cannot touch...

Clothes are the important part of our lives.I like wearing jeans and T-shirt.I want to dress as casually as possible.Because I don't like to spend too much time on clothes.I like different colors as well,such as red and blue.I think red stands for zeal and blue is a ...

求一篇剑桥英语二级 作文 a day out
Last weekend, i have went to the water. sunny sky, blue sea, what a beautiful day in beach! I don't want spend all day long at home. Play video game is so not me. After having fast food for a week, i think it's about the time to go outside.i woke up in the ...

Secondly, because in China entrance examination is like "everything", so the students must spend all the time on preparing the entrance examination. They have little time to hold parties, they seldom go out for traveling and so forth...But don't we think it is unworthy? Just ...

求英语作文!!!对不起大家 积分不多了
1.A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.A successful woman is one who can find such a man.2. Men wake up as good-looking as when they went to bed.Women someow deteriorate during the night.3. A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he wants...

如:由cost联想到pay,take和spend,并将这些意义相对、相同或读音相同的词的用法进行比较。 ②归类联想记忆:把所学的单词按照不同的范畴分门别类, 将所学单词合理归类。 A.按词性归类。如:名词driver, name…,动词be, have, drive…, 形容词careful, happy…,副词carefully, happily…,介词in, on at…,代词...

26个字母在单词中的发音 发音表

till i collapse Eminem feat 50cent 2pac歌词.最好带翻译
I'ma rip this shit ighlight>tillighlight> my bone collapse 直到我粉身碎骨,仍要劈开这些垃圾 Till the roof comes off 直到屋顶掀掉 Till the lights go out 直到灯光熄灭 Till my legs give out 直到我的腿精疲力竭 Can't shut my mouth 也不能闭上我的嘴 Till the smoke clears out 直到烟雾...

14.Did you hare a(n)__fligh from New York to Beijing?A.plain B.quite C.smooth D.even ==>选C C表示顺利的。A的意思是朴素的,清楚的。B.安静的。D.指线条过渡等平滑的 15.We should not think of everyting in__of money A.sense B.means C.purpose D.terms ==>选D。固定...

山便13180815564问: 高铁和动车用英语各怎么说? -
邵武市欣复回答: 高速铁路:High-Speed Railway 动车:motor car 高速铁路简称高铁,是指基础设施设计速度标准高、可供火车在轨道上安全高速行驶的铁路,列车运营速度在200km/h以上.高铁在不同国家、不同时代以及不同的科研学术领域有不同规定.中国...

山便13180815564问: 大陆的对应词是什么? -
邵武市欣复回答: 高铁:high-speed rail 动车:bullet train 扩展资料: high-speed rail 1、读音:英 [h??] [spi?d][re?l] 美 [ha?] [spid][re?l] 2、音译: 高铁. 3、例句:京沪高铁 Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway bullet train 1、读音:美 [?b?l?t tre?n] 2、音译: n...

山便13180815564问: 高速列车的英文名称 -
邵武市欣复回答: 高速列车:High-Speed Train 高速铁路:High-Speed Rail

山便13180815564问: 介绍中国高铁,动车,快车的英语作文 -
邵武市欣复回答: 中国的高铁,动车,快车,从速度方面来介绍一下:(1)高速铁路列车(G)速度约300km/h.(2)动车组旅客列车(D)速度通常在150~200 km/h之间.现代已提高约300Km/h.(3)直达快速火车(Z)速度在140Km/h以上.(4)快速火车(T)速度约130...

山便13180815564问: 关于高铁的好处英语作文带翻译 -
邵武市欣复回答: It is a really hot topic now as many city had opened high-speed railway. Many people said that high-speed railway is much better than the other transportation . and as also some people believe that it is no future .to my point of view ,high-speed ...

山便13180815564问: In Japan "the High - spend Train of Tomorrow" can r--- - at 500 km an hour. -
邵武市欣复回答: rich

山便13180815564问: 高铁是high - speed train, 动车该怎么翻译? -
邵武市欣复回答: high-speed rail 是才对, 动车是motor car

山便13180815564问: 用英语介绍以下几种交通工具 -
邵武市欣复回答: plane:It's convenient,but the price of the tickets are very expensive train:It can carry a lot of things,and very convenient ship:It can carry a lot of things,and the tickets are cheap.But it is too slow bus:It 's very good for short distance travel,and the tickets aren't very expensive

山便13180815564问: 动车英语怎么说 -
邵武市欣复回答: Power car 国家官网上面是这么说的 或者CRH China Railway High-Speed

山便13180815564问: 高速列车的英文怎么说 -
邵武市欣复回答: 高速列车是在 High-Speed Railway (高速铁路) 上运行的列车, 世界统称 high-speed train.

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