
作者&投稿:汝咐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

igh—light, fight, night, tight, high, right, sight y—sky, fly, dry, cry, try, my, type, spy no [ou] \/ [eu]: : ow—yellow, low, bowl, window, show, know, row oa—boat [ju:] : ui—suit ew—few [u:] : ue—Sue, blue, glue ui—fruit, juice, suit ...

[Eu]o(go),oa,ow,ou,oe,ew [ai]i,igh,y,ie,ei,ui,uy [au]ou,ow [ci]oy(boy),oi [iE]ear(hear),eer,ere,ea,eo [ξE]air(hair),are,ear,ere,eir [uE]oor(poor),our(tour),ure(sure),ue(cruel)辅音 [p] p [b] b [t] t [d] d [k] c,k,ch,ck [g] g [f...

一、贷款利率怎么翻译英语 lenloanrate;loaningrate;priceofmoney===给你几个例句,帮助理解Thebankislendingmoneyatacoateofinterest.款。Londoniredrate,LIBOR伦敦银行同业拆借利率Thebandloanrateigh.银行贷款利率高得太离谱。Hence,thelotes,forexample.例如说,把房屋贷款利率调低。Lowestrateofinterestatwhic...

1.贸易价格 trade term \/ price term 价格术语 world \/ international market price 国际市场价格 FOB (free on board) 离岸价 C&F (cost and freight) 成本加运费价 CIF (cost, insurance and freight) 到岸价 freight 运费 wharfage 码头费 landing charges 卸货费 customs duty 关税 port dues ...

从上至下 12.B 13.D 首字母填空:1.welcome 2.want 3.price 4.shop 5.buy 6.pair 7.long 8.sales 9.eleven 10.looks 句型转化 1.How much is 2.What, do for 3.doesn't have 4.What's price 5.What do 完成句子 1.on sale 2.at, reasonable price 3.How much are 4.of ...

英语的作业不会写 求帮忙
That pair of shoes is expensive.Does he have any friends here?I want to join the art club.What club do you want to join ?It's an action movie.It's very kind of you to help us.brush high june cock under swim price 希望可以对你有所帮助~还请及时采纳~~...

igh: high night ie: lie die [ei]a: cake same name ay: day stay say may maybe May ai: complain [au]Ou: loud Shout house blouse found Ow: cow how [əu]O: cold smoke old home Ow: slow snow Oa: goat boat coat coach coachman Oe: toe [iə]er...

Irregular: ar (car), ay(hay, may, say), igh (high, night, might), ew (new), er (sister, brother), ur(burn, hurt), ir (girl, fir, firm), or (horn), eigh (eight), oi (oil, boil), oy(boy), ow等有其特别的发音."c" 和 "k" 在一起时, 发一个音: quick, black等....

time(时间) price (价格) write(写) fine(好的) nineteenth(第十九)ninth(第九)kind(种类) find(找到) exciting(激动的) Chinese(中文) China(中国) violin(小提琴)Friday (星期五) biology(生物) science (科学) tired (累) 18.igh读\/ai\/night(夜里) high (高) right (正确) light(光线) 19..i...

(1)读[s]:rice price city medicine cent decide cinema (2)读[k]:cup cap cat car can computer doctor (3)读[ʃ]:social associate ocean official ancient 4、字母D[d i:]在单词中的发音:读[d]:desk dad day die dialogue 5、字母E[i:]在单词中的发音:(1)读[i:]...

郁帝15845435988问: 性价比很高.怎么用英语说 -
栾城县三七回答: 高性价比 cost-effective; High cost performance; high performance-price ratio; [例句]为客户提供绿色、优质、高性价比的产品和服务. To provide green, high quality, cost-effective products and services.

郁帝15845435988问: “性价比高”用英语怎么说 -
栾城县三七回答: high value with competitive price

郁帝15845435988问: 请教几个短语的翻译1.高性价比2.信息化希望有知道的不吝赐教,多
栾城县三七回答: 1.高性价比 High Price/Performance Ratio 2.信息化 informatization

郁帝15845435988问: “性价比高”和“研发”的准确翻译(英语).高手进
栾城县三七回答: 性价比高 high performance/price ratio 研发 research and development

郁帝15845435988问: 英语“性价比高”怎么说 -
栾城县三七回答: 性价比高 The cost-performance ratio is high.按摩的时候需要力度重一些和轻一些 to massage with heavier/lighter hand strength 肌肉劳损 muscle strain

郁帝15845435988问: 股市里面PE是什么意思? -
栾城县三七回答: 分析如下: 1、PE就是市盈率,是指在一个考察期内,一般是一年(12个月)的时间,股票的价格和每股收益的比例,亦称拖动PE. 2、“P/E Ratio”表示市盈率;“Price per Share”表示每股的股价;“Earnings per Share”表示每股收益....

郁帝15845435988问: 性价比用英文怎么说,高性价比和低性价比呢? -
栾城县三七回答: Performance-to-Price Ratio high PPR low PPR

郁帝15845435988问: Price - To - Book Ratio代表什么? -
栾城县三七回答: 市净率(Price to book ratio即P/B),也称市账率 市净率指的是每股股价与每股净资产的比率. 市净率可用于投资分析.每股净资产是股票的账面价值,它是用成本计量的,而每股市价是这些资产的现在价值,它是证券市场上交易的结果....

郁帝15845435988问: 什么是Ratio - of - House - Price - to - Income? -
栾城县三七回答: 房价对收入比(Ratio of house price to income) 所谓房价收入比,是指住房价格与城市居民家庭年收入之比. 按照国际惯例,目前比较通行的说法认为,房价收入比在3--- 6倍之间为合理区间,如考虑住房 贷款 因素,住房 消费 占居民收入的 比重应低于30%.

郁帝15845435988问: 性价比英语怎么说?谢谢! -
栾城县三七回答: 以前开发空调,讲究C/P Ratio,Capability/price Ratio,就是"性价比"的意思.请注意:"性价比"是性能价格比,讲产品是否实惠.物美价廉的产品,就是性价比高的产品.可不是特性价格比呀!单纯从翻译的角度讲,Performance Price Ratio 的表达也可,但非常用.

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