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请问:关于oracle ,number ,powerdesigher 出现了一个错误

化工管道介质代号LCWR中的LC 代表专用低压冷凝水管,WR代表工业回水管。WR工业回水管需要具有良好的卫生性能:聚乙烯管加工中不添加重金属盐稳定剂,无毒材料,无结垢层,无细菌,是解决城市饮用水二次污染的好方法。另外还需要具有耐腐蚀性:除少量强氧化剂外,能抵抗各种化学介质的腐蚀,无电化学腐蚀。


that the world is wonderful everytime. the love she wrties is definitely not ideal, there are conspirations, greed, pride and betrayal. but she always writes about the sincerity and courage of love. plus attracion of a happy ending, it makes people cannot resist her sotries....

Her problem was just too big for her to tackle on her own 她的问题太严重了,光靠她自己是没法解决的。5、tig 英 [tɪɡ] 美 [tɪɡ]钨极惰性气体保护焊;钨极氩弧焊;氩弧焊;氩弧焊机;氩弧焊接。The varied weld penetration depths of austenic stainless steel in A-...

牛津英语9A U5 readig 课文翻译

ignore 及物动词 1忽视某人某物 2 对某人故意不打招呼,不予承认 不予理睬。ignore sb\/sth:you have been ignoring me.(你一直不把我放在眼里。)i said hello to her,but she ignored me.(我向他打招呼,可是她不理我)

she wants sex 歌词
That'swhatshe'ssayin'whileI'mjumpin'herboat ...WhileI'mjumpin'herboat ...WhileI'mjumpin'herboat ...WhileI'mjumpin'herboat TellmeohwhyamIlookinatawomansofine OhmeohmyneverthoughtthatI'dbestaringatagoddess Myegomypridewon'tletmeleavewithouthertonight CanyoubelieveitonceIgothertothe...

The old womans ___ a lot of time ___ with her pet.
sb spend time (in) doing sth 某人花费时间做某事 it takes sb time to do sth 花费时间做某事 根据句型结构,排除BC。但是答案AC都有问题,因为主语是是old woman,第三人称单数,所以后面的动词只能使用spends(一般现在时)或者spent(一般过去时),所以没有可选的答案。

The young dancer looked so charmig in their beautiful clothes t...
The young dancer looked so charmig in their beautiful clothes that we took___pictures of them RT`]Theyoungdancerlookedsocharmigintheirbeautiful...2. I would appreciate ___ if you come to my grandma’s birthday party and say “Hello”to her. A. that B. it C. you D. one3. --...

不飞19856741911问: 填空A:her brother's B:him C:her brother -
山东省齐诺回答: 比较级前后应该是两个并列的词组、短语或句子,这里被比较的是“他的书写”即"Her handwriting",所以后面的比较对象也应该是相同地位的短语.所以这里选"her brother's handwriting".而英语中遵守重复原则,故省略handwriting.即为A选项.

不飞19856741911问: 关于人称代词加with的谓语动词的问题(英语)用适当形式She with her brothers ( )(want)to go to a movie this afternoon.讲清楚原因 -
山东省齐诺回答:[答案] 看with前面的那个主语.这里用单数 wants. 这是语法.实在要讲原因,你可以把这个句子这样理 She wants to go to a movie this afternoon with her brothers.

不飞19856741911问: went+her+she+sking+with+brother++连词成句怎样改
山东省齐诺回答: she went sking with her brother.

不飞19856741911问: she go to her brother 对吗? -
山东省齐诺回答: she go to her brother :不可以这样表达 go to 后面是 地点

不飞19856741911问: the warning of her brother里面的brother后面要加's吗?变成brother's -
山东省齐诺回答: 不一样 Mary's friend = a friend of Mary 意为: Mary的朋友 a friend of Mary's = one of Mary's friends 意为:Mary许多朋友中的其中一个 而且这句a friend of Mary's中 Mary's = Mary's friends the warning of her brother 她哥哥的警告 就是 Her ...

不飞19856741911问: she's brother还是her brother -
山东省齐诺回答: her brother.如果是she's brother 意思是“她是哥哥/弟弟”,矛盾啊.

不飞19856741911问: let+her+brother+ - ----+the+room.(clean) -
山东省齐诺回答: clean为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

不飞19856741911问: 是He has no brother还是He has no brothers? -
山东省齐诺回答: no borther已经有no修饰名词brother了,就没有必要用复数

不飞19856741911问: He is my twins brothers.对吗?正确的说法????? -
山东省齐诺回答: ………………He is my twin brother.“他”是第三人称单数..后边当然就不能用复数的brothers了.. twin brother 孪生兄弟

不飞19856741911问: He hangs out with his brothers all the time. 求高手解释下意思 -
山东省齐诺回答: hangs out with Sb ,是个口语搭配,意思是 和 谁谁谁混在一起,或者伙在一起,这句的意思就是 他整天和他得兄弟们混在一起

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