
作者&投稿:靳茂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

写一篇英文版的book report !
Though I thoroughly loved this book, my only off moment came near the end, where I began to wonder exactly how suitable the images depicted were for the impressionable minds of Rowling's younger readers. Still, at the ripe old age of 32, I might just be over-reacting."Harry...

Harry Potter must not go back to Hogwart\\'s School of 9)Witchcraft and 10)Wizardry this year. There is a plot; a plot to make the most terrible things happen!Harry: What terrible things? Who\\'s 11)plotting them?Dobby: Ooh! Dare... can\\'t ... say!Harry: OK. I understand. You...

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by Martina "I wouldn't be surprised if today was known as Harry Potter day in the future - there will be books written about Harry - every child in our world will know his name."Professor McGonagall, in the first chapter titled "The ...

英语作文 我喜欢的电影喜剧片
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by Martina "I wouldn't be surprised if today was known as Harry Potter day in the future - there will be books written about Harry - every child in our world will know his name."Professor McGonagall,in the first chapter titled "The ...

“Ii's not a lie, I saw him.”Harry据理力争 “Minister, the dark lord's return is incontrovertible”Dumbledore说 “He is not back!”Minister说 “Dolores Umbridge has replaced Albus Dumbledore as Head of Hogwart...”“Priming(不太确定)”Ron说 The dark lord approaches...“...

“Ii's not a lie, I saw him.”Harry据理力争 “Minister, the dark lord's return is incontrovertible”Dumbledore说 “He is not back!”Minister说 “Dolores Umbridge has replaced Albus Dumbledore as Head of Hogwart...”“Priming(不太确定)”Ron说 The dark lord approaches...“...

哈利波特与魔法石(问题) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's S...
Chapter 2 and 3 1. Although the Dursleys hated Harry, but still protect him from foreign hostility.“I’m not having one in the house, Petunia! Didn’t we swear when we took him in we’d stamp out that dangerous nonsense?”2. a. He nailed up the mailbox.b. He burning...

哈利波特H: Harry; D: Dunbledore; Hag: Hagrid; Mc: McGonagall; Pet: Aunt Petunia; Ver: Uncle Vernon; Dud: Dudley; Gob: Goblin; Oth(s): Unknown(s)\/ extra(s); R: Ron Weasley; HG: Hermione; Mrs. W: Mrs. Weasley, P: Percy; Snake: Snake from zoo Q: Quirrell; ...

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by Martina "I wouldn't be surprised if today was known as Harry Potter day in the future - there will be books written about Harry - every child in our world will know his name."Professor McGonagall, in the first chapter titled "The ...

彩士15611264274问: 喜剧之王所有原声带的歌名 -
琼海市山海回答: http://www.verycd.com/topics/34500/原声大碟 -《喜剧之王》(King Of Comedy)[MP3!] 专辑曲目:The Way You Make Me Feel (粤) < 莫文蔚 > <粤> 3'21" Fill Me (粤) < 莫文蔚 > <粤> 3'04" Candy Kisses (国) < 莫文蔚 > <国> 3'21...

彩士15611264274问: 烘焙王片尾曲分别是哪几首? -
琼海市山海回答: ED2:To All Tha Dreamers SOUL'd OUT (歌唱者) Diggy-MO' (作词者) Bro.Hi (作词者) Shinnosuke (作曲者)

彩士15611264274问: 凤的声旁是什么? -
琼海市山海回答: 1、凤的拼音是fèng.其本义为远古祭师用来祭祀通神的完美神鸟,传说中的百鸟之王,头顶华冠,羽披百眼,形似今日孔雀;雄的称为“凤”,雌的称为“凰”,后引申为有圣德的人数脊、乐器、音律等.2、凤,初为象形字.商代甲骨文像高...

彩士15611264274问: は、ば、ぱ的发音问题我只知道は一般念wa(助词),还有念ha而
琼海市山海回答: はひふへほ是清音,读ha hi hu he ho 其中は做助词时读wa ばびぶべぼ加两点是浊音,读ba bi bu be bo ぱぴぷぺぽ加圆圈称为半浊音,读pa pi pu pe po,其它假名没有对应的半浊音

彩士15611264274问: 明下午到昆明,求推荐好吃的馋嘴 - 馋嘴?明下午到昆明,求推荐好
琼海市山海回答: 过桥米线..

彩士15611264274问: 老人为何总喜欢喋喋不休?
琼海市山海回答: 唠叨是老年人排除孤独感的一种手段,需要通过话语的不断反复,来达到心理活动与客观环境的平衡,喋喋不休是老人们心理、生理功能退化的表现.作为晚辈,应该宽容,多包容他们

彩士15611264274问: 火影忍者动漫全集名字 - 《火影忍者人物角色的英文名字有谁可以给一份火影忍者》所有动漫
琼海市山海回答: 旗木卡卡西 hatake kakashi 旋涡鸣人 uzumaki naruto 宇智波佐助 uchiha sasuke 春野樱 haruno sakura 凯 gai 日向宁次 hyuga neji 李洛克 rock lee 天天 tenten 猿飞阿斯玛 ...

彩士15611264274问: 林韦君的个人资料和照片?
琼海市山海回答: 林韦君资料及图片[18P] :::基本资料::: 本名: 林韦君 旧艺名: 林玮均 英文... 三立 《 薰衣草》 中视 《Hi!上班女郎》 华视 《麻辣鲜师》 华视 《女生向前走》 华...

彩士15611264274问: 请释成英语."嗨!我是小王.我现在不在家.请留言." -
琼海市山海回答:[答案] Hello,I am Xiao Wang,I am not in,please leave a message

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