
作者&投稿:终恒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

If you come across some difficulty, don’t ___ to tell me._百度知...
d、 hesitate 犹豫;踌躇 He hesitated before he answered because he didn't know what to say.他在回答之前犹豫了一下,因为他不知道说什么。"We do not hesitate to give our lives for our country, let alone suffer some hardships.""我们不惜为国献身,更不必说吃点苦了。""I hesitate ...

关于hesitate 问题
hesitate in (doing)sth:在…方面犹豫,不灵敏 hesitate about doing sth:关于…犹豫不决 hesitate what to do:犹豫着不知做什么 hesitate to do sth:不愿(欲)做某事

hesitate doing和hesitate to do到底哪个对
关于hesitate doing和hesitate to do 前者是犹豫做过的事,表示对做过的那事存在犹豫感的,后者是是犹豫要去做什么,表将来的事。 前者已经做了,后者未做 你要按照具体的语境来选择哦,希望能帮到你

hesitate 在英语口语中第一个t 发什么音啊?

prevent C. hesitate D. refuse 20. The man the Helping Hand Group is a handicapped person himself. A. organizes B. organized C. organizing D. organize 【参考答案及解析】 1.【翻译】 最后他实现了自己的梦想,但是却付出了生命的代价。 【解析】 D at the cost of...是一固定搭配,意为“以…...

hesitate 常和哪些介词搭配?hesitate 后常跟什么非谓语形式?
Don't hesitate in doing what you think is right.只要认为对,就别犹豫去做。hesitate to do 跟动词不定式 Don't hesitate to enlist the aid of friends or family if you have a big project to finish in your domestic environment.如果在你的家庭环境里你有一个大项目要完成,不要犹豫向...

hesitate over sth和hesitate about sth有什么区别?
hesitate over常接短语,如:hesitated over her choice.hesitate about常接句子,如:She's hesitating about whether to accept the job.

hesitate to do sth造句
1.Managers shouldn't hesitate to do it.北半球的管理者应该悉心听取他的真知灼见,勿犹豫,勿彷徨。2.A wicked person does not hesitate to do ill.人若变邪恶,使坏不犹豫。4.Certainly,mr sarkozy would not hesitate to do more.当然,萨科奇先生会毫不犹豫做更多事情。5.We are allowed t...


hesitate about something
两个句型都是可以用的,区别不大:hesitate v. 踌躇,犹豫 【例句】 When you have difficulties in translating the article, don’t hesitate to ask me.你翻译文章有困难时,请务必来找我.【搭配】hesitate to do sth.\/hesitate about doing sth.对做某事犹豫不决; hesitate at nothing对什么事都...

暨包19742725867问: hesitate to do 和hesitate doing有什么区别? -
华县水王回答: 前者是犹豫要去做什么,表将来的事,后者是犹豫做过的事,表示对做过的那事存在犹豫感的

暨包19742725867问: hesitate to do 和hesitate doing -
华县水王回答:[答案] 只有hesitate to do 顾虑地/犹豫地做某事,而且常用于否定句. 例句:If you need further information.please do not hesitate to ask us at any time. 如需我方的进一步资料,请随时与我方联络.

暨包19742725867问: hesitate doing和hesitate to do到底哪个对有hesitate doing吗 -
华县水王回答:[答案] 关于hesitate doing和hesitate to do 前者是犹豫做过的事,表示对做过的那事存在犹豫感的,后者是是犹豫要去做什么,表将来的事. 前者已经做了,后者未做 你要按照具体的语境来选择哦,希望能帮到你

暨包19742725867问: hesitate的两个词组区别hesitate to do sth.hesitate in doing sth.区别? -
华县水王回答:[答案] 前者,犹豫去做某事,表示还未做 后者,为正在做的事情感到犹豫,表示正在做的事情

暨包19742725867问: “be hesitate to doing”有没有这种用法?如果有,和be hesitate to do有什么区别? -
华县水王回答:[答案] 应该是hesitate to do 或者 be hesitated to do,犹豫做……. 没有第一种表达.

暨包19742725867问: hesitate这个单词的用法是怎样的?是hesitate to doing 吗? -
华县水王回答: hesitate to do sth 犹豫做某事, 动词

暨包19742725867问: hesitate to do 和 hesitate about doing的区别 -
华县水王回答: hesitate to do 犹豫不决做某事 hesitate about doing做某事犹豫不决的想法或原因.(强调想法或原因)

暨包19742725867问: hesitate about doing sth和hesitate to do sth的区别 -
华县水王回答: hesitate about/at/in/over doing sth 表示已经发生了,犹豫过要不要做某事、hesitate to do sth 还没发生,正在犹豫要不要做

暨包19742725867问: 请问hesitate in doing和hesitate to do有什么区别? -
华县水王回答: 区别:前者表在做某事时迟疑犹豫,有正在进行之意;而后者表犹豫要做某事,还未发生.long,how long

暨包19742725867问: “be hesitate to doing”有没有这种用法? 如果有,和be hesitate to do有什么区别? -
华县水王回答: 应该是hesitate to do 或者 be hesitated to do, 犹豫做…….没有第一种表达.

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