
作者&投稿:桓东 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

问...多少钱,用how much...How much is + 单数名词?How much are + 复数名词?如果说...的价格是什么?用What is the price of 。。。? 后面可接单数或复数名词,不能把is换成are;回答也是The price of

校园 英语情感剧本
As is the bud bit with an envious wormEre he can spread his sweet leaves to the air,Or dedicate his beauty to the sun.Could we but learn from whence his sorrows grow,We would as willingly give cure as know.Benvolio.See, where he comes: so please you step aside;I'll ...

译句:He is one of the literary fat cats.错译:他简直是只大肥猫。也许是加菲猫动画片的流行会一些人译出这样的句子来,“大肥猫”是什么形象?其实 fat cat 是很早就有的一个俚语,意思是“有权有势的人”、“大亨”,所以原句的意思是:他是文学界的显赫人物。英语中关于cat的习语很多,...

Thanatopsis 是什么,分数全给了。请详细介绍
Their sharpness ere he is aware. When thoughts Of the last bitter hour come like a blight Over thy spirit and sad images Of the stern agony and shroud and pall And breathless darkness and the narrow house Make thee to shudder and grow sick at heart;—Go forth under the open...

theere is a u and an h in the world huge 这个句子正确么
正确 u前面不定冠词用a h前面用an,there be句子要求就近原则,be动词用is 不过注意下单词拼写,和句首大写问题。 There is a "U" and an "H" in the word huge.

I like my family.there ere 6 peapor in my family.Myfather,mother,grandfather,grandmother,my sister and me.My father is a doctor,he likes reading books .My mother is a teacher,she likes singing.Grandpa and grandma are farmer ,they likes drawing. Sister likes reading books ,too...

生命不息,折腾不止 英文翻译怎么说(专业点的,)
生命不息,折腾不止:Toss more than life.《生命不息,折腾不止》是由天津人民出版社出版的的一本图书。内容包含了罗永浩2009——2014年的“人生奋斗”全收录,完整展现一个理想主义者所经历的世界。生而为一个绝不嘴上吃亏的人,创业路上受过委屈白眼,却从不忍气吞声,在不断折腾中散发出浓浓的...

我们通常步行去公园 We usually go to the park on foot We usually go to the park on foot two kinds of English translation

This letter doth make goodthe friar's words,Their course of love,the tidingsof her death:And here he writes that he did buy a poisonOf a poor'pothecary,and therewithal Came to this vault to die,and lie with Juliet.Where be these enemies?Capulet!Montague!See,what a scourgeis laid ...

罗马的旅游景点英文介绍 欧洲旅游景点英文介绍

驷江19694408794问: here are和here is怎么用? -
夹江县泽力回答: 前面的跟接复数后面的跟单数,就这样

驷江19694408794问: “here is”与“here are”与后面的主语有就近原则吗? -
夹江县泽力回答: “here is”与“here are”与后面的主语有就近原则. 1、根据就近原则.这是一个倒装结构,如果名词作主语,谓语动词要和紧挨着的名词在数上保持一致,如: Here is a letter for you.(这儿有你的一封信). 2、也称"邻近原则""就近一致原则",即:谓语与靠近的名词、代词(有时不一定是主语)在"人称、数"上一致.与其相对的还有"就远原则". 3、有时依"就近一致原则",但也可依"意义一致原则"或严格地依"语法一致原则".Neither she nor I were there. (意义一致) 我和她当时都不在那儿.

驷江19694408794问: here is 与here are与后面的主语有没有就近原则? -
夹江县泽力回答:[答案] here is 与here are与后面的主语有没有就近原则?是的,是根据就近原则.这是一个倒装结构,如果名词作主语,谓语动词要和紧挨着的名词在数上保持一致,如:Here is a letter for you.(这儿有你的一封信)Here are some b...

驷江19694408794问: 英语中,here it is 和 here you are 的区别 -
夹江县泽力回答: Here you are可以表示“给你”的意思. Here it is表示它就在这儿,或者这就是问题所在. "Here it is."与"Here you are."都可以表示"你(们)要的东西在这儿."或"你(们)找的东西在这里.".在购物、寻物、索要东西等情况时,两者通常可...

驷江19694408794问: here is/are的用法什么时候用here is 什么时候用here are? -
夹江县泽力回答:[答案] 根据谓语be动词就近原则,距离be 动词近的是复数用are,如果是单数就用is. 例如: Here is your bag and coat. Here are your bags and coat. Here is your coat and bags. 第一句话是就近原则bag是单数,所以用is, 第二句话的是Your bags 最近所以...

驷江19694408794问: here are与 here is究竟是“这里是”还是“这里有”的意思? -
夹江县泽力回答: 语言有的时候不是像1+1=2这样可以定量考察的,here is和 here are 在不同的语境里(不同的上下文里)可以表示不同的意思.比如服务员对顾客说“Here's your salad.”就可以翻译成“这是您点的沙拉.” 一个人指着门口对另一个人说“Here's your wife.”就得翻译成“你老婆来了.” 就是这么个意思,不能死抠,不能字字落实,只要翻译出意思来就可以了.

驷江19694408794问: here is here are翻译不是语法角度.是都用在什么情况下.有例句最好.就是比如说介绍人?等等. -
夹江县泽力回答:[答案] 意思均为这是……或这里有…… Here is...后面用单数,如:Here is my mother. Here are ...后面用复数,如:Here are my parents.

驷江19694408794问: 英语翻译用here是here is ....还是here are -
夹江县泽力回答:[答案] Here are some of my pictures!

驷江19694408794问: 如何分辨Here后加is或are -
夹江县泽力回答: 由here开头的是倒装句,究竟用is 还是are, 由实际主语决定.如:Here is a pencil.Here are our problems.

驷江19694408794问: here 后面可不可以用are +名词? -
夹江县泽力回答: Here + 代词+ are/is. 如:Here you are. Here it is.Here + are/is + 名词. 如:Here is my pen. Here are the newspapers you want.

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