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以下是一些使用thisere的例句:- Come on over thisere and have a drink with me.(过来这里和我喝杯饮料吧。)- I found thisere book in the library and it's really interesting.(我在图书馆找到了这本书,真是太有趣了。)- Thisere is where we had our first date.(这就是我们...

将来直陈式(o futuro do indicativo): -erei, -erás, -erá, -eremos, -ereis, -erão 条件式(o condicional)现在条件式(o presente do condicional): -eria, -erias, -eria, -eríamos, -eríeis, -eriam 虚拟式(o subjuntivo)过去虚拟式(o ...

where is this wall? 怎么读?
"哇"的声母 + air (空气) 的英文读音\/ wh ere 一丝 is "对"的声母 + 一丝 th is "哇" 的声母 + 哦 + "了"的声母 (英文发音“L”)w a ll

1. The English suffix "-er" is commonly used to form nouns that refer to people who perform specific actions or have a particular role. Examples include "trainee" (one who is training), "employee" (one who is employed), "appointee" (one who is appointed), "expellee" (one...

对单词括号部分辩音 h(ere),th(ere) D(eer),f(ear) (ea)t ,br(ea)k...
对单词括号部分辩音 不同读音: th(ere):[ɛə] \/\/ 读音相同: [iə]:h(ere), D(eer),f(ear)不同读音: br(ea)kfast :[e]\/\/ 读音相同:[i:](ea)t ,B(ee),t(ea)dr(aw)ing, l(aw)n:读音相同,都读成[ɔ:]一.对括号里部分提问 1.Where are Ai...

[ei] [ai] [aU] [EU] [Ri] [i[] [Z[] [UE]1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please he she me piece receive ceiling 2) [i] 发音字母 i y e sit picture it is list six ...

you is my life是病句
vi. (用于第二人称单复数现在时,第一、三人称复数现在时) 是;n. 公亩(等于100平方米);[网络] 动词; 复数; 现在式;[例句]Jim and I are getting married.我和吉姆就要结婚了。[其他] 现在分词:being 过去式:were 过去分词:been 形近词: ere 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义...

serious D.J.['siəriəs] 这个音标有几个音节?怎么划分出来...
英语音节有三大类型:开音节,闭音节,r音节(很详细的介绍了:)~~以元音结尾的音节称为开音节,以辅音结尾的音节称为闭音节 一、音节:音节是读音的基本单位,任何单词的读音,都是分解为一个个音节朗读。在英语中元音特别响亮,一个元音可构成一个音节,一个元音和一个或几个辅音音素结合也可以构成一个...

H()is my book.
H(ere) is my book.这儿是我的书。

can yuo tell me wh ere is

鄢齿17270294874问: here it is的读音 -
灵武市平立回答: here 英音:[hiə] , it 英音:[it] , is 英音:[iz]

鄢齿17270294874问: 英语中here和are在一起怎么读 -
灵武市平立回答: here +ra:

鄢齿17270294874问: here英语怎么读 -
灵武市平立回答: here 英[hɪə(r)] 美[hɪr] adv. 在这里; 这时; 在这一点上; (给某人东西或指出某物时说) ; n. 这里; int. 喂; 嗨; [例句]I'm here all by myself and I know I'm going to get lost. 这里只有我一个人,我知道我会迷路的.

鄢齿17270294874问: here`s怎么读? -
灵武市平立回答: here's 英 [hɪəz] 美 [hiːrz] 这里是,=here is

鄢齿17270294874问: here it is怎么读 -
灵武市平立回答: 褐衣特义思(思 不标准,这个发音还是要靠英文发音,)

鄢齿17270294874问: here+they+are怎么读 -
灵武市平立回答: here they are [hɪə(r) ðeɪ ɑː(r)]它们在这儿; 他们在这里; 他们在这儿; [例句]I promised you five and here they are.我答应给你找五个,现在她们都这在.

鄢齿17270294874问: is it 与 it is 的连读!it is [it][iz],在连读中发什么音呢?here it is!这句应怎么读?怎么拼)?is it [iz][is],在连读中发什么音呢?what is it!这句应怎么读(怎... -
灵武市平立回答:[答案] is it读成/`i-zit/ it is读成/i-`tiz/ Here it is! 读成/hiə-ri-`tiz/ what is it! 读成/`wc-ti-zit/(无法注音,c要反过来)

鄢齿17270294874问: 英语连读there's -
灵武市平立回答: there's [ðɛəz; ðəz]

鄢齿17270294874问: there英语怎么读音 -
灵武市平立回答: there 读音:英 [ðeə(r)] 美 [ðer] adv.那里;在那里;在那一点上 pron.表示某物或某人的存在或某事的发生(常用作be, seem或appear的主语) int.(表示满足、烦恼)你瞧,好啦,得啦 例句: 1、There are roadworks between Camblesforth ...

鄢齿17270294874问: here怎么发音 -
灵武市平立回答: here 英文发音:[hɪə(r)] 中文释义: adv. (用于动词或介词之后)在这里,向这里;现在;在这一点上;给某人东西或指出某物时说 int. (用以引起注意)喂,嘿;主动提议时说 例句: I have a little book here by a lady called Mystic Meg. 我手...

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