
作者&投稿:程映 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

elp sb. to do 是帮助某人做某事 help sb. do 和上面一样的意思 can't help doing 是情不自禁地做某事 help to do 是帮忙做某事 请采纳 给好评哦 祝福你取得好成绩

mister意思是先生,单词例句详细介绍如下:1、Please, mister, can we have our ball back?求求你先生,能把球还给我们吗?That's right,mister,another child piped up.没错先生,另一个孩子突然说道。Look, Mister, we know our job, so don't try to tell us what to do.嘿先生,我们知...

Help yourself to the fish. 请吃鱼。Make yourself at home, and help yourself to anything you like. 请不要拘束,喜欢吃什么就吃什么。2. 表示客气答应请求,其意为“请自便”“请随意”。如:A:Do you think I could use your dictionary? 我可以用你的词典吗?B:Yes, help yourself. ...

首先,必须要标题(Heading)栏的“收件人(To)”框中输入收信人的E-mail 地址。“主题(Subject)”框的内容应简明地概括信的内容,短的可以是一个单词,如greetings;长的可以是一个名词性短语,也可以是完整句,但长度一般不超过35个字母。“主题”框的内容切忌含糊不清。像News about the meeting...

Van Der Graaf Generator - The Least We Can Do Is Wave to Each Other (1969) (1970 - 1979)1969年的10月10日,一张具有长篇作品、变拍演奏效果、使用Mellotron电子键盘和交响乐成分并且歌词含盖宇宙或哲学等含括大多数前摇元素的专集诞生了,这或许是历史上第一张真正意义上的前卫摇滚专集,那就是King Crimson...

Many students who need English Language Proficiency (ELP) choose to come to the International Foundations Program to satisfy this admission requirement. Gaining proficiency in the English language is often the first place a student needs to begin. The International Foundations Program assists both prosp...

No matter what happens, we are supposed to persist our dreams until the end of our life. In addition, we should be optimistic. Do not erase all the progress you have made due to one mistake. As the proverb put it, "Good beginning is half done." Please let us cherish the short ...

可以today is sunday they are at home now
ones.Ted h_elp___ his father and his father helps him.They help each other.Jim and Tim are good friends.One day they are having a picnic together.Tim is q_uite___ lazy.On the f_inal___evening of their holidays,Jim says to Tim,"heres's some money.G_o___ and get...

胥卖13791634107问: help有几种用法+help有几种用法 -
文安县丹平回答: help的用法: (1). vt. 帮助,通常用help sb. with sth.或help sb. (to) do sth.形式.如: Can I help? 要我帮忙吗? Can I help you? 我能为你效劳吗?(向顾客主动提供帮助时的用语,与上一句在语境、功能上不一样.) Would you like me to ...

胥卖13791634107问: help 后面加什么词? -
文安县丹平回答: 可以加不定式,包括省略to的不定式,也可以跟介词 do sth或者help to do sth.还可以help sb with sth.比如I am helping do housework.He often helps me with my English.

胥卖13791634107问: 用help to do housework写句子 -
文安县丹平回答: Kate often helps her mother to do housework. 凯特经常帮她妈妈做家务.

胥卖13791634107问: help with housework可以写成help to do housework吗 ? -
文安县丹平回答:[答案] 可以的 还可以写成:help do housework

胥卖13791634107问: help sb to do sth造句 -
文安县丹平回答: I help my mother to do housework.help的用法: 可以是help sb do sth 也可以是help sb to do sth.这里的to可以省略.希望我的答案对你有帮助

胥卖13791634107问: help后加do还是doing 还是to do -
文安县丹平回答:[答案] help sb do sth 有时,也会用help sb to do sth但绝对不能用dong sth

胥卖13791634107问: help的用法helptodo/do/doing有什么区别和联系,用法如何 -
文安县丹平回答: help to do sth=help do sth,都是“帮助做某事”的意思,二者可以互换. help doing 只能用于"can't help doing"这个短语,意思是“忍不住做某事”,“情不自禁做某事”.如: He often helps to do housework.=He often helps do housework.他经常帮助做家务.在help后面还可以接sb. He couldn't help laughing. 他忍不住笑了起来.

胥卖13791634107问: help的用法???? -
文安县丹平回答: Help 是中学英语中重要的动词,其热点句型如下: 1. help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事. Can you help me to learn English ? 你能帮助我学英语吗? I can't help you to lift this stone. 我不能帮你搬这块石头. 2. be of some/ no/ much help to sb. 对...

胥卖13791634107问: help的常用句型 -
文安县丹平回答: help的常用句型有: help sb to do sth 帮助某人做某事 help sb with sth 在某方面帮助某人 with the help of sb 在某人的帮助下 can't help doing sth 情不自禁做某事 help oneself (to) +名词 请随便吃…… 例句:你能帮助我学习英语吗? Could you help me to learn English? 我忍不住哭了. I couldn't help crying. 在她的帮助下,我找到了家. With her help, I found my home.

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