
作者&投稿:经征 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

D、The old man is 45 years old. ()2、A、How many is eight and eighteen? B、How many is eighty and eighteen? C、How many is eight and eighty? D、How many is eight and eight? ()3、A、What’s the time? It’s 8∶15. B、What’s the time? It’s 8∶50 C、What’s the tim...

D、The old man is 45 years old. ()2、A、How many is eight and eighteen? B、How many is eighty and eighteen? C、How many is eight and eighty? D、How many is eight and eight? ()3、A、What’s the time? It’s 8∶15. B、What’s the time? It’s 8∶50 C、What’s the tim...

C、How many is eight and eighty? D、How many is eight and eight? ()3、A、What’s the time? It’s 8∶15. B、What’s the time? It’s 8∶50 C、What’s the time? It’s 8∶55 D、What’s the time? It’s 8∶35 ()4、A、Our room number is 1117. B、Our room number is ...

柏温18782797569问: high 和height的区别 -
泗阳县胃痛回答:[答案] high形容词 高的 height 名词 高度

柏温18782797569问: high 与 height 的区别请说说这两个词的用法,最好详细点 详细的来又不要太复杂 谢谢了 -
泗阳县胃痛回答:[答案] height 是名词,一般表示“高度” high是形容词,一般表示“很高的”,修饰名词,或作表语

柏温18782797569问: height和high有何不同? -
泗阳县胃痛回答: 1. high是形容词,height是名词 2. high的意思是高的,height的意思是高 3. 用法不同,high跟在系动词后面如is high,或修饰名词如a high mountain一座高山; height 本身是名词可以当主语,或of height之类的用法. 4. 与之类似的单词还有很多,如 long,length; strong, strength,等等.

柏温18782797569问: high与height的区别 -
泗阳县胃痛回答: high 是adj. height是名词.但有时可互换,high= in height eg. The tower is 100 meters high. = The tower is 100 meters in height.

柏温18782797569问: high 和 height 究竟是什么区别呢 -
泗阳县胃痛回答: 嗯.我查了一下牛津,height的确多指measurement的那种高度.而本题 将height改为high/peak. 整句话的大意为他们把男女的婚龄降了下来,使出生率达到了20世纪的高峰. high可以用作名词,意为“高峰”,“高水准”,“最高纪录”.

柏温18782797569问: height和high有什么区别 -
泗阳县胃痛回答: height是名词 high是形容词 就这么简单

柏温18782797569问: height和high有何不同?
泗阳县胃痛回答: 1. height 1) 名词 n. 高;高度 being high; how far it is from the bottom of something to the top · His height helped him to see over their heads. 他个子高使他能越过他们的头观看. · What is the height of the mountain? 这山的高度是多少? · We...

柏温18782797569问: 区分height 和high和hight -
泗阳县胃痛回答:[答案] 在英语中,没有hight 这个词.只有height. Height 意思是 高度.例如:What is your height? (你的身高是多少.)他身高1.6m用英文来说是 He is 1.6m tall/high.(比较口语) 或 His height is 1.6m.(书面). 90metres' height. 90metres high. high 是形容词 ...

柏温18782797569问: High和height 的汉语意思 -
泗阳县胃痛回答: 第一个是形容词高,第二个是名词高度,

柏温18782797569问: high和height的区别,一般解释是:high形容词 height 名词,请问high作名词的时候怎么用?谢谢 -
泗阳县胃痛回答: n. 1. 高水平;高峰[C] The temperature reached a new high this summer. 今夏气温达到新的最高纪录. 2. 天空,天上[U] On high the great white clouds slid swiftly. 大片大片的白云在高空飘过. 3. 【俚】由麻醉品等引起的快感[C] Methadone does ...

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