
作者&投稿:凭终 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The boy is easygoing and generous. 将easygoing and generous划线...
the [Ti:, Ti; TE, T]art.那 THE =Technical Help to Exporters 出口商的技术协助[英]the [Ti:, Ti; TE, T]art.[定冠词][用于名词前, 表示不言而喻的人、物、头衔或独一无二的事物等]Peter the Great 彼得大帝 the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国 the sun 太阳 in the...

The Affliction of Howard Hughes: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (2005)刺杀尼克松 The Assassination of Richard Nixon (2004)飞行者\/神鬼玩家 The Aviator (2004)101 Biggest Celebrity Oops (2004)The 61st Annual Golden Globe Awards (2004)圣诞坏公公 Bad Santa (2003)'Catch Me If You Can': ...

Spring, 10 Haizi all Resurrection In the light of the scenery Laughed at this barbaric and sad Haizi You are so sleepy in the end is a long time for what?Spring, 10 Hai Zi Low Low to roar Around you and I dancing and singing Of your black hair pulling disorder, ride you...

the Bacchantes,were noted for their noiseand disorder.A most wild,noisy crow,they drank,danced andsang in a careless way.The women Bacchantes were infamous for their excessive immodesty and disgraceful excitement .9Greece Myth -Philomela King Pandion of Athens had two daughters...

if the period can let the child and his mother, to cultivate children good mood, Conversely, if a child is not love, long-term children will night terrors antifeeding, digestive system and function disorder, even causing slow growth. Somebody thinks, lack of love and grew up wit...

由第三段中的Eating foods rich infiber contributes to improved health and reduced risk of diseases可知,摄入足够的纤维对身体有益。6. A。细节理解题...由第三段中的Now he’s been suffering frompost-traumatic stress disorder可知,Dennis Swols患有创伤后应激障碍。2. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的His...

mess muss区别?怎么用啊?
ball.慌慌张张把球掉了 Slang To beat up; manhandle:【俚语】 狠揍;粗暴地对待:got messed up in a brawl.在吵闹中打斗起来 Middle English mes [course of a meal, food, group of people eating together]中古英语 mes [一道菜、食物,集体用膳的人员]from Old French 源自 古法语 ...

泰坦尼克号里的男主角jack叫什么?他还拍过哪些电影,稍微介绍下_百度知 ...
The Affliction of Howard Hughes: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder --- (2005)Earth to America --- (2005)11th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards --- (2005)Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope --- (2005)A Life Without Limits: The Making of 'The Aviator' --- (2005)第77届奥斯卡金像奖...

每天照镜子时都只关注自身的小小缺点,如果你也是如此,你不是一个人。对很多人而言,纠结于身体形象问题是一场持续的战斗。The anxiety over appearance and shape has pushed some people into physical and mental illness.According to Beat, the UK's leading eating disorder charity, the ...

Hannah Murray 汉娜·穆雷(Hannah Murray,1989年7月1日-),英国电视剧女演员。全名汉娜·穆雷 (Hannah Murray),出生英格兰布里斯托尔(Bristol)。她最为人们所知的角色,是在英国4频道剧集\/喜剧《皮囊》(Skins)中扮演凯茜(Cassie),一名患有饮食失调症(Eating disorder)和精神疾病,孤独,但温顺...

赧雅18694392570问: 热烈的讨论 用英语怎么表达??? -
营口市斯唯回答: Lively discussion

赧雅18694392570问: we had a discussion about TV shows 中为什么在discussio -
营口市斯唯回答: 因为discussion前面必须加连词,而这里说的是广义的一次讨论,所以不用the而是用a.

赧雅18694392570问: 液体加热装置英文缩写是什么 -
营口市斯唯回答: 液体加热装置.英语:Liquid heating equipments.一般包括:a heating mantle.a three-necked flask.a condenser.a thermometer.加热包, 三口烧瓶,冷凝管, 温度计.

赧雅18694392570问: 证书的英文名称 -
营口市斯唯回答: 工程建设推荐产品证书 Construction recommended product certification 第一届地面供暖委员会常务委员单位证书 The first session of the Standing Committee on the ground heating units certificate 中国塑协管道专委会会员单位证书 China ...

赧雅18694392570问: 暖通空调的英文是什么? -
营口市斯唯回答: 暖通空调的英文是 HVAC(Heating,Ventilating and Air Conditioning)

赧雅18694392570问: 非谓语动词练习和讲解 -
营口市斯唯回答: 2009年高考英语第二轮专题语法复习十二非谓语动词.(二)非谓语动词的句法功能: 句子成分(二)动名词: 动名词既具有动词的一些特征,又具有名词的句法功能. 共青团员,他经常帮助他人. ...

赧雅18694392570问: 为什么可加热冰淇淋的勺子要翻译成heated ice cream spoon? -
营口市斯唯回答: heated 修饰的是ice cream ,而不是spoon 按照楼主的想法,此句应表述为ice cream heating spoon

赧雅18694392570问: HVAC系统是什么? -
营口市斯唯回答: 空气调节系统. 空气调节系统,是包含温度、湿度、空气清净度以及空气循环的控制系统,被称为HVAC(英语:Heating,Ventilation,Air-conditioning and Cooling). 空调供应冷气、暖气或除湿的作用原理均类似,利用冷媒在压缩机的作用下,...

赧雅18694392570问: 求翻译,德国HTT energy GmbH的加热冷却装置The hka class has been developed by HTT for heating, cooling and deep - freezing in the temperature area of ... -
营口市斯唯回答:[答案] hka级已由HTT研发出来,具有加热、冷却和低温冷藏功能,温度区间是在-80到+400(摄氏)度.hka使用统一的加热介质,无腐蚀,无毒并且对食物安全,这是通过特殊的构建方法即:避免一次能源和消费者的接触来实现的.加热介质...

赧雅18694392570问: heating profile是什么意思 -
营口市斯唯回答: heating profile的中文翻译heating profile加热廓线;加热剖面双语例句1Clouds the difference of the heating vertical profile between cumulus precipitation and Stratus-cumulus mixing precipitation纯积云降水与积层混合云降水加热剖面的差异 ...

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