
作者&投稿:玉卿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Adrienne: Do you have any fast food that you like to eat just once in awhile, just as a special treat? 埃德里安娜:你偶尔会不会吃一次快餐,就像特别待遇一样? Mike: Um, yeah, sure! I mean I love chocolate, so you know, for sure. I've lived in Belgium for several months and I...

1.估计第一个句子有点小问题,题干应该为 When the reporter arrived at the scene of the accident,the victims(treat)___by paramedics.根据主句的主语the victims与谓语treat之间的关系,可以推知需用被动语态,然后根据事发时间“When the reporter arrived at the scene of the accident”有三种...

字面翻译:I might as well not eat this sweet.(sweet, dessert, treat等都有甜食的意思,任何即可)不过“not eat"这里较为生硬,可以用pass on, forgo 等词来代替:I might as well pass on this treat.I might as well forgo this treat....

trick or treat歌词
Trick or Treat的歌词大意是讲述一个万圣节的夜晚,孩子们穿着各种鬼怪服装,挨家挨户敲门索要糖果的故事。歌词中充满了欢乐、神秘和调皮的氛围。在歌曲的开头,孩子们唱道:“Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!”这是孩子们在敲门时常说的口号,意思是如果你不给我...

you treat me good 你对我好 treat 英 [tri:t] 美 [trit]n.招待;款待;乐事;乐趣 v.治疗;对待;处理;款待

一句超简单的英语 请帮忙翻译下
I would like to ask you to eat some candy.


In English, the dog喻义sometimes have obvious negative connotation, but unlike the Chinese so strongly, treat someone like a dog (abuse of a person), lives a dog's life (living a miserable life), dog eat dog (people eating people, callous competition).Of course, the Westerners...

...sb to sth .可是有人用invite me to eat dinner 请问加了EAT行吗...
当然在语法上面讲没有错误,但是这里加eat纯属画蛇添足 另外如果是请客的话用he treat me to dinner

trick or treat歌词
1. 在万圣节的夜晚,孩子们穿上各种鬼怪的服装,兴奋地挨家挨户敲门。2. 他们高喊着:“Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!”期待着每家都能给他们带来美味的糖果。3. 孩子们在黑暗中穿梭,唱着:“I'm a ghost, I'm a ghoul, I'll make you shake and ...

仇由璧17153136488问: 牛奶包装袋上的 UHT 是什么意思?
古丈县龙威回答: ultra heat treated”的英文缩写,意为超高温瞬时灭菌135~140℃,2~3秒,是鲜奶处理 的一种较为新的、较为先进的灭菌工艺,较好地保持了产品风味和营养,可无需在10℃ 以下冷藏保存,保质期可达半年甚至~1年以上 目前市场上的液体牛奶利乐包装制品几乎均采用UHT,厂家会在包装上标明

仇由璧17153136488问: 美标合金结构钢后面的ht是什么意思 -
古丈县龙威回答: 材料的交货状态,HT就是Heat Treated热处理的意思.上海艾荔艾金属材料,竭诚为您服务.

仇由璧17153136488问: heat - treated - pallets是什么意思 -
古丈县龙威回答: heat treated pallets 热处理托盘 pallet 英[ˈpælət] 美[ˈpælɪt] n. 托盘; 平台; 运货板; 草垫子; [例句]He wanted me to load this pallet?我要我装载这些货包?

仇由璧17153136488问: heat treated aluminium 什么意思 -
古丈县龙威回答: heat treated aluminium 热处理铝 aluminium 英[ˌæljəˈmɪniəm] 美[ˌæljəˈmɪniəm] n. 铝; adj. 铝的; [例句]Aluminium is rapidly oxidized in air 铝会在空气中迅速氧化.[其他] 复数:aluminia

仇由璧17153136488问: packing list 中的 ht 什么意思? 具体是 2 BOXES ON A "HT" PALLET 请高水帮忙!谢谢! -
古丈县龙威回答: heat treated (HT) pallets.你的托盘应该是木质的.经过[热处理](HT),也就是接受过把木头上寄生细菌杀死的,一种蒸熏处理过的拖盘.

仇由璧17153136488问: 4140 pre - heat treated是什么意思 -
古丈县龙威回答: 预热处理的..

仇由璧17153136488问: 对 进行热处理英文怎么写 -
古丈县龙威回答: 进行热处理 Heat treatment treatment的意思、解释 复数形式:treatments; n.1. 处理; 对待, 待遇2. 治疗; 疗法;诊治3. 处理,讨论,论述4. (净化或防治)处理,加工5. (电影)剧本大纲 treatment的用法例句1. Of course students will writhe under such unjust treatment.当然学生会对这样不公正的对待感到不快.

仇由璧17153136488问: 英语翻译as heat treated,such as fast cooling 模具图纸上的标示,具体怎么翻译阿? -
古丈县龙威回答:[答案] as heat treated,such as fast cooling 经热处理后,快速冷却. 金属热处理工艺 金属工件放在一定的介质中加热到适宜的温度,并在此温度中保持一定时间后,又以不同速度冷却的一种工艺.

仇由璧17153136488问: heat的用法 -
古丈县龙威回答: 名词 n. 1.高温, 炎热 The heat from the fire will soon dry your coat. 炉火的高温很快就会烘干你的上衣. 2.激动, 热烈, 激烈; 强烈感情,(尤指)愤怒, 激动 They argued with great heat. 他们非常激烈地争论. 3.预赛 He won the first heat, but ...

古丈县龙威回答: 云杉spruce,松木pine,冷杉fir(简称SPF),混合等级,热处理,最后一个不是很清楚

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