
作者&投稿:仲长莎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

heartfelt没有副词形式,它的中文翻译是衷心的 词语分析:音标:英[ˈhɑːtfelt]美[ˈhɑːrtfelt]adj.衷心的;真诚的;短语搭配:1、heartfelt thanks 由衷地感谢 2、heartfelt desire 由衷的心愿 3、heartfelt apology 发自内心的道歉 例句:1、My heartfelt sympathy goes o...

"衷心" 英文翻译 : heartfelt; wholehearted; cordial; sincere; from the bottom of one's heart 衷心欢迎 give a cordial welcome; 表示衷心的感激 express one's heartfelt gratitude

真心的英文:wholehearted;heartfelt;sincere;true intention。[例句]群众真心拥护这项政策。The masses give wholehearted support to this policy.说真心话,无论如何我是真的不想去。To be perfectly honest, I didn't want to go anyway.他们是真心相爱。It was true love between them.他大表...

heartfelt thanks 由衷的谢意 1. She gave him her heartfelt thanks.她向他表示衷心的感谢.来自辞典例句 2. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of them.我希望藉今天的开幕典礼,向他们衷心致谢.

bona fide 是什么意思
bona fide的意思是真诚的,真实的,合法的。一、读音 英 [ˌbəʊnə ˈfaɪdi],美 [ˌboʊnə ˈfaɪdi]。二、词性 形容词。三、fide释义 忠实,信用。四、示例 We are happy to donate to bona fide charitable causes.我们很...

真心的英文翻译 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 1. wholehearted; heartfelt; sincere2. genuineness真诚:1. sincere; honest; frank; genuine真爱:习惯上是 pure love 你用 true love也可以。

Fourplay的《Heartfelt》 歌词
歌曲名:Heartfelt 歌手:Fourplay 专辑:Heartfelt Git Fresh - Heart Felt If you’re lookin’ for me right now Don’t call my phone I’m up in the studio I’m up in the studio And if you’re lookin’ for me right now I’ll be somewhere writin’ this song up in the ...

heartfelt : 真心真意 点击听读音: http:\/\/www.howjsay.com\/index.php?word=heartfelt&submit=Submit 满意我的答案的话,请考虑给个“最佳答案”吧。。。因为在进行任务。。。谢谢。。

在英语中,“heart”还经常用于形容情感和人际关系。比如,我们说某人“heartless”,就是指这个人没有同情心,缺乏同情和爱心。另一方面,“heartfelt”一词代表着由真心发出,充满情感的话语或行动。同时,“break someone's heart”形容让某人感到极度伤心和失望的事情。这些词汇都表达了“heart”在情感...

heart:心脏、心(情):例句:He has a big heart and is always willing to help others。组词: heartbeat(心跳)、heartfelt(衷心的)。shape:形状、外形、状态:例何:This dress is designed to flatter your shape。组词: shapeless无定型的、reshape(重新塑造)。heart-shaped:心形的:例句:She made...

尔钢15772013191问: 衷字可以组成什么词语 -
新和县中诺回答: 衷肠 zhōngcháng [words right from one's heart] 心里的话;衷情 倾吐衷肠2. 衷情 zhōngqíng [heartfelt emotion;inner feelings] 内心的感情 抒发衷情3. 衷曲 zhōngqǔ [inner feelings] 衷肠;心事 诉说衷曲4.

尔钢15772013191问: 衷可以组什么词 -
新和县中诺回答: 常用词组1. 衷肠 zhōngcháng [words right from one's heart] 心里的话;衷情 倾吐衷肠2. 衷情 zhōngqíng [heartfelt emotion;inner feelings] 内心的感情 抒发衷情3. 衷曲 zhōngqǔ [inner feelings] 衷肠;心事 诉说衷曲4. 衷心 zhōngxīn(1) [wholehearted]∶无保留地,忠实的、热情(2) [heartfelt]∶发自内心的;真心 衷心赞美1. 内心:由~.苦~.无动于~.~肠.2. 福,善:“降~于下民”.3. 正中不偏:折~.

尔钢15772013191问: emotion与feeling的用法解析 -
新和县中诺回答: (一):两者都有“感情,情感”之意,但feeling是常见词,指一般的情绪,而emotion的语气要强烈得多.(二):emotion可指与理智或判断相对的“感情”,而feeling不能.如:reason and emotiom(理智与感情).feeling可指对冷、热、疼等的感觉,而emotion不能.

尔钢15772013191问: emotion 和feeling的有什么区别 -
新和县中诺回答: emotion n.情感,感情,指喜怒哀乐等较激动的情绪,表示某物引起的激动. He felt mixed emotions when he thought of her.当他想起她时便产生一种复杂的感情. feeling n.指一般的情绪、感觉,它一般不反映感情的本质和强度.

尔钢15772013191问: feelings和emotion的区别? -
新和县中诺回答: feelings是感觉,emotion是情绪feeling是富于感情的,emotional是易动情的,感情脆弱的privation可用作困苦,丧失,poverty是更广义上上我们所说的贫穷

尔钢15772013191问: heartful和heartfelt的区别 -
新和县中诺回答: heartful和heartfelt的区别 heartful 英['hɑ:tfʊl] 美['hɑ:tfʊl] adj. 热诚的,真诚的; [例句]A heartful apology will make you warmer to me and driveheartfelt 英[ˈhɑ:tfelt] 美[ˈhɑ:rtfelt] adj. 衷心的; 诚挚的; 真诚的; 深切; [例句]My heartfelt sympathy goes out to all the relatives. 我对所有的亲人表示由衷的慰问.

尔钢15772013191问: 求you don't know的中文歌词和相关介绍 westlife的 -
新和县中诺回答: 英文:Oh yeah yeahYeah yeah yeahNobody knows meYet everyone knows my nameSome people judge meNot knowing that I'm the sameThanks for the offerBut I keep my old friends alwaysBut then I get lonelyCounting the endless days ...

尔钢15772013191问: “由衷的,衷心的”的英语是heartfelt,还是heart - felt? -
新和县中诺回答: heart-felt

尔钢15772013191问: 一只狗狗的临终告白 读后感 汉译英.
新和县中诺回答: In the article the dog dog is a love, love and master all master relevant human. In his love, very sincerely. For the master's gradually left out in the cold and no revenge, but brave with our love to master and family and still get along very well. Master for ...

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