
作者&投稿:淡翁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

You can do with your girlfriend. You can do without your girlfriend 47. dog tired 特别累,同义:run down; worn out; out of steam I’m dog tired these days. I’m working on seven articles. 48. down jacket 羽绒服 49,drive somebody up the wall 让某人发疯;同义:drive somebody out of ...

write sb a prescription 给某人开药方 句子Sentence Structures What's troubling you? 你哪里不舒服? Now my nose is stuffed up.现在有点鼻塞。 By the way, do you have a history of tuberculosis? 顺便问一下,你曾经患过肺结核吗? 相关单词 Related words cold 感冒 sunstroke 中风 flu 流行性感冒 feve...

169. on credit赊购; with credit以优异成绩; to one’s credit使某人感到光荣; do sb. credit 使…感到光荣 170.be critical of 爱挑毛病的,批评的 171. cure sb. of+某种疾病 治好某人的疾病 172.a danger to对…的危险; be in danger(of)处于…危险中; be out of danger脱离危险 173. to date...

求 动词+sb.+(to)do+sth.的所有句型。
动词+sb.+(to)do+sth.的所有句型。希望有英语高手给总结下。有一种加todo的,如asksbtodosth还有makesbdosth这两类。其实就是求主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补足语这类句型中,... 动词+sb.+(to)do+sth.的所有句型。希望有英语高手给总结下。有一种加to do的,如ask sb to do sth还有make sb do ...

初中牛津英语8b unit5单词表 快快快快!!!
3. hear \/ see \/ watch sb.+ do \/ doing ___ When I passed by her window, I heard her ___ (sing). I ofen see her ___ (play) the piano. 4. run outside\/ out ___. Run out of …___, run into…___5. go in\/ get in___ go into…___6. 一个80岁的男人___. 一篇4...

1. 以break为中心的词组break away from 脱离,逃离break down 破坏,粉碎;瓦解;出故障,抛锚break in 闯进,打断;使顺服break into 闯入;强行进入;突然开始break out 爆发,发生;准备使用;起锚break the law 违反法律break the record 破记录break one’s promise 失言break up ...

◎ 咬菜根 yǎo càigēn[bite shoot;describe a very hard life] 比喻过贫穷艰苦的生活◎ 咬定 yǎodìng⑴ [assert emphatically;insist]∶说定;一口认定⑵ [grip;take firm hold of]∶咬住◎ 咬耳朵 yǎo ěrduo[whisper in sb.'s ear] 指耳语◎ 咬合 yǎohé[grip] 指表面凸凹不平的物件,...

Sometimes he can make the stick so small that he can keep it in his ear.有时候,他能够让他的金箍棒变得很小,以至于可以放在耳朵里。 5. It take sb. some time to do sth .. Because they were so big that it took a long time to walk to the other side.这些(山)太高了,他们要花好长时...

保护海豚的英语读后感 100字
tactile decline, Taiji area due to long-term consumption of dolphin meat, a lot of baby hands and feet are unable to move, but see or hear, food can not eat. But the local government for the economic interest to turn a deaf ear to, will also be forced to join the dolphi...

beat sb to the draw 抢先某人行动 例句: Mary wanted to buy that painting by Picasso, but another millionaire beat her to the draw.玛丽想买毕加索的那幅画,不过另一个百万富翁捷足先登了。beat someone by miles 远强于某人 例句:When it comes to fishing, I beat him by miles....

塞昌18762392958问: hear sb doing 的被动语态
阳原县永颖回答: sb be heard doing hear sb do sb be heard to do 明白了吗 欢迎再问哟

塞昌18762392958问: hear of、hear from、hear的区别和用法是什么?举例 -
阳原县永颖回答: hear of、hear from、hear的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,用法如下: 一、意思不同 1、hear of:听说,获悉,收到…的消息,知道. 2、hear from:得到…的消息.zhidao 3、hear:听见,听到,听,注意听. 二、用法不同 1、...

塞昌18762392958问: hear sb do sth对吧?为什么它的被动语态是sb be heard to do sth (第一,为什么宾语提前了?第二,为什么加了to) -
阳原县永颖回答: 你好, 主动语态变被动语态时,往往把原来的宾语变为被动语态的主语,原来的宾语补足语就成了主语补足语,而在主动语态中,因为hear是感官动词,所以后面的do sth省略了to,作句子的宾语补语,但是在被动语态中,do sth成了主语补足语,因此to就不能省略,所以句子就变成了:sb be heard to do sth.

塞昌18762392958问: hear sb do sth和doing sth有什么区别有to do sth吗 -
阳原县永颖回答: (1)hear sb. doing sth. 结构中为-ing作宾语补足语,指动作在进行当中.如:I hear him talking next door.我听到他正在隔壁房间讲话. (2) hear sb. do sth.这里do sth.为宾语补足语,指动作已发生,完成了,意思是“听到某人做了某事”,动作不...

塞昌18762392958问: hear sb doing sth 与hear sb to do sth有什么区别 -
阳原县永颖回答: 没有hear sb to do sth;前面的to必须省略才正确;被动语态是:be heard to do sth才正确;hear sb doing sth:听见某人正在做某事;爸爸忽然听见有人喊求救;

塞昌18762392958问: 求高手帮忙区别: hear sb. do sth. 和hear sb.doing sth. 还有就 -
阳原县永颖回答: hear sb do sth 是省略了to的动词不定式,意思是:听见某人做某事,强调过程,或者经常性 被动时还原to,即:sb is heard to do sth hear sb doing sth 意思是:听见某人正在做某事 如果对你有帮助,请及时采纳,谢谢!不懂追问\(^o^)/~

塞昌18762392958问: hear sb. doing和hear sb. to do是什么意思?and和or有什么区别? -
阳原县永颖回答: doing是听见某人正在做...to do是听过某人做过...and用于是并列..和... (疑问句中and要换成or,意思不变)or是选择...或...

塞昌18762392958问: 有没有be heard doing的说法 -
阳原县永颖回答: 有be heard doing 的用法.请看例句: 1. I often hear him sing in the morning. (改为被动语态)(我经常听到他早晨唱歌,hear sb. do sth. )He is ofen heard to sing in the morning. 2. I heard him singing just now. (改为被动语态)("刚才我听到他正在唱歌”hear sb. doing sth.)He was heard singing just now.

塞昌18762392958问: hear sb.doing;hear sb do的意义和用法 -
阳原县永颖回答: hear sb.doing,表示听到那件事正在进行,比如hear sb singsing 表示听到某人正在唱歌,表示正在进行 hear sb do,表示听到的是那件事的整个过程,比如hear sb sing 表示听某人唱完整首歌

塞昌18762392958问: heard +doing和do的区别使用 -
阳原县永颖回答: 前者是听到某人当时正在做某事,后者是听到某人经常做某事.

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