
作者&投稿:仝劳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

高分求把以下内容 翻译成 英文
In the film, we have mixed feelings is that when Hector by Achilles in the siege of the temple, Achilles should Qinzei escapement Wang, rather than release him, but heroes Will not care about that sentence-win! When Achilles in the city shouting Hector played when the wall ...

...hardly hearout of one ear and was not about to show something el...

about 英语
头:head 胸腔:thoracic cavity 眼:eye 胳膊:arm 鼻子:nose 乳腺:breast 嘴巴:Mouth 肚子:stomach 眉毛:eyebrow 肚脐:the navel 牙齿:teeth 手:hand 耳朵:ear 指甲:toenail 头发;hair 拇指:thumb 脖子:neck 食指:the first finger 嘴唇:lip 中指:medius 臀部:hip 大腿:thigh 膝盖:nee 小...

sore ear 和earache区别
sore ear指耳朵外部疼痛,earache指耳朵里面疼痛。

...patch that you wear behind your ear for about a week.

1,是雪莱诗歌里的句子了:)~~An old, mad, blind, despised, and dying king——一连五个形容词,直译过来,就成了:一位衰老的、疯狂的、瞎眼的、被人蔑视的、垂死的君王!!(或者一个失去了理智、眼睛又瞎了、又不被尊重、命不久已的老国王)2,齐宣王让人吹竽,一定要三百人一起吹。南郭...

here的同音词是:hear here读音音标:英 [hɪə(r)]  美 [hɪr]hear读音音标:英 [hɪə(r)]  美 [hɪr]hear 英 [hɪə] 美 [hɪr]vt. 听到,听;听说;审理 vi. 听;听见 短语 hear back 收到回复 ; 收到回信 Hear do ...

The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not . (George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist )痛苦的秘密在于有闲功夫担心自己是否幸福。 (英国剧作家 肖伯纳 . G .)The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved .(Victor Hugo ,...

highway dont care英文歌词
Yeah, I bet you’re bending God’s ear talking about me.You’re trying not to let the first tear fall out Trying not to think about turning around Trying not to be lost in sound but that song is always on So you sing along I can’t live without you, I can’t live ...

125.I'll have to see about that. 这事儿我得想一想再定。 126.I'll keep my eyes open. 我会留意的。 127.I'll keep that in mind. 我会记住的。 128.I'll pick up the tab. 我来付帐。 129.I'll play it by ear. 我将随兴而定。 130.I'll see what I can do. 我看一看能怎么...

丘英17620976919问: hear的用法 以及hear of 和hear about的区别 -
仓山区复方回答: 1.hear的意思是“听见 ;听说,得知”,后面能接名词、代词或宾语从句.2.hear of的意思是“听说”,一般指非直接的听见,而是听别人说的.后不能接宾语从句.3.hear from的意思是“收到来信”,与“听”无关.

丘英17620976919问: hear of和hear about的区别???可以讲清楚一点吗? -
仓山区复方回答: hear of与hear about的意义相近,这两个词组在英语中有时可以通用.它们含有“听人说起”,“从书报上看到关于”等意义.例如:I've never heard of him. 我从来没有听说过他.Have you heard about him from anywhere?你从什么地方听到...

丘英17620976919问: hear out与hear of区别 -
仓山区复方回答: 对于hear about 和hear of,两者都表示听说,前者表示只是听说知道而已,而后者表示听说,而且是非常了解.hear就是最普通的听说,听到,及物动词

丘英17620976919问: hear of 和 hear about 用法上有什么区别
仓山区复方回答: 两者均可表示“听说”,但 about 含有关于的意思,便侧重其内容的了解,而hear of可能只是间接的听说;另外,hear of 还可以表示“允许”“考虑”等,此时不能用 hear about. hear about 听说,得知.如: I've never heard about him (this)....

丘英17620976919问: sound,listen,hear,hear of的区别,快啊! -
仓山区复方回答: 1. 区别sound,listen,hear这三个词语只要记住他们的固定搭配: listen to+名词 听(强调听的过程)例如listen to the radio听广播 Hear+名词 听到(强调听到)例如:Hear your voice听到你的声音 Sound+形容词 听起来(强调听的效果) 例如:...

丘英17620976919问: hear of ,hear from ,hear about区别 -
仓山区复方回答: 一、用法不同hear of + sb/sth 听到或知道某人[某事物]的情况例句:I have never heard of him since he left. 自从他离开后,我再没听到过他的消息.I have heard of the song. 我曾听说过这首歌.(注意:这里提及的不是听到这首歌,而是听说过这...

丘英17620976919问: hear about和hear的区别 后面是跟词组,句子?作为听说讲意思的区别,如何区分? -
仓山区复方回答: 先说一下hear about这个词组: 其实作为听说,得知讲的话,一般的形式为: hear that.... 例句:I heard that he was ill.是由that引导的宾语从句 hear about/of:hear about后常接事件之类的名词,而hear of后则常接人或事物.hear of和hear about都...

丘英17620976919问: Hear of和hear about有什么区别 -
仓山区复方回答: hear of 是指听说过某人或某物的「存在」,而 hear about 则是指听说过 「关於」 某人或某物的事同一句句子分别用of和about,意思会有所不同,比如: Have you heard of NIKE ? 是指你听说过NIKE这个品牌(的存在)吗?但 Have you heard about NIKE? 就是指你有听说关於NIKE(所发生)的事吗?

丘英17620976919问: hear of 与hear about的区别 -
仓山区复方回答: hear of + sb./sth: 听到或知道某人[某事物]的情况 I have never heard of him since he left. 自从他离开后,我再没听到过他的消息.I have heard of the song. 我曾听说过这首歌.(注意:这里提及的不是听到这首歌,而是听说过这首歌) hear about + sth. : 听到关於某事物的消息 I've just heard about his promotion. 我刚刚听到了他被提升的事.

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