
作者&投稿:拔子 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

七年级上册英语单词Words and expressions Module 1*meet [mi:t]v.认识,遇见*first [fə:st] adj. 第一*English [’iŋgliʃ] n.英语,英文lesson [’lesən] n.(一节)课class [klɑ:s] n.班级*student [’stju:dənt] n.学生Miss [mis] n.女士;小姐(对未婚女性的称呼)twelve [twelv]...

meat [miːt]dean [diːn]healthy ['helθɪ]mean [miːn]

healthy \/ 5helWI \/ adj. 健康的;强健的 hello \/ hE5lEJ \/ int. (表示问候)喂 help \/ help \/ v.&n. 帮助;援助 her \/ h\\:(r) \/ pron. 她的 here \/ hIr \/, \/ hIE \/ adv. 这里;在这里 Here you are. 给你。 he's (=he is) hi \/ haI \/ int. (表示问候或打招呼)嗨 his \/ hIz ...

英语作文:mi mather
你确定是mi 不是my?? mi mother什么意思?给你纠正一下顺带一篇my mother 文章 给你一张:my mother is a kind woman , she is very loves me ! and she likes sports! so on the weekends we're aloways play tennis together,and my mom is take care of my healthy so i have a...

单词(词组) 音标 词性 中文 a \/ E, eI \/ art. 一个(只,把,台……)a little 少量;少许 a set of \/ E set Ev \/ 一套;一副 about \/ E5baJt \/ prep. 关于;在……方面 action movie \/ 5AkFEn 5mu:vI \/ 动作片 actor \/ 5AktE...

providing the family with healthy meals…
你好!providing the family with healthy meals…为家庭提供健康的食物…

在chemist warehouse药房买过Healthy Care 藤黄果+椰子瘦身水...

me \/ mi: \/ pron. 我(宾格) meet \/ mi:t \/ v. 遇见;相逢 Miss \/ mIs \/ 小姐(冠于未婚妇女之姓或姓名之前的称呼) mom \/ mB:m \/, \/ mCm \/ n. (非正式用语)妈妈 Monday \/ 5mQndI \/ n. 星期一 month \/ mQnW \/ n. 月;月份 more \/ mC:(r) \/ pron. 更多的;更大的 morning \/ 5mC...

Write an essay on "Healthy Diet"不少于80的作文 重赏50!急急急...
的我有一个很好的朋友。她的名字是吴Mi.She是十三岁,但她是short.She大眼睛,小嘴巴,小鼻子,圆face.It很cute.She喜欢看书和做manually.Her灵巧的双手,可以使一个愉快的惊奇地非常喜欢她,因为我们是好朋友。(4)对 新的一年,新的开始,当我站在新的一年的边缘新年的决议,我不禁在想我的...

healthy 健康的really 真正地question 问题want 需要;想要be 变成fat 肥的;肥胖的Unit7 How much are these socks?much 许多;大量;多少How much...?(购物时)……多少钱?sock 短袜T-shirt T恤衫shorts (pl.) 短裤sweater 毛衣trousers (pl.) 裤子shoe 鞋skirt 裙子dollar 元(美国、加拿大等国的货币单位,符号...

詹炭19676499444问: 求一篇英语作文 对钱的不同看法四级水平 -
阿合奇县再晟回答:[答案] Something Better Than Money It is physically impossible for a well-educated intellectual,or brave man to make money the ... but their dinner is not the main object of their lives.So all healthy-minded people like making money---ought to like it and to enjoy ...

詹炭19676499444问: 求一篇英语作文 对钱的不同看法 -
阿合奇县再晟回答: Something Better Than Money It is physically impossible for a well-educated intellectual,or brave man to make money the chief object of his thoughts;as physically impossible as it is for him to make his dinner the principal object of them.All healthy ...

詹炭19676499444问: be h - -- - with,除了happy还能填什么?反正是积极向上的词.... -
阿合奇县再晟回答: 这个空可以填很多 h 开头有积极含义的单词,包括:Happy 高兴 Healthy 健康 Helpful 乐于助人 Heroic 英勇 High-minded 高尚 Honest 诚实 Honourable 高尚,正直 Hopeful 积极乐观 Humane 人道 Humble 谦卑

詹炭19676499444问: “我身体健康思想开明,乐于助人,与同学友好相处”英语怎么写
阿合奇县再晟回答: 我身体健康思想开明,乐于助人,与同学友好相处 I am healthy,open-minded,happy to help others and get along with classmates very well.

詹炭19676499444问: 评价旅游的英语作文 -
阿合奇县再晟回答:[答案] First,by traveling we can enjoy the beautiful scenery in different places.We will see with our own eyes many places read of in ... for our m0therland,but also will help us keep healthy and make us less narrow-minded.Travel does benefit us both mentally and...

詹炭19676499444问: “和同学友好相处”翻译成英文 -
阿合奇县再晟回答: get along well with my classmatesget along with 表示与……相处 加上副词well表示友好相处的意思

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