
作者&投稿:段师 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2 水果 比如橘子苹果和瓜类。蔬菜 比如胡萝卜,洋葱西红柿和土豆 3 肉类 比如猪肉 牛肉 鸡肉 牛肉羊肉 医生说人们不应该吃不健康的食物像汉堡 糖果和冰激淋,或者喝一些饮料比如可乐。他们可以喝牛奶 果汁 水代替那些不健康的饮料 所以 想要保持健康 远离医院,应该只吃健康的食品 好容易一翻译完啦 真辛...

首先说甲骨文,只要你在百度打上 “甲骨文翻译”, 就可以看到你要的网站 汉文其他字体 如同上法 幸福,快乐,平安,健康 1. 阿尔巴尼亚语 Gëzuar, gëzuar, të sigurt, të shëndetshme 2. 阿拉伯语 سعيدة ، &#...

He eats( )healthy food. A.lot of B.a lo
选B,a lot of +名词 (固定词组)

locate、situate、lie、stand、 be situated这些动词均含“位于”之意。1、locate强调找出某物的来源或处所,其侧重点在确定事物的空间位置。locate英 [lə(ʊ)'keɪt]美 [ˈloˌket; loˈket]n. 地方化,局限,定位;定域;局部化 例句:The general tried to loca...

1. 花椰菜 Cauliflower contains sulforaphane, a compound that has been shown to have anti-cancer effects. Sulforaphane are released when cauliflower is broken down, so focus on chewing it before swallowing. This compound seeks and destroys certain cancer cells without harming your healthy ...

西红柿炒蛋步骤 英文
什么是faw 和littlo啊 又不是英文又不是中文 我给你找的 Tomato Omelette Recipe By Dr. Ben Kim on February 22, 2005 Healthy Meals Ingredients:2 organic eggs 1 fresh field tomato, chopped 1\/2 avocado, sliced Few leaves of fresh basil, torn into pieces 2 tablespoons of extra ...

which of the following is not true的翻译是:什么意思?
1、Which of the following is not true的意思是:下列哪项是不正确的;[例句]Which of the following is NOT true?下列的哪一个是不正确的。2、following 英[ˈfɒləʊɪŋ] 美[ˈfɑ:loʊɪŋ]adj. 后面的,其次的; 下列...

Today the opposite is true. We have shifted lo thinness as our new mark of virtue. The result is that being fat-or even only somewhat overweight-is bad because it implies a lack of moral strength.Our obsession (迷恋) with thinness is also fueled by health concerns. It is ...

That person lools so weak.He must be ___ bad health
依次选:C D 分析:第一题in bad\/good health是固定结构,意思是:身体坏\/好;第二题be动词后接形容词,所以选D 满意望采纳谢谢

which of the following is not true的同义句是什么?
1、Which of the following is not true的意思是:下列哪项是不正确的;[例句]Which of the following is NOT true?下列的哪一个是不正确的。2、following 英[ˈfɒləʊɪŋ] 美[ˈfɑ:loʊɪŋ]adj. 后面的,其次的; 下列...

明容18656122737问: 形容一个人的形象很健康英语该怎么说 -
新源县柏子回答: 一个人的形象很健康 Healthy looking 一个人的皮肤很健康 Healthy skin (这种说法我在广告中听过)

明容18656122737问: 活蹦乱跳是什么意思
新源县柏子回答:【解释】:欢蹦乱跳,活泼、欢乐,生气勃勃的样子. 【出自】:曹禺《日出》第四幕:“我一定可以把小东西还是活蹦乱跳地找回来.” 【示例】:大水看到~的艾和尚一眨眼的工夫,就死在敌人枪弹之下,心里一阵疼. ◎孔厥、袁静《新儿女英雄传》第九回 【近义词】:欢蹦乱跳、活蹦活跳 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;指欢蹦乱跳 活蹦乱跳的英文翻译healthy-looking and vivacious

明容18656122737问: 形容人胖能用FAT吗?最好专业些 -
新源县柏子回答: Fat 肥胖 is the most common and direct word, but it is not polite to say someone that they are fat: Does this dress make me look fat ? 以”fat” 来形容肥胖的人不是很有礼貌.Overweight 超重 is a more neutral word. I'm a bit overweight. It can ...

明容18656122737问: ...请从下列描述朋友的词语中选出你认为最重要的三个品质,并简要解释你认为它good - looking,humorous,honest,friendly,healthy,helpful,rich,well - educated,... -
新源县柏子回答:[答案] honest:An honest man's word is as good as his bond helpful;He ,must be a kind and warm-hearted man friendly;He can make you relaxed

明容18656122737问: 英语比较级分类 -
新源县柏子回答: 1.tall short long near small few late hard cheap high smart 2.wide cute white 3.fat hot thin big red 4.heavy busy lazy healthy early hungry angry 5.good-looking beautiful unfriendly careful dangerous expensive difficult black 6.far(farther farthest/futher ...

明容18656122737问: 英语作文60字,不用太难
新源县柏子回答: be proud of myself There is only one me in this world,there is the first reason I should be proud of myself,I am a strong and confident man,this the second reason I should be proud of myself.I am healthy and good-looking,these are both precious,you ...

明容18656122737问: The children are very healthy和 she is looking for after them 并为宾语从句 -
新源县柏子回答: 应该是合成定语从句.The children (who/whom) she is looking for are very heaithy.(she is looking for after them 中的after是多余的)

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