
作者&投稿:里龙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

healthy, healthy的区别
3、healthily:healthily的意思是健康地。示例:We should eat the food healthily.译文:我们应该健康地吃食物。二、用法不同 1、health:health表示状态。2、healthy:healthy修饰名词作定语,也做表语。3、healthily:healthily修饰动词作状语。三、词性不同 1、health:health作为名词。2、healthy:healthy...

英语单词“health”与“healthy”的区别 区别与用法,还有例句
healthy和health的区别在于这两个单词的词性不同 1、healthy是个形容词,其含义为“健康的;健壮的;有益于健康的;反映健康的”,其比较级是healthier,最高级是healthiest。2、health是个名词,其含义为“健康;人的身体(或精神)状况;医疗;保健;卫生”。当你想用英语表示健康,就可以用这个单词来...

we are health还是healthy

一、词性读音不同 1、health的英式读法是[helθ];美式读法是[helθ]。作名词意思是健康;医疗保健。2、healthy的英式读法是['helθi];美式读法是['helθi]。作形容词意思是健康的。二、用法不同 1、health n.(名词)1)health的基本意思既可指人身体的“健康(可好可坏)”,也可指人精神上的...

- We need to address the health issues facing our aging population.我们需要应对老年人口面临的健康问题。- It's important to maintain a healthy diet and get regular exercise.保持健康的饮食和定期锻炼很重要。4. 用法不同:health可以作为主语、宾语和修饰词;healthy则通常作为修饰词和状语。例...

3、我现在在英国读书,有这样翻译健康的1 Healthy We are healthy 2 fit We eat fruits to be fit 3 good health he is in a good health 4 well he is well 还有,exuberant 不是健康, 这个意思;健康的读音jiàn kāng 健康是一种动态平衡这是一种平衡的状态均衡地输入和输出能量和物质甚至...



health和 healthy


廉温17065678138问: 英文作文 健康食物 健康饮食 -
美兰区健脾回答:[答案] Why should I try to have a healthy diet? Having a healthy diet is one of the most important things you can do to help your overall health.Along with physical activity,your diet is the key factor that affects your weight.Having a healthy weight for your height is ...

廉温17065678138问: 求一篇关于肥胖的英语作文,内容包括原因,危害,解决肥胖的建议,尽量多一点,单词可以简单点, -
美兰区健脾回答:[答案] Obesity is a subject of concern that is getting as big as peoples waste-lines. It affects many people on a daily basis, and also ... it promotes good eating and physical activity. People's behavior also affects obesity. Be positive and practice weight control, ...

廉温17065678138问: 运动与健康英文作文寻一篇不少于100字的关于《运动与健康》的英语短文,记住主题一定是运动与健康 -
美兰区健脾回答:[答案] 主题 运动有助与身体健康 3运动使人的大脑得到适当的休息 2能使人减肥,改善血液循环 1.适当的体育锻炼能使人精力充沛 ... In fact, exercise is one of the most important parts of keeping your body at a healthy weight. When you exercise, you burn food...

廉温17065678138问: 关于运动有助于我们的身体健康的英语作文!!!带翻译!!急!速度 -
美兰区健脾回答: sports and health1. 要有健全的头脑,2. 就应有健全的身体.3. 要想身体好,4. 体育锻炼是最好的方法.5. 我要积极参加体育锻炼,6. 有个好体魄.a healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind. as is known, to have a sound mind, we must first ...

廉温17065678138问: 八年级上册仁爱英语关于健康的例文 -
美兰区健脾回答:[答案] For thousands of years,physical activity has been associated with health.Today,science has confirmed the link,with ... exercise is one of the most important parts of keeping your body at a healthy weight.When you exercise,you burn food calories as fuel.If a...

廉温17065678138问: 英语作文how to keep healthy带翻译 -
美兰区健脾回答: How to keep healthyWhat is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health. You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken away, we would surely die. That is why we always try ...

廉温17065678138问: 关于健康饮食的英语作文 -
美兰区健脾回答: Why should I try to have a healthy diet? Having a healthy diet is one of the most important things you can do to help your overall health. Along with physical activity, your diet is the key factor that affects your weight. Having a healthy weight for your height...

廉温17065678138问: general. healthy的 翻译 -
美兰区健脾回答: general 一般 general[英][ˈdʒenrəl][美][ˈdʒɛnərəl] adj.大致的; 综合的; 总的,全体的; 普遍的; n.上将; 一般; 一般原则; 常规; 复数:generals Company: general millsfortune 500 rank: 181 公司:通用磨坊公司财富美国500强排名...

廉温17065678138问: What is the most healthy weight?
美兰区健脾回答: 此英语翻译为吃什么才最健康? 答:合理膳食 注意营养搭配 不要暴饮暴食 多喝点水 多吃点水果 .

廉温17065678138问: how to be healthy什么意思 -
美兰区健脾回答: how to be healthy 如何保持健康双语对照 例句:双语英语1.If you're struggling with your weight, it's not enough for someone to tell you how to be healthy. 如果你正在同肥胖斗争,仅仅是有人告诉你什么是健康是不够的.祝你英语学习成功!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 如有疑问请继续追问,望采纳,谢谢,您的采纳是我的力量!

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