
作者&投稿:臧饺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

例句 3. Health care must be at the service of all who need it.医疗保健机构必须为所有需要者提供服务。例句 4. Health care must be at the service of all who need it.医疗保健机构必须为所有需要者提供服务。例句 5. These policies have resulted in great gains in public health.这些...

二、词性区分 1、health 英 [helθ] 美 [hɛlθ]n.(名词)卫生;保健;健康状况 2、healthy 英 [ˈhelθi] 美 [ˈhɛlθi]adj.(形容词)健康的;健全的;大量的;有益于健康的 三、例句区分 1、Caffeine is bad for your health.咖啡因对人体健康有害。2...


i have a healthy body是什么意思
I have a healthy body.意为:我有一个健康的身体。healthy 英[ˈhelθi] 美[ˈhɛlθi]adj. 健康的; 健全的; 大量的; 有益于健康的;[例句]Most of us need to lead more balanced lives to be healthy and happy 我们中大多数人需要过更为平衡的生活,以保持健康...

healthy的比较级是 healthier 还是more healthy啊!?
healthy的比较级是healthier。例句:After two years in the countryside, she is healthier.在乡下过了两年,她更健康了。词汇解析:healthy 英 ['helθɪ] 美 ['hɛlθi]adj. 健康的,健全的;有益于健康的 词汇搭配:1、healthy activities有益于健康的活动 2、healthy appetite好...

stay healthy 保持健康;维持健康。keep healthy 保持健康;保持身体健康。healthy diet 健康饮食。healthy environment 健康的环境。healthy food 健康的食物;有益健康的食物;保健品。healthy person 健康的人。healthy habits 健康习惯;良好习惯。healthy economy 健康的经济。双语例句:1、A healthy economy...

health的形容词:1、healthy 2、healthful 具体释义:1、healthy 英文发音:['helθɪ]中文释义:adj. 健康的,健全的;有益于健康的 例句:Most of us need to lead more balanced lives to be healthy and happy.我们中的多数人需要过更平衡的生活,从而达到健康和快乐。2、healthful 英文...

health.名词;n. 健康;卫生;保健;兴旺。一般用形容词修饰。双语例句:He's always enjoyed good health.他一直都很健康。healthy.形容词;adj. 健康的,健全的;有益于健康的。一般修饰名词,其本身用副词修饰。双语例句:He has a healthy appetite.他有健康的胃口。

三:典型例句 1、healthy ——Mary gave birth to a healthy baby girl.玛丽生了个健康的女婴。——She was delivered of a healthy boy.她生下一个健康的男孩儿。——The company made a healthy profit on the deal.公司在这笔生意中获利颇丰。2、fit ——I go swimming every day in order...

healthy的比较级是healthier,不是more healthy。healthy作为形容词时,译为健康的;健壮的;有益于健康的;反映健康的等。例句有:1、Keep healthy by eating well and exercising regularly.通过良好饮食和经常性锻炼保持健康。2、The child showed a healthy curiosity.这孩子的好奇心很正常。3、It's not...

缑享13295609857问: 谁能给我3句healthy造句,带汉语, -
武穴市喜典回答:[答案] i am very healthy.My father has always been very healthy.My brother has always been very healthy.(来源谷歌.)

缑享13295609857问: 根据Healthy造句,简单明了,我才六年级哦! 如: You should be a healthy body. 快! -
武穴市喜典回答:[答案] This book is healthy for you to read.这本书对你来说是健康的读物. Get up early is a healthy habit.早起是一个健康的习惯. Swimming is a healthy sport.游泳是一个健康的运动.

缑享13295609857问: 用"healthy"造句,用"早,中,晚餐",的英文造句 -
武穴市喜典回答:[答案] does Amy think is healthy? yes,she does. she think it is healthy.

缑享13295609857问: 用healthy来造句 -
武穴市喜典回答: He is less healthy than her. He is more healthy than them. He is as healthy as them He is as unhealthy as them

缑享13295609857问: 用healthy造句 -
武穴市喜典回答: Most of us need to lead more balanced lives to be healthy and happy 我们中大多数人需要过更为平衡的生活,以保持健康和快乐.

缑享13295609857问: Healthy 的英文解释,一定要是英文的哦 -
武穴市喜典回答:[答案] healthy ['helθi] adj.1.having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease例句:a rosy healthy babystaying fit and healthy2.financially secure and functioning well例句:a h...

缑享13295609857问: healthy是什么意思 -
武穴市喜典回答:[答案] healthy 英[ˈhelθi] 美[ˈhɛlθi] adj. 健康的;健全的;大量的;有益于健康的 最高级:healthiest;比较级:healthier [例句]Raising a family and remaining healthy is enough of a battle. 养家糊口并保持身体健康已经实属不易. 如果您认可我的答案,请采...

缑享13295609857问: healthy是什么意思 -
武穴市喜典回答: healthy 英 [ˈhelθi] 美 [ˈhɛlθi] adj. 健康的;健全的;大量的;有益于健康的 比较级: healthier 最高级: healthiest 形近词: healths wealthy双语例句 1 Most of us need to lead more balanced lives to be healthy and happy. 我们中大多数...

缑享13295609857问: 英语单词“health”与“healthy”的区别区别与用法,还有例句 -
武穴市喜典回答:[答案] health 名词'健康' healthy 形容词'健康的' Doing exercise is good for our health.锻炼有益于我们的健康. We should keep healthy.我们应该保持健康.

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