
作者&投稿:竺受 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ealth的基本意思既可指人身体的“健康(可好可坏)”,也可指人精神上的“健康”,是不可数名词。healthy作形容词的基本意思是“健康的,健壮的”,指人的身心处于良好的状态,很少生病。引申可作“(事物)兴旺发达,发展良好”解。一、读音不同 1、health的英式读法是[helθ];美式读法是[helθ]。2、h...


F 49 190 3 F 576 F 7M 8mins 250 保证质量的~

芬芳什么什么成语:芬芳馥郁 1、拼音:[ fēn fāng fù yù ]2、释义:芬芳:指香气;馥:香气;馥郁:香气浓厚。形容香气非常浓。3、出 处:张恨水《啼笑姻缘》第二回:“家树先不必看她那人就闻到一阵芬芳馥郁的脂粉味。”4、近义词:沁人心脾 5、用法:作谓语、定语;形容香气非常浓烈,也可以...


并凤13238528831问: 一个英语句型(1) I think it +adj that +其他 (2) I think it is +adj to do 为什么(1) it 后面能加adj -
邙山区益心回答:[答案] 形容词在这里用作宾补、、

并凤13238528831问: health is happiness什么意思?
邙山区益心回答: 健康就是幸福.

并凤13238528831问: 倍数+as + 形容词/副词+as=倍数 + 比较级+than -
邙山区益心回答:[答案] 现在有三种常用的倍数表达法 例如:A是B的三倍长. 1.A is three as long as B. 2.A is three times longer than B. 3.A is three times the length of B.

并凤13238528831问: help和hope是可数名词吗?复数+S吗? -
邙山区益心回答: help作“帮助,援助”解是不可数名词.无复数形式 hope作“希望,期望”解时,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词;作“有希望的人或事物”解时是可数名词,常用于单数形式.复数: hopes 词汇解析:一、help 英 [help] 美 [hɛlp]...

并凤13238528831问: health is happiness这篇英文的翻译是什么
邙山区益心回答: 健康就是幸福、

并凤13238528831问: 写一篇关于 health and happines 的作文 要150 - 200个字 -
邙山区益心回答: Health is happness.Different people have different opinions about it. Some think that wealth means happness.Having a lot of money can help them to do what they want to do. With a lot of money.they can buy the beautiful house, expensive car and ...

并凤13238528831问: 以health and happiness为题写文章
邙山区益心回答:Three key nutrients that will improve your mood are carbohydrates, vitaminB1 and iron. you'll find them in many breakfast cereals .So don't skip breakfast--eating it will make you feel great and fit to face the day. unrefined carbohydrates, like bread ...

并凤13238528831问: You health is biggest happeest怎么翻译
邙山区益心回答: 您的健康是最大的幸福 最后一个单词错了 应该是 happiest

并凤13238528831问: Health is happiness英文怎么读 -
邙山区益心回答: 嗨哦思 一斯 嗨披尼斯健康就是幸福

并凤13238528831问: 以health and happiness为话题,写一篇350字英文 演讲稿 -
邙山区益心回答: Wealth and Happiness Some people think wealth can bring happiness to them. It is true that most of them try to acquire wealth by means of honest labor. They work hard and overcome many difficulties. After doing this, they feel very happy and ...

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