
作者&投稿:宏锦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In the city of H, for instance, the term "H市粮额敌ealth Administration" signifies the management of health affairs.Here are a couple of example sentences to illustrate its usage:The enterprise has been placed under local administration, indicating that it is now administratively ...

涂疯13482357721问: 健康 英语怎么说 -
温县苦双回答: healthy

涂疯13482357721问: 健康用英语怎么说?
温县苦双回答: health是名词 healthy是形容词

涂疯13482357721问: 健康用英文怎么说???? -
温县苦双回答: health/helθ / noun [U] 1. the condition of a person's body or mind 人的身体(或精神)状况;健康 Exhaust fumes are bad for your health. 废气对健康有害. to be in poor/good/excellent/the best of health 健康状况不好/好/极好/好极 Smoking can ...

涂疯13482357721问: 健康和卫生用英语怎么说 -
温县苦双回答: health [英][helθ][美][hɛlθ] n.健康状况; 卫生; 保健; 昌盛,兴旺 hygiene [英][ˈhaɪdʒi:n][美][ˈhaɪˌdʒin] n.卫生,卫生学; 保健法

涂疯13482357721问: 健康用英语怎么说 -
温县苦双回答: 健康:health健康的:fit,healthy

涂疯13482357721问: “健康地”的英语单词怎么说 -
温县苦双回答: 健康的英文单词:<n>:health,<adj>:healthy. 注:<n>代表名词形式,<adj>代表形容词形式.

涂疯13482357721问: 但是这对身体不好'用英语怎么说 -
温县苦双回答: “但是这对身体不好”用英语可表达为:but it's not good for my health.I like to eat, but it's not good for my health.我喜欢吃,但是这对身体不好.词汇解析:1、good for 英文发音:[ɡʊd fɔː(r)] 中文释义:对…有益,能担当;宜于 例句:Most ...

涂疯13482357721问: 身体健康用英文咋说???
温县苦双回答: 身体健康 in good condition enjoy good health

涂疯13482357721问: ''身体健康"用英语怎么说啊?
温县苦双回答: Good health healthy well 祝愿的时候可以说“keep fit!”

涂疯13482357721问: 英语health和healthy -
温县苦双回答: healthy形容词,“健康的” health名词,“健康” keep+形容词:保持……状态 keep healthy保持健康

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