
作者&投稿:樊易 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

词根:head1. =head,表示"头";2. 标题同根词adj.heady任性的,鲁莽的;使人兴奋的 (head头+y表形容词→一头前冲,轻率的)headstrong任性的;顽固的 (head头+strong强大→头很强大)n.head头;顶部;领导,首脑 (head头→n.头;顶部;领导,首脑 v.主管;位于..顶部)headline大字标题,新闻标题 (head标...

Trapt的《Headstrong》 歌词
Fuck off we'll take you on Headstrong to take on anyone I know that you are wrong Headstrong, we're Headstrong Back off I'll take you on Headstrong to take on anyone I know that you are wrong And this is not where you belong I can't give everything away I won't give...

固执的英语:是 stubborn。形容词: stubborn,obstinate ,headstrong.动词: stick to, cling to.例句:倔强的,顽固的;不听话的 He is as stubborn as a mule. 他像骡子一般执拗。2.顽强的,不屈不挠的The defenders put up a stubborn resistance. 防守将士进行了顽强的抵抗。3.难处理的,难对付的...

英语中headstrong一词义为:adj. 任性的;顽固的;刚愎的而如果字面直译,则可近似引申为“头硬、头铁”。

顽固 wán gù (思想保守) obstinate; stubborn; headstrong:顽固地坚持错误立场 stubbornly cling to one's wrong position 像骡子一样顽固 as stubborn as a mule 这个顽固的莽汉,不预先考虑,仓促行事。 The headstrong impetuous man rushed into things without forethought.(立场反动) bitterly ...

问题一:任性的英语怎么说? 任性 ren xing 1.willful; capricious; wayward; headstrong; self-willed 问题二:任性用英文怎么说 1.willful; capricious; wayward; headstrong; self-willed 问题三:我就是这么任性 )用英文怎么说呢? I am rich and is a bitch 问题四:任性的英文单词是什么 ...

任性 的英语是什么?
任性 wilful; self-willed; wayward; headstrong; unruly ;capricious 她是个任性的孩子 She is a wilful child.那个任性的孩子很难教 That wayward child is very hard to teach 他妻子非常任性 His wife is very capricious.她任性惯了 She was used to having her own way....

歌曲:headstrong 歌手:ashley tisdale 专辑:headstrong I'm a straight up kind of girl, I am I'mma tellin' it like it is, I am And that's just the kind of girl I am Head up, Hands up tell me You're a handy kind of boy, you are You're a talented kind of boy, ...


Headstrong可是跟“最强大脑”木有丝毫关系,倒是跟“最犟的人类”可以搭上边儿,意思就是不愿意顺着别人的意思来,特别的固执任性。3. A firm hand 任性有时是一种执着,有时也是一种霸气,a firm hand也就是我们说的“铁腕”,严格得没商量。例:Heruns the business with a firm hand.他以铁腕...

乜食19622503371问: ashley tisdale的headstrong(单曲)介绍. -
木里藏族自治县羚翘回答: headstrong的中文意思大概是“变得坚强”,是ashley tisdale 2007年的《headstrong》专辑中的主打歌. headstrong的旋律和它的歌词一样激励人,让人听了后会觉得很有力量,当然也是我喜欢的一首歌. 歌词的内容是:你所给我的压力给我的重量,将我束缚,让我觉得厌倦,我想要变得坚强. 亲爱的你永远是我的整个世界,我要改变你,改变你世界里的东西. 你看着我失败,伤心,我现在要变得坚强. 我相信过你所说的一切,现在我只想冷静地,轻轻地,尽快进入梦乡,忘掉这一切,让这一切就这么过去吧! 歌词的内容也就是这样了,很有鼓舞作用哦~~建议楼主去听听,你会喜欢的!! 被TA伤害的人会变得坚强!!哈~~

乜食19622503371问: headstrong是什么意思 -
木里藏族自治县羚翘回答: headstrong音节划分:head▪strong 生词本 英 [ˈhedstrɒŋ] 美 [ˈhedstrɔ:ŋ] adj. 任性的,刚愎自用的 双语例句 1. She was very headstrong, and very together. 她非常倔强,又非常精干. 来自柯林斯例句2. The trouble with her is that she is ...

乜食19622503371问: headstrong的歌词中文翻译是什么
木里藏族自治县羚翘回答: I'm a straight-up kind of girl I am I'm a telling it like it is I am And that's just the kind of girl I am Head up, hands up, tell me You're a honey kind of boy you are You're a talented kind of boy you are And that's just the kind of boy you are Head ...

乜食19622503371问: 变形金刚犀牛叫什么名字 -
木里藏族自治县羚翘回答: 你说的是霸天虎里面巨狰狞组合的犀牛吗?那个名字叫铁头,英文是Headstrong.巨狰狞可以合体为冲云霄,我最喜欢的组合.另外汽车人里面还有一个可变形为犀牛的磁带,名字叫铁角.

乜食19622503371问: headstrong能不能用来形容一个人任性,固执 -
木里藏族自治县羚翘回答: 可以的willful capricious wayward self-willed stubborn intransigent mulish obstinate pigheadedcapricious 多半形容任性的小姑娘 她们比较善变 headstrong 固执的 任性的 不受管束的 多半形容少年或者是成年放荡任性的行为

乜食19622503371问: 电影鬼打墙里面的插曲英文歌曲叫什么? -
木里藏族自治县羚翘回答: Suddenly 播放 歌手:Ashley Tisdale 语言:英语 所属专辑:Headstrong 发行时间

乜食19622503371问: headstrong 什么意思?、
木里藏族自治县羚翘回答: 任性的

乜食19622503371问: 迪斯尼就这几年捧红的新星都有谁?
木里藏族自治县羚翘回答: 专辑:Headstrong (Advance)歌手名称: Ashley Tisdale 艾希莉公司:Warner Bros / Wea语言:英文时间:2007年2月6日 出生日期:1985年7月2日 原名:Ashley Michelle Tisdale 昵称:Blondie 其他名:Ashley Michelle Tisdale 身高: 160cm ...

乜食19622503371问: Seven Mary Three的《Headstrong》 歌词 -
木里藏族自治县羚翘回答: 歌曲名:Headstrong歌手:Seven Mary Three专辑:American StandardCircling your, circling your, circling your headContemplating everything you ever saidNow I see the truthI got a doubtA different motive in your eyes and now I'm outSee you laterI...

乜食19622503371问: Trapt的《Headstrong》 歌词 -
木里藏族自治县羚翘回答: 歌曲名:Headstrong歌手:Trapt专辑7a64e4b893e5b19e31333332633037:Never Back Down [Soundtrack]Circling your, circling your, circling your headContemplating everything you ever saidNow I see the truthI got a doubtA different motive in ...

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