
作者&投稿:闳俭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 找出下列文章中的所有主语从句 一共有4个主语从句。主语从句的意思就是句子的主语由一个句子来充当。1. ( What it was to bee )was uncertain 2. (What is even more important) is that as the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface.3. It was not immediately ...

As there were strange marks on the X-ray plates taken of the mummy, doctors have been trying to find out whether the woman died of a rare disease. The only way to do this was to operate. The operation, which lasted for over four hours, proved to be very difficult because of the ...

“to”后面接动词原形,to do。

为何“He was marry to a Miss last year.”此句要把marry改为married...
你是要改错吗?这个句子多处错误:1.过去时应该是married,而不是was marry,因为br动词后面不会是原形动词。2.与某人结婚是marry sb.,不要to。3. 小姐作为普通名词应该是小写。4.所以,正确的句子是,He married a miss last year.

但是 would 常表示含用感情成分的主观意思,而 used to 则表较客 观的意思。 used to 表示相当长时间的习惯, would 则表示某动作对的重复, 而 其习惯的意味较淡,因此通常与 often, sometime 等词连用 eg: He would say so when he was young.他年轻时常这么说。 He used to be a naught...

such that, to such an extent, to such a degree, with the result thate.g. I was in the bath, with the result that I didn’t hear the knock at the door. It was such good news that I could not believe it at first. 这么好的消息,一开始我简直不能相信The temperature lowed to such...

Luvsic remix的歌词以及翻译
因为每日面具下都有百万计的顾虑束缚着你的心灵) But the method I choose me perrogative 但是我必须用自己的方式去表达 There's so much love in me I got to give. 因为我内心的大爱必须给予 (chorus) (合唱) 'cause the beat plus the melody Makes me speak of L.O.V.E eloquently...

1. make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 (有点强迫的意思)2. have sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 (只讲事实)3. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 (有点允许的意思)4. help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事 5. see sb. do sth. 看到某人做某事 6. hear sb. do sth. 听到某人做某事 7....

有哪些不带to的不定式拜托了各位 谢谢
C feel, hear, see和 watch: I heard him lock the door. 我听见他锁了门。 I saw/watched him drive off. 我看见他开车走了。 但see和hear在被动语态的句子中要与带to的不定式连用: He was seen to enter the office. 有人看见他进了办公室。 He was heard to say that… 有人...


植钧13556758981问: He was - -------- - to tell the truth even to his closest friend. -
韶山市二十回答: 这是一个固定搭配,too...to结构,意为太...而不能...译为:他太胆小了以至于对最好的朋友都不说实话.

植钧13556758981问: He was - ___ - to tell the truth even to his closest friend. -
韶山市二十回答:[选项] A. too much of a coward B. too much the coward C. a coward enough D. enough of a coward

植钧13556758981问: He was - ----- - to tell the truth. (use the word “ -
韶山市二十回答: He was enough of a man to tell the truth.他光明磊落讲了实话.

植钧13556758981问: He was about to tell me the secret someone patted him on the shoulder. A.as B.until -
韶山市二十回答: 选D.考查连词.句意: 他正要告诉我这个秘密, 这时突然有人拍了一下他的肩膀.be about to do. . . when. . . 是固定句型, “正要做……这时……”.

植钧13556758981问: 关于tell的语法 -
韶山市二十回答: 英语有许多习惯用法,尤其是口语,有些话看似简单,但照字面译往往令人茫然不解,以tell为例可举许多例子,表现的含义和语气各不相同: 1. tell me another. 我不信这件事.(不是“告诉我另一件”) 2. i'm telling you. 注意听我说(这是很重...

植钧13556758981问: 急!!!He was about to tell me the secret (D) someone patted him on the shoulder . -
韶山市二十回答: 答案选D.翻译:当有人拍他的肩膀时,他正打算告诉我一个秘密! A as是指 “一边.....一边...”的意思 B,until 是“直到...才....” C, “当....时候” 后跟延续性动词 D, “当....时候”后跟 短暂性动词. pat 是“拍”的意思,是短暂性动词.

植钧13556758981问: he used to - --(be)a man used to---(tell)lies.分别填什么形式 -
韶山市二十回答: be/get used to doing sth.表示习惯于做某事或习惯于某事,to是介词,后面要跟名词、代词或动名词.而used to do sth.则表示过去常常,to后跟原形动词.如:Now he is used to getting up early.现在他已经习惯早起了.He used to get up early.过去他经常早起.(意味着如今他不再早起了.)因此,第一个空填 原形即可 be 第二个空填动名词形式 telling

植钧13556758981问: 英语动词不定式的用法 -
韶山市二十回答: (一)动词不定式:(to)+do,具有名词、形容词、副词的特征.否定式:not + (to) do (1)一般式:不定式的一般式所表示的动作与谓语动词动作同时发生或发生在谓语动词动作之后. 例如: I'm glad to meet you. He seems to know a lot. ...

植钧13556758981问: he was about to tell me the secret - ----someone patted him on shoulder A,as B,until C,while D,when -
韶山市二十回答: 你好,回答如下:1,as引导时间状语从句时一般表示随着时间的流逝两件事同时发生,比如As time goes by表示随着时间流逝.但这句话里没有时间流逝的意思,因此不选as.2,句子中的哪部分做主句要看说话人想强调哪部分,这里说话人强调的是“他正要告诉我那个秘密”,所以这部分做主句,后面加一个时间状语,表示在“有人拍他肩膀的时候,他正要告诉我那个秘密”.既然题目这样出了,就表示说话人想强调的不是“有人拍他的肩”,而是“他正要告诉我那个秘密”,做题需要按照题目的思路走,不能因为题目和你的思路不一样就把正确选项排除了.希望对你有所帮助.

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