
作者&投稿:不茅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

he said he would fly to paris next wkke

He is just not that into you – 《其实你不懂他的心》
Why do we all say that to each other?Is it possible that we are too scared and too hard to say that one obvious truth that's staring everyone in the face:HE IS JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU... Gigi:He said he was nice meeting meAlex:I don't care if he says you were his favorite f...

ales的意思:浓啤酒(ale的名词复数);欢乐;(英国产)麦芽酒;(英国乡村的)麦芽酒节。一、读法 ales的读法是英[eɪlz],美[eɪlz]。二、例句 1、Ale said he was very excited when he spotted the leopards , but kept calm enough to focus his camera and get some photogra...

eg. He said that he would like to see the headmaster. 2)由连接词whether\/if引导一般疑问句,whether和if 常可互换,但下列场合一般用whether. ①介词后的宾语从句:I'm thinking of whether he'll e. ②与or not连用:I don't know whether I should go or not. 3)由连接代词what, who(whom,...

shall 和will什么区别`分别什么时候用
He said he would come.原来的will变成would,go变成了come.。My brother will leave for the United States next week.我的哥哥下星期要到美国去。在过去的语法中,语法学家说shall用于第一人称,will 只用于第二、第三人称。现在,尤其是在口语中,will也常用于第一人称。关于“shall/will”的...

我想知道speak、ask 、say的区别?
e.g. 1. She can speak English very well.2.He didn’t speak at the meeting. (speak 这里表示发言)2.say是最普通的用语。着重指说话的内容。say 后面一定要加说话的 内容,不能单独使用。say后面可加名词,代词或 that宾语从句。e.g. 1. He said he would say something at the ...

Good friends daughter, malicious and cruel, pitts kara, pulling him to go to school. Walk on the road, pitts card for a while said let my daughter to his pick flowers, said he'd cough for a while, then said to b hair, along the way he said don't talk in a dream, ...


6.例句:He said he would go to Beijing the next day.I asked who was going there .几种常见时态的相互转换 英语中的几种时态在一定情况下可以互相转换,以下是几种常见的转换形式:一、 一般过去时与现在完成时的转换 在现在完成时中,延续性动词能与表示一段时间的状语连用,瞬间动词却不能...

He said he might lend us some money. 他说他可以借给我们一些钱。 may 否定式为 may not, 缩写形式是 mayn't. might 是may 的过去式, 有两种用法, 一种表示过去式,一种表示虚拟语气, 使语气更加委婉, 客气或对可能性的怀疑。 He told me he might be here on time. 他说他能按时间来。 Might I...

裘冒19163249491问: He said he ( ) in that factroy since 1949. A.has worked B.had worked C.worked D.was working -
玉田县禾通回答: B.让...had worked.have和前面said要保持一致. 他说他从1949年起就在那家工厂工作了.

裘冒19163249491问: He said he had worked in that factory since 1949.这句是过去完成时的句子,那他现在还在工厂工作吗? -
玉田县禾通回答: 过去完成时说的是过去的事情,与现在无关,他现在可能还在,也可能不在.“俊狼猎英”团队为您解答,祝学习进步!

裘冒19163249491问: she said she - ----(born) in 1992.填什么?为什么? -
玉田县禾通回答: 楼主 填was born 这里只是强调出生这个事实 不强调出生这个动作的完成 尽管前边是一般过去时 后边依然是填一般过去时 她说她自己出生在1992年.生是被生 用被动 希望对您有用 满意的话采纳 O(∩_∩)O谢谢

裘冒19163249491问: 被动语态的构成 -
玉田县禾通回答: 以下内容选自奥风英语《中考语法完全突破视频教程记忆大纲》 2.被动语态的基本结构:主语+be +过去分词(+by+动作的发出者) ① 一般现在时:am/is/are+过去分词 如:Trees are planted every year. ② 现在进行时 am/is/are+ being +过去...

裘冒19163249491问: He said he had worked in that factory since 1949.这个时态是不是说明 他现在已经不在工厂工作了??
玉田县禾通回答: 首先你先得把句子分析一下,这是一个宾语从句,也是间接引语.所以我们应该先把he said拿掉,然后后面的从句后退一个时态.然后是he worked.不是过去完成时.那么worked表示完成.也就是不在工作了

裘冒19163249491问: He said"I visited the Great Wall in 2001."改为间接引语He said that he -
玉田县禾通回答: 过去完成式是不能单独用的. 我们用的时候必须有另一个事件. 比如说, 有两件事: A和B, 两件事都发生在过去, 但A发生在B之前, 那麽A用去完成式, B则要用过去式, 如:He had worked before he decided to go to college. 他念大学以前曾...

裘冒19163249491问: 还是改间接引语 Mr Green said to them,"Joe told me all about his story when he asked for a job." -
玉田县禾通回答: Mr Green said to them that Joe told him all about his story when he asked for a job.下面是我从别人的问题里找到复制的,你可以着重看一下第4条,就是这两题的情况3、直接引语变成间接引语时,从句时态无须改变的情况 1)当主句的谓语动词...

裘冒19163249491问: said加什么从句 -
玉田县禾通回答: 你好是宾语从句如:He【主语】 said【谓语】 it 【宾语】在你的句子中:he didn t think they better. 一句话做了said的宾语,因此是宾语从句,且that 省略了哦·【俊狼猎英】 团队为您解答,欢迎追问

裘冒19163249491问: he said he - --【arrive】 here in two days用括号内单词适当形式填空 -
玉田县禾通回答: would arrive,他说他会在两天内到这儿.出现in two days要用将来时,但是前面是said所以从句要一致用过去时,结合起来就是用过去将来时

裘冒19163249491问: He said that he - ---(finish)his work already -
玉田县禾通回答: 你好! 正确答案为:had finishedalready ,表示从句要用完成时而主句为said,过去式,所以用过去完成时 had finished他说他已经完成了这项工作.^___^ 祝你学习进步! 如果对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟! ***************************************

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