
作者&投稿:佛庄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

often 和 usually有什么区别?那个表示频率更高一些? 谢谢
often是经常的意思,usually是有时的意思,有很大的不同.It has sailed across the Atlantic many times . It has sailed across the Atlantic___如果填usually的话,意思就是它有时航行穿越大西洋,与上文many times不符.


sometimes 有时 When I want to watch a film,sometimes I go to the cinema and sometimes I use the Internet.always 一般,经常(一般情况下经常做某事)We always communicate with our friends via e-mails.often 经常(强调次数,基本与always通用)My family often go to a picnic at ...

t不发音 often 的音标是[ɒ'fn]e发弱音[ə]在这个单词可以省略

often oft“常常”的异体字 [5Rf(E)n; (?@) 5C:fn]adv 多次; 时常 How often do you go there?你多久去那里一次?How often you have been abroad? No often, only twice.你出国几次了?不多,只出去过两次。经常;通常 Children often dislike homework.孩子们通常都不喜欢家庭作业。He ...

例:warm → warmer → warmest high → higher →highest slow → slower → slowest able → abler → ablest simple → simpler → simplest 2 形容词,副词以e结尾时→+r;+st 例:nice → nicer → nicest large → larger → largest 3 形容词,副词以辅音+y结尾时→变y为i+er...

请问初中英语often、urually seldom等的用法
一、usually, sometimes, always, often等词在英文中被称为“频度副词”,是用来表示动作频率的,但程度上有别。一般说来可按频率大小排列:always>usually>often>sometimes>seldom(很少)>never(决不)二、频度副词的位置 1. 在be动词之后。如:She is sometimes very busy. 她有时很忙。2. ...

great中,e不发音,a发名称音。这样看来,你的“猜想”是正确的。不过,要注意的是,有一种情况,叫成节音,就是单词中的[l],[m],[n]与前一个辅音组成一个音节,而词中的一个元音字母不发音,如:people ['pi:pl] 是一个双音节词,其中的o和e都是不发音的。often ['Ofn] 也是个双...

教仔做功课:always, often, sometimes, seldom or never 次数分别...
always 频率: 每天\/ 差不多每天\/ 永恒发生的 e.g Sun always rise at east. often~sometimes 频率: 偶尔 不是经常 不是每天 不是常生的习惯 e.g i often go to school by bus as i like on foot. i sometime go to school by bus sometime. seldom 频率:不常 很少;难得 r.g.She ...


豆卢罚19673981204问: he often read books and watch TV on Sunday.read和w -
城厢区怡力回答: 严格地讲,由于read的过去式也是read, watch用什么形式要根据上下文来定.若说的是目前一般的情况,read和watch都要用第三人称单数形式(reads和watches);若说的是过去某段时间的情况,则要用两个动词的过去式read和watched.你可能被often这个词给闹糊涂了.其实,恰恰是这个词决定了动词的时态要么是一般现在时,要么是一般过去时.

豆卢罚19673981204问: often是不是情态动词?我的意思是例如:He often read books还是He often reading books? -
城厢区怡力回答:[答案] he ofen reads books

豆卢罚19673981204问: 他经常读书(一般现在时)两种翻译都对吗?1.He often read.2.He often reads a book. -
城厢区怡力回答:[答案] 第一句read要加S,He often reads. 第二句的句子的意思是他经常读一本书.使用单数的话会容易理解成他经常读某一本书.如果使用复数的话我觉得会更准确一些. He often reads books.

豆卢罚19673981204问: he.is.read.abook语法哪错了 -
城厢区怡力回答: 主语+be动词+动词ing形式 应该是He is reading a book. 这是现在进行时,动词应该加ing 望采纳,谢谢!

豆卢罚19673981204问: he often reads newspapers with glasses after work.After work ,he often wears glasses to readnewspapers.这两句的意思都一样,有人说wears glasses 是动词... -
城厢区怡力回答:[答案] he often reads newspapers with glasses after work. reads newspapers 是谓语 with glasses 伴随状语 After work ,he often wears glasses to read wears glasses 是谓语 to read 目的状语 若有疑问及时追问,如满意请点击下面的“选为满意答案”按钮,...

豆卢罚19673981204问: 请教一些英语知识我一直对六年级上册的 S,ES ING 例如 In the evening he often reads newspaper.这个 read为什么不加ING 而是加上了S?或者 She likes ... -
城厢区怡力回答:[答案] 答案:【In the evening he often reads newspaper】. 翻译:晚上他经常阅读报纸. 解析;因为主语是第三人称单数he,所以的动词reads要用第三人称单数. 【She likes playing football. 】 翻译;她喜欢踢足球. ...

豆卢罚19673981204问: 用read填空 He often ( ) books on weekends.He ( ) books yesterday. -
城厢区怡力回答:[答案] reads & read

豆卢罚19673981204问: He often waches tv and read books.He often wacheHe often waches tv and read books.He often waches tv and reads books.哪个对? -
城厢区怡力回答:[答案] 第二个,因为and连接的词两边要对称!前边什么形式后边什么形式!

豆卢罚19673981204问: he often reads newspapers with glasses after work. After work ,he often wears glasses to read -
城厢区怡力回答: he often reads newspapers with glasses after work.reads newspapers 是谓语with glasses 伴随状语After work ,he often wears glasses to read wears glasses 是谓语to read 目的状语若有疑问及时追问,如满意请点击下面的“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢!O(∩_∩)O

豆卢罚19673981204问: 是叫你把普通句子转成问句的.He often reads newspaper .Does he often read newpaper 答案是这样的我不知道为什么要加Does,我当然知道是做的意思啦,... -
城厢区怡力回答:[答案] 这两个句子都是一般现在时态,因为句子中有谓语动词,所以改疑问句就是得加助动词do 或does He often reads newspaper 此句中人称是第三人称单数,所以加does They always sing and dance on sunday 此句中人称是第三人称复数,所以加do

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