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talk,tell,speak,say, read的区别
She said that she would leave Beijing next month . 她说她下个月要离开北京。 Did you say anything ? 你说了什么? (3)talk一般作不及物动词,着重指连续地说话或与人交谈。 e.g. Mike is talking. The doctor will talk to my father about his health . 医生就健康问题要与父亲谈谈。

...being read to you? It can be difficult, e &...
小题1:句意:它可以是困难的,尤其是这个字不包括在大多数的字典中。根据上句It can be difficult 和下句when the word is not included in most dictionaries.结合首字母可知该填写especially小题2:句意:来自杭州外国语学校的14岁路贾磊于2013年10月18日在中国中央电视台汉字拼写比赛在获胜。根据...

LD50CALC.EXE文件无法运行,.提示:Exception EReadError in module...

e read and complete (根据首字母提示完成短文
e read and complete (根据首字母提示完成短文如下:I know of no Medicine fit to diminish the violent natural inclination you mention; and if I did, I think I should not communicate it to you. Marriage is the proper Remedy. It is the most natural State of man。And therefore the...

虚拟语气讲解一.非真实条件句的虚拟情况: 句型条件从句 主句对现在的虚拟were\/didshould\/would\/could\/might+v.对过去的虚拟had doneshould\/would\/could\/might+have+done 对将来的虚拟1.were\/did2.were to3.should+v. Should\/would\/could\/might+v.1.与现在事实相反的条件e.g. If I were...

This book is()for students to read. A:enough e

B,不规则动词(此类词并无规则,须熟记)小学阶段要记住以下动词的原形和过去式:sing – sang , eat – ate , see – saw , have – had , do – did , go - went , take - took , buy - bought , get - got , read - read ,fly - flew , am\/is - was , are - were , say - said ...

电子书不能取代传统书籍 E-Books Can Not Replace Traditional Books...
the resource of e-books is quite limited and cannot satisfy the readers. Third,there is a function of traditional books that e-books do not have—as a gift anda collection. I suppose that those who love reading would be willing to keep aprinted form even though he has read ...

帮这位外国朋友取个中文名字吧 他英文名为Thomas E.Palenchar
建议姓马 辰逸 (让人觉得很舒服的名字,且和“沉毅”“诚意”二词同音)浩宇 (胸怀犹如宇宙,浩瀚无穷)瑾瑜 (出自成语---握瑾怀瑜,比喻拥有美好的品德)皓轩 (意为:光明磊落,气宇轩昂)擎苍 (顶天立地,男儿本色)(出自宋代诗人苏轼的《江城子`密州出猎》“...左牵黄,右擎苍...”)...

E-books的缺点 paperbooks的优点 全英文...中文也要!!!急急急急_百度...
The popularization of computer has made it possible to read books on computer. With it, there is much discussion about whether e-books will replace traditional print-on-paper books.Some people say they like only e-books, which are quicker and more convenient to get and use. To ...

本卸17677976349问: he.is.read.abook语法哪错了 -
且末县百伦回答: 主语+be动词+动词ing形式 应该是He is reading a book. 这是现在进行时,动词应该加ing 望采纳,谢谢!

本卸17677976349问: she+is+reading+abo+ok+is+the+moment怎样改成 -
且末县百伦回答: 应该是:She is reading a book at the moment.她正在看书.She is reading a book at the moment.

本卸17677976349问: He is read a book. 改错!急!急!急! -
且末县百伦回答: He is reading a book.他正在读书

本卸17677976349问: she reading a book前面可加is吗 -
且末县百伦回答: 你好,前面可以加 Is she reading a book? 她正在读书吗?She is reading a book. 她正在读书.望采纳.

本卸17677976349问: He is reading. is是助动词还是联系动词??? -
且末县百伦回答: He is reading. is 在这个句子当中应该是助动词.后面接现在分词构成现在进行时态.is在这个句子中没有语义.如果是句子He is a student, is 就是联系动词.后面接表语对He作说明.is本身可以翻译为“是”,有一定的意思.

本卸17677976349问: He is read a book 把a book改为一般疑问句 -
且末县百伦回答: 这个句子就是错的, He is reading a book. 按照时态改成一般疑问句是:Is he reading a book.

本卸17677976349问: she is reading a book.改为被动语态后是什么? -
且末县百伦回答: A book is being read by her.所谓改成被动语态的意思就是让句子中原来充当宾语的成分提出来做主语,然后把原来的谓语动词改成被动形式,即在原来动词前加相应的be动词,然后动词改成过去分词形式. 例如:主动语态:We(主) plant(谓) many trees(宾) along the road. 被动语态:Many trees(主,原句中的宾) are planted(谓,be+过去分词) along the road (by us(原句中的主,有时可以省略)). 一般来时主动改被动时原来句中的主语,即动作的发出者就可以省略了.

本卸17677976349问: he is reading in bed还是in the bed my sister was born in - ---- - A the1997 B the1997s C 1997 D... -
且末县百伦回答: reading in bed 在床上 in bed 不需要加the 第二个选C in 1997表示在1997年 如果想说出生在90年代应是in the 1990s 望采纳!!

本卸17677976349问: he is reading a magazine,but i - -----. “am not”,“don't”,选哪个,为什么? -
且末县百伦回答: 选择am not 因为前面是is reading,后面也要使用be动词的结构.~一刻永远523为你解答,祝你学习进步~~~ 希望可以及时“选为满意答案”,你的采纳是我前进的动力~~~

本卸17677976349问: His hobby is reading a book 的同义句是什么? -
且末县百伦回答: 同义句的改法有多种,看情况而选.比如,①. Reading a book is his hobby.看书是他的业余爱好.②. He likes reading books in his spare time.在业余时间,他喜欢看书.③. He is interested in reading books in his spare time. 在业余时间里,他的兴趣是看书.等等.

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