
作者&投稿:驹胡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

西班牙语universdidad的读法 请教一下
u-ni-ver-si-dad整个的发音就是 u=乌 ni=你 ver=英语中ver (那个r的音我不知道怎么描述了。。)si=英语中c dad=d发浊化的θ 英语里有那个音标 我不知道怎么打。。PS 重读最后一个音节 也就是dad

surprise nuver
B,原因:Never前置强调句要将助词也前置,还原句子 she had never dreamed of being +clause.若用did,则dream绝对要用原型 希望帮到你O(∩_∩)O

...over you the job这句中第三个单词读音是(啊ver)是哪个单词_百度知 ...
Did they offer you the job?英式音标:[dɪd] [ðeɪ] [ˈɒfə] [juː] [ðə] [dʒɒb]美式音标:[dɪd] [ðe] [ˈɔfɚ] [ju] [ðə] [dʒɑːb]...

牧野由依里面声音太好听了,她的歌声像天使的歌声一样美,一定要听。 6.凉宫春日的忧郁-平野绫-《God Knows》,《lost my music》,《晴天好心情ハレ晴レユカイ》,节奏感强,恨欢快三首歌,尤其是第一首,听起来太美妙了。 7.宫崎骏动画,动画片真的很好看,画风简单,纯真,简单蕴含着深层次东西,每个年龄阶段看感触...

Ycladd│ in│ might│tie armes│ and sil│ver shielde ,│ Wherein │old dints │of deepe │wounds did │remaine ,│ The curell│ markes of│ many│ a bloud│y fielde ;│ Yet armes │till that │time did│ he nev│er wield :│ His an│gry steede │did chide│ his...

...about you?B.What did you do?C.I enjoyed it ver
小题1:E小题2:B小题3:D小题4:C小题5:A 试题分析:在这篇对话当中,两个朋友主要介绍了自己的周末是怎样度过的。小题1:根据下文,太棒了。可知选E,你的周末怎么样?小题2:根据下文,我和我的父母去看电影了。可知选B,你做了些什么?小题3:根据上文,那听起来不错及下文肯定回答,...

7. 飙汗 (容祖儿\/罗志祥) 8. 心肝宝贝 (刘德华) 9. 爱你不会变 (胡歌)10. 承诺 (辛晓琪) 11. 再见·美惠 (关智斌) 12. 爱得太迟 (古巨基)13. 我们怎么了 (S.H.E) 14. 我用所有报答爱 (张靓颖) 15. 戒不掉 (庾澄庆)16. 静静的 (庾澄庆) 17. 暗奏 (南拳妈妈) 18. 毫无保留 (...

But I'd have an empty line 'casue you nver did.
在这个句子中,'casue 是缩写形式,全称是 "because",表示 "因为" 的意思。这个句子的完整形式应该是 "But I'd have an empty line because you never did.",意思是 "但我会留下一行空白,因为你从未这样做过。"。

Diamond <Dana> Did U <安室奈美惠> Don t Go Away <Chu Ka-Yul> Don t Wanna Cry(不要哭泣) <安室奈美惠> Double <宝儿> Dream Drive <灵魂出窍> Dreaming I Was Dreaming(我只是在做梦) <安室奈美惠 Dynamite <Smap> E.O. <Ai> Endless Sorrow <滨崎步> Episode 4 <Dragon Ash> Every...

Let me take it down An elephant said to a mouse ,"no doubt that you are the smallest znd most useless thing that Ihave e ver seen .""Pless ,say it again .Let me take it down ."the mouse said ."I will tell a flea what I know."为我所用 一头大象对一只小老鼠说:...

有佩15930662008问: 英语高手进,非谓语动词.1.( )his age,he did very well.A Consider B To consider C Considered D Considering但我觉得选C,我觉得consider和逻辑主语he构... -
秦都区迪汀回答:[答案] 1.( )his age,he did very well.A Consider B To consider C Considered D Considering 答案选D,但我觉得选C,我觉得consider和逻辑主语he构成动宾关系,或者说是consider 有什么特殊用法吗? 这个是动词的现在分词做he(主语)的伴随状语,而...

有佩15930662008问: he did very well,but he failed - ___the record.A,breaking B,on breaking C,to break D,having brokenhe did very well,but he failed - ___the record.A,breaking B,on... -
秦都区迪汀回答:[答案] fail to break the record 未能打破纪录 fail to do是未做 你的理解正确,显然所谓的标准答案也会出错,你可以理直气壮地告诉出题的人,答案给错了,当然,老师也是人,也会出错,不要让老师难为情,我们是在学习知识,对吧

有佩15930662008问: - ---- - he did was quite righ -
秦都区迪汀回答: A 考查从句用法.根据句子结构可知what he did 是主语从句,作was quite right的主语,主语从句中缺少he did的宾语,故选择what.Which 也作主语或者宾语,但是前提是要有选择范围.That在名词性从句中不做成分.Who做主语或者宾语,但只能指人.

有佩15930662008问: Because he didn't very well.圈出错误并改正 -
秦都区迪汀回答: 这句话缺少了谓语动词,didn't是助动词,后面要跟动词原形,正确的应该是:Because he didn't do very well.因为他做得不是很好.谢谢!

有佩15930662008问: - ----his age, he did it very well. A.Being regarded B.Considering C.To think of 答案是B -
秦都区迪汀回答: 英语语法很烂,说错了还望多多包涵哈.(反正让我选,我也会选B,呵呵) Being regarded: 过去进行时;Considering:现在分词,考虑他的“现在”的年纪,他做(做完了)得很好;C. 感觉怪怪的.

有佩15930662008问: he did very well in the test[besause] he worked hard all the time 括号里为什么填besause? -
秦都区迪汀回答: 他测验成绩很不错因为他一直都很用功.是原因状语从句,所以用because表示原因 希望对你有帮助

有佩15930662008问: - ---- - his age, he did it very well. A. Being regarded B. Considering C. Studied D. To think of -
秦都区迪汀回答: Considering +sth 是有这样的惯用法,意为 考虑到…… 或者 sth +considered

有佩15930662008问: He gets a good salary.His salary is very -- . A good B well 请问选哪一个?为什么? -
秦都区迪汀回答: 应该是选A吧,well一般为副词,但可以为形容词,一般指身体好.而这里His salary 算是一个物吧,所以我觉得选good,并且good读起来更顺口一些

有佩15930662008问: - He didn't go to the this morning, did he? - ------. Though he was not feeling very well. A.N. -
秦都区迪汀回答: B回答语表示的意思是虽然他不舒服,但是他还是去参加演讲了,上句是个反义疑问句,回答事实是肯定的,要用yes,故本题选B,D项结构不正确.

有佩15930662008问: - ---?he++was+very+hungry++he+ate+nothing选填thoughas
秦都区迪汀回答: 就选though,意为虽然他很饿,他甚么也没吃.


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