
作者&投稿:菜彭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英[ˈɑːmə klɑːs] 美[ˈɑrmər klæs]网络 防御等级;[例句]Also affects your armor class and the ability to dodge enemy attacks.也影响你的盔甲等级和避开敌人攻击的概率。2、AE-area effect 英[ˈeəriə ɪ&#...

morphology 构词学\/形态学morpheme 词素\/语素lexicon 词库orthography 拼字法grammatical category; syntactic class 词类content word实词open (class) 开放性function word 虚词closed (class) 封闭性generic 通指\/泛指slips of the tongue 口误\/说溜了嘴 bound morpheme黏着语素free morpheme 自由语素discrete 离散的circumf...

·The Just William books by Richmal Crompton.The British class system especially pompous or dim-witted members of the upper \/ middle classes. Typified by ·the Jeeves and Wooster books of P. G. Wodehouse , and ·the Dad's Army comedy TV series ·Fawlty Towers comedy TV series...

读音:英 ['tʃɪəfl]  美 ['tʃɪrfl]adj. 高兴的;快乐的 例句:Her cheerful spirits and bubble laughter infect the whole class.她那快乐的情绪和爽朗的笑声感染了全班。4、gay 读音:英 [ɡeɪ]   美 [ɡeɪ]adj. 快乐的;鲜艳的;放荡...

如何开发一个 AVPlayer iPad 程序
要在一个 UIViewController 中使用这个 AVPlayer 视图,打开 Xcode 的故事板(storyboard,前提是创建项目时使用了“useStoryboard”选项)。选中UIView(不是 UIViewController)并将它的类修改为 Player。你可以在 Identity 面板的 customeclass 字段输入,也可以从它的下拉列表中选择。打开Assistant Editor ,为 UIView ...

科技英语; E. 普特论坛 通用英语百句(视频)*** http:\/\/www.ol.com.cn\/class\/train\/english.htmCNN英语学习资源*** http:\/\/literacynet.org\/cnnsf\/ 现代交际英语(视频)*** http:\/\/www.gz.supergnet.com\/local_c...\/edu\/index.html 轻轻松松学英语(在线广播)*** http:\/\/www.twr.org.hk\/gb\/OnAir...

i feel relaxed after the PE class.209 winter n. 冬季,冬天 Winter is coming .210 scarf n. 围巾 i bought a scarf for my mother.211 everyone n. 每个人; pron. 每人,人人 Everyone should take responsobilities,212 have a good time 玩得高兴,过的快乐 i hope you will have a good t...

初心翻译:At the beginning of the heart ATBOTH 【双语例句】:1、东南亚版专有!下次更新后,将出现最新的职业超级初心者!Maplesea exclusive! In the next patch, take on the newest job class-superbeginner!2、然而,她不但找回了梦寐以求的旅行初心,而且得以一见心中的野性。这是我第一...

mkList('http:\/\/eclass.ywgs.edu.hk\/file\/mail\/u2535\/03b2fd7d90989a6fa17b95b4a57375f3.1158757841\/05_Aqua - Doctor Jones.MP3','领尚风云榜—小李推荐'); mkList('http:\/\/\/mgbdamu\/A0904128\/A090412890016401.MP3','领尚风云榜—小李推荐'); mkList('http:\/\/www.hsyj.pudong-edu.sh...

college three years, I have every year are very outstan ding professional achievements, an d received third-class scholarship. Not only that, but also repeatedly been assessed "outstan ding cadres” college, many times the individual literary works in the College of Competition award. Knowledge ...

钱贝18273684133问: have class怎么读 -
樟树市外用回答: 哈服,可辣是

钱贝18273684133问: have English class的音标 -
樟树市外用回答: have [hæv;həv;əv;v] English ['iŋgliʃ] class [klɑ:s]

钱贝18273684133问: Have a class 还是 Have class -
樟树市外用回答: 其实都可以 美式英语用的是have class have class除了有上课的意思,还形容一个人优雅、风度翩翩、有教养、谨言慎行(class有阶级、军衔、地位的意思,所以have class也象征着某种绅士和淑女的身份、风度). 不过一般讲上课都没那么复杂,“have”后面加上课程的种类就行,比如上历史课“have history”,I have history now.英式英语会加个冠词,说成“have a history class”(也就是你问的have a class),也可以说成“I have history now”

钱贝18273684133问: have English class的音标是什么 -
樟树市外用回答: 书上的是笼统的或是抽象的说"上英语课" class是可数的,当具体说到哪一堂课的时候,就可以说have an English class或have English classes了 48个国际音标表 元音 12个单元音 长元音 [i:][E:][C:][u:][B:] 短元音 [i][E][C][u][Q][e][A] 8个双元音[ai...

钱贝18273684133问: class和have的a发音一样吗 -
樟树市外用回答: 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: class和have的a发音不一样

钱贝18273684133问: class和have发音一样吗 -
樟树市外用回答: 不一样 class a: have ǽ

钱贝18273684133问: have class和take class有什么区别吗,O(∩ - ∩)O谢谢 -
樟树市外用回答: 关于“上课”可以以从两个方面讨论——一、如果class表示“学生群体在一起的期间”,它是抽象名词,常用在如下情况:have class 学校开课after class在课后in class在上课中二、如果class表示“一节课”,它是具体名词,常用在如下情况:have a class / have classes 侧重于课程在进行中take a class / take classes 侧重于学生听课attend class 侧重于在现场上课go to class 侧重于去教室听讲give a class / lessons 专指老师在学校里讲课

钱贝18273684133问: 开始上课 用英语怎么说,是Lesson Start还是have class还是have class -
樟树市外用回答:[答案] Let's start. 或: Class begins.

钱贝18273684133问: 正在上课 或者 在上课,用英语怎么说?上课 怎么说?是Have a lesson还是Have classes...还是另有其他说法? -
樟树市外用回答:[答案] Have a lesson和Have classes译为上课. 正在上课 be in a class(或be in classes)

钱贝18273684133问: 我们上英语、数学和英语课怎么说(用HAVE...CLASS表示 -
樟树市外用回答: we have English and math lessons 英语课是 English classes 英语课和数学课是English and math classes.

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