
作者&投稿:于蚂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

昔文17512583412问: 是havetroubledoingsth还是havetroubletodosth -
桓仁满族自治县乳块回答: 正确的搭配是have trouble (in) doing sth.,其中in可以省略.意思是:在...…方面有困难. 例句:We have trouble in finding his house. 翻译:我们找到他的家有困难。 重点词汇解释 trouble英 ['trʌbl] 美 ['trʌbəl] n. 困难;烦恼;麻烦 v. 使烦恼...

昔文17512583412问: have trouble in,have trouble with 有什么区别 -
桓仁满族自治县乳块回答: 1. have trouble in 做什么有困难, 费事 have trouble (in) doing sth.2. have trouble with 有什么困难、病痛, 因…苦恼, 同…闹纠纷 have trouble with sb./sth. I have much trouble with math.= I have much trouble (in) studying math. 主要区别:前者后跟动名词,即动词ing形式;后者后跟名词或代词

昔文17512583412问: have trouble with sth和have trouble in sth的区别 -
桓仁满族自治县乳块回答: have trouble with sth和have trouble in doing sth 后面加sth时 用with 后面加做sth时 用in如果有帮到您 请给予好评 哦 谢谢拉#^_^#祝您愉快

昔文17512583412问: have trouble后面加什么sth
桓仁满族自治县乳块回答: in doing sth. with sth. doing sth.

昔文17512583412问: 请问是have trouble doing sth还是have trouble to do sth -
桓仁满族自治县乳块回答: have trouble doing sth在…方面有困难have trouble to do sth --没有此用法

昔文17512583412问: have some trouble in 和have some trouble with的区别 -
桓仁满族自治县乳块回答: 精——锐have some trouble in doing sth.have some trouble with sth.基本属于用法上的区别.in可以加动词ing形式,with只能后跟名词或代词 意思上是一样的.

昔文17512583412问: have some trouble in 和 have some trouble with 有什么区别后面加的内容分别是什么,有什么差别 -
桓仁满族自治县乳块回答:[答案] have some trouble in doing sth. have some trouble with sth. 基本属于用法上的区别.in可以加动词ing形式,with只能后跟名词或代词 意思上是一样的.

昔文17512583412问: have trouble with sth和have trouble (in)doing sth区别?@ - @~~ -
桓仁满族自治县乳块回答: 很简单的区别 如果你要用上动词的话就用第二个 词义上的是相同的 例如 have trouble in walking have trouble with my English

昔文17512583412问: have trouble in sth.是什么意思 -
桓仁满族自治县乳块回答: 翻译:做某事的过程中遇到麻烦.I have some trouble in learning physics.我学习物理时遇到麻烦.

昔文17512583412问: 这句话的固定搭配是,have trouble in doing sth请高手给我解释一下,谢谢 -
桓仁满族自治县乳块回答: you can never imagine [what great trouble] I had helping the poor boy who has hurt seriously great trouble 做i had 的宾语 have trouble in doing sth 中的in 可以省略 who 从句修饰 boy

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