
作者&投稿:祢罚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

官网上找来的,Karen Carpenter是1983年2月4日去世的,所以以下专辑都是1983年以前发行的...注:Voice of the Heart (1983) 这张专辑发行是在 Karen Carpenter 去世以后,所以不算吧;还有些专辑有**周年纪念版,所以我给你找的都是原版,Original LP track, 即是她在世时发行的版本...)专辑...


关于C语言指针 (*p)[]的问题
1、float (*p)[4],首先(*p)表示p是一个指针变量,它指向一个包含四个float型元素的一维数组。float *p则表示p是一个指针,指向一个float型元素,指针所指对象的类型决定了它递增时,在内存中移动的位数。如果说float型元素占四个字节,则float (*p)[4]中p+1,相当于向后移动4*4=16个字节,...

printf("Please enter the %d scores\\n",3); \/*提示开始输入成绩*\/ s=0; \/*计算每个学生的总分,初值为0*\/ for(i=0;i<3;i++) \/*3门课程循环3次*\/ { do{ printf("score%d:",i+1); scanf("%d",&p->score[i]); if(p->score[i]<0 || p->score[i]>100) \/*确保成绩在0~100之间...

求以下c语言编程:一个简单的学生成绩管理系统。其中每个学生信息包括学 ...
printf("输入学号Enter the num(0:list end):"); scanf("%s",p->num); if(p->num[0]=='0') break; \/*如果学号首字符为0则结束输入*\/ printf("输入名字Enter the name:"); scanf("%s",p->name); printf("请输入3门成绩Please enter the %d scores\\n",3); \/*提示开始输入成绩*\/...

printf("请输入3门成绩Please enter the %d scores\\n",3); \/*提示开始输入成绩*\/ s=0; \/*计算每个学生的总分,初值为0*\/ for(i=0;i<3;i++) \/*3门课程循环3次*\/ { do{ printf("成绩score%d:",i+1); scanf("%d",&p->score[i]); if(p->score[i]<0 || p->score[i]>100) \/*...

用C语言 设计一学生成绩管理系统,要求: 1. 学生成绩的信息包括:学号...
printf("Enter the num(0:list end):"); scanf("%s",p->num); if(p->num[0]=='0') break; \/*如果学号首字符为0则结束输入*\/ printf("Enter the name:"); scanf("%s",p->name); printf("Please enter the %d scores\\n",3); \/*提示开始输入成绩*\/ s=0; \/*计算每个学生的总分,初值...

2002--Era Version 2002(创世纪1&2精选集) 2003--The Mass (弥撒)(曲目:1. The Mass 2. Looking For Something 3. Don't Go Away 4. Don't You Forget 5. If You Shout 6. Avemano orchestral 7. Enae volare 8. Sombre Day 9. Voxifera 10. The Champions) 2005--The Very ...

p = a;return p;} void average(){ int *p,i=0;double sum=0.0,ave;p = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int));p = Prime();while(i<k){ sum = sum+(*(p+i));i++;} ave = sum\/k;printf("The average of the prime 0 to 300 is:\\n");printf("%lf\\n",ave);} void ...

scanf("%d",&p->data.cgrade); getchar(); printf("请你输入数学成绩:"); scanf("%d",&p->data.mgrade); getchar(); printf("请你输入英语成绩:"); scanf("%d",&p->data.egrade); getchar(); p->data.totle=p->data.egrade+p->data.cgrade+p->data.mgrade; p->data.ave=p->data...

仲长帝18638208705问: ( )have the party -
中江县多糖回答: Let's have the party 让我们来聚会吧 请采纳

仲长帝18638208705问: when are they going to have the party? 不是be going -
中江县多糖回答: 英语中的be动词有am,is,are.因为人称是they ,所以be动词用are.

仲长帝18638208705问: I am forget the party句式有错吗? -
中江县多糖回答: 错在动词的用法问题.to be+过去分词构成被动语态.The party is forgotten by me.to have+过去分词构成完成时态.I had forgotten the party.(过去完成时,前面要有句话铺垫Yesteday I didn't attend the party.) 直接用动词原形forget.I forget the party.

仲长帝18638208705问: a. Where and when to have the party - --- - not been -
中江县多糖回答: 这里考察主语从句,后面的谓语是完成时态的被动式,然后考察从句做主语,位于用单数 什么时候到哪里去开会还没有决定 是被决定 完成时态的被动式

仲长帝18638208705问: have a party +to do 还是doing
中江县多糖回答: have a party + to do如:have a party to celebrate举行一个派对去庆祝

仲长帝18638208705问: where are you going to have the party什么意思? -
中江县多糖回答:翻译成为中文就是: 你们将在哪儿举办派对呀? 勤学好问 天天进步!

仲长帝18638208705问: They are talking about when they will have the party. 改为同义句 -
中江县多糖回答: when to have

仲长帝18638208705问: He enjoyed himself at the party. 他在晚会上玩得很开心.=he have a good time at the party.吗? -
中江县多糖回答: 【解答】有人解释这是过去完成时,这是错的. 过去完成时:“had+过去分词”结构 He enjoyed himself at the party. 他在晚会上玩得很开心.= He had a good time at the party.=He had fun at the party. =He had怠弧糙旧孬搅茬些长氓 a great time at the party.= He had a wonderful time at the party. 一般过去时:enjoy:enjoyed过去式,has/have:过去式had

仲长帝18638208705问: 连词成句:have,they,party,a,the,morning,in -
中江县多糖回答: They have a party in the morning.

仲长帝18638208705问: - ------we had at the party! -
中江县多糖回答: (A). What fun 是have fun的感叹形式

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