
作者&投稿:冉终 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

在读取%s的时候,会把)也读进去的 所以不能简单用fscanf的%s读取括号内信息 fid = fopen('student.txt', 'r');n = 1;fgets(fid); %读取第一行的文件头,读到的内容我们扔掉不要 while ~feof(fid) %feof判断文件是否读到文件尾 tline=fgetl(fid);a=regexp(tline,'[\\s()]+','split...

水德13953972727问: have a safe trip是什么意思 -
湘潭县莫刻回答: have a safe trip 祝你旅途平安;祝一路顺风 例句1.Relax and enjoy your vacation but above all, have a safe trip. 放松去享受你的假期吧,但最重要的是,旅途平安.2.You're welcome, have a safe trip. 不客气,祝你旅途平安.3.Douglas: Have a safe trip home. 道格拉斯:祝你们归程一路平安.

水德13953972727问: have a safe trip 英语什么意思
湘潭县莫刻回答: 旅途平安 谢谢采纳

水德13953972727问: 英语作文have a safe trip90字左右 -
湘潭县莫刻回答: My hometown is in lianyuan.My hometown is beautiful place It stands near a wide river at the foot of low green hills. It has many tall buildings and wide streets. There are trees and flowers everywhere..when you visit my hometown you will like the ...

水德13953972727问: have a good journey 和 have a safe trip -
湘潭县莫刻回答: 其实都能用在旅途上,可能前一个更偏重good,后一个更偏重safe have a good journey 可以解释为 旅途愉快 have a safe trip 可以解释为 旅途平安.

水德13953972727问: Have a safe trip home是什么意思? -
湘潭县莫刻回答: 大概就是祝你能安全到家

水德13953972727问: have a safe trip 什么意思 -
湘潭县莫刻回答: 祝你旅途平安.

水德13953972727问: 八年级英语,拜托了,急!Have a Safe Trip!What should you do to prepare for a trip to another country? Why should you do when you are in another country? ... -
湘潭县莫刻回答:[答案] 2.Search the Internet to have some ideas about the weather and customs of that country. 3.Learn some local etiquettes and languages. 4.It is better to find a guide or a friend in that country. 6.Save the emengency number of that country in your mobile ...

水德13953972727问: 路上注意安全 英语翻译 -
湘潭县莫刻回答: take care! 路上小心

水德13953972727问: 一路平安用英语怎么说? -
湘潭县莫刻回答: have a good trip.或者enjoy your trip.

水德13953972727问: haveasofetriphome是什么意思 -
湘潭县莫刻回答: have a safe trip home 有一个安全的家庭之旅

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