
作者&投稿:崔钟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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英语作文 重新发现我自己
Socrates once said: "know yourself."I want to say: "the re discovery of our own!"People to see their appearance, invented the mirror; to understand their own personality, to find a friend; and in order to understand their aspirations, opened the book... However, all these ye...

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char cla[20]; int score[3];\/\/int类型的成绩数组 double ave;\/\/平均分};\/\/定义结构体类型的学生数组student_type stud[SIZE];student_type temp;\/\/保存文件void save(){ FILE *fp; int i; \/\/如果打开不成功 if(( fp = fopen("score.txt", "wb")) == NULL ) { printf("The file can't op...

Hello everyone!My name is XXX.I am in ClaTwo,Grade Seven in Hefeizhongwang Middle School.I am twelve-year-old.I am a student.I come from Shanghai from China.Shanghai is a beautiful big city.I have three friends.They are XXX,XXX and XXX.I enjoy play with them.My ...

void main(){ part a[10];int j;for(j=0;j<10;j++){ a[j].i=0 for(int k=0;k<10;k++){ a[j].input();a[j].clac1();a[j].i++;} a[j].clac2();a[j].output();} }

求C语言-学生管理系统, 编程!~
int a;struct stu*head;struct stu*p1,*p2;FILE *in,*out,*fp;struct stu{ char num[6]; char name[20]; char sex[4]; struct date birthday; char addr[40]; int cla; int scoreEng; int scoreMath; int scoreC; int scoreJiexi; int sum; int ave; struct stu*next;};void information(...

for(i=0;i<CLA;i++) printf("%-16s%-16.2f%-16.2f%-16.2f%16.2f\\n",course[i].classname,course[i].aver\/flag,course[i].pass\/flag*100,course[i].top,course[i].low); printf("\\n输入出完毕!\\n");}\/\/___退出___void quit(){ printf("请按任意键退出!\\n"); fflush(stdin); getch...

英语作文,the time when I rediscovered myself 。当我重新发现自_百度...
Hello everyone!My name is XXX.I am in ClaTwo,Grade Seven in Hefeizhongwang Middle School.I am twelve-year-old.I am a student.I come from Shanghai from China.Shanghai is a beautiful big city.I have three friends.They are XXX,XXX and XXX.I enjoy play with them.My ...

施严15297342891问: haveaclass是什么意思 -
青冈县内障回答: have a class上课;学生上课例句1.The time that I write is small at this is all the hereafter of a month ed, and I am nowed to have a class. 当我写小在这个的时候都是一个月以后了,我现在上课了.2.We have teaching seminars every Tuesday, ...

施严15297342891问: 英语have a class什么意思 -
青冈县内障回答: have a class 上课; 上一节课1 I have a class this evening. 晚上我得上课.2 I took leave a teacher's wife to go to a school, continue of have a class. 我告别了师母就去了学校,继续的上课.

施严15297342891问: have a class是什么意思 -
青冈县内障回答: 上课 词典结果 上课

施严15297342891问: have……class造句带翻译 -
青冈县内障回答: I have a morning class tomorrow. 我明天有早课.

施严15297342891问: 英语翻译have a class和have classes都是上课的意思吗?有没有什么区别?那么It's time to have class这句话对吗?不是是上课的时候的意思了吗?老师讲的.... -
青冈县内障回答:[答案] have a class 各have classes 都是上课,意思相同.但有细微的用法区别. 前者单数,相当于具体的上一下课或单一的课,而后者为复数指一段的,或全程的多节课或课程.It's time to have class 是课堂用语或口语,全文应为:it is time to have the class! ...

施严15297342891问: 英语,为什么“上课”被翻译为 have classes而不是have class -
青冈县内障回答: 英语,为什么“上课”被翻译为 have classes而不是have class 英语的可数名词必须分清是单数还是复数. 上课翻译成英语要么have a class要么 have classes. 不可以写成have class. 再如"我是老师,你是学生"必须说成 Iam a teacher, and you are a student.也就是不能少掉那个"a"

施严15297342891问: 英语的i have a peclass的中文是什么 -
青冈县内障回答: 意思是:我有一节体育课.

施严15297342891问: have a class是什么意思,和do some shopping是什么意思? -
青冈县内障回答: have a class:上课,do some shopping:做一些购物

施严15297342891问: have a class,have classes哪个是正确的? -
青冈县内障回答: 两个都对 因为class既是可数名词,又是不可数名词 have a class 是指上一节课 have classes 是指上课(不只一节)

施严15297342891问: 上.....课 have+科目 怎么用英文表达 -
青冈县内障回答: 你好!have+subject: to have a class about a certain subject地道的翻译就不能直译. 百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 如满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~

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