
作者&投稿:宰父卫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

15 、H appy is the man who is living by his hobby、醉心于某种癖好的人是幸福的。 人心是慢慢变冷的句子英文2 人心是慢慢变冷的句子 心慢慢冷下来的句子 1、人心啊,就像热美式,刚开始热气腾腾,感觉不到苦。后来慢慢就凉了,然后就越来越苦。人心都是一点一点变凉的。 2、人心都是慢慢变凉的,而是渐渐...

你知道罢?3.He was not the only one to sign up.报名参加的不光是他一个人。4.When his money runs out, he signs up on a new voyage.钱用光了,他便签订合同再次出海航行。5.The club has signed up a new goalkeeper this season.俱乐部这一季节已签约雇用一名新守门员。

我听过是 邵雨涵 的《happy new year》!!!

英文开心说说心情短语 英文开心说说心情短语有哪些
1、I am too happy to stand faint!我要幸福的昏倒了!2、H appy is the man who is living by his hobby. 醉心于某种癖好的人是幸福的。3、I hasten to congratulate you on the happy return of your birthday. 时值足下千秋令旦,草此聊表贺忱。4、Most folks are about as happy as ...

1. factory 【factory 工厂。句子意思:那家造纸厂把废水排入河里。我们必须阻止它。】2. presented 【present 呈现;介绍。句子意思:昨天我们老师给我们介绍了一个新同学。】3. humorous 【humorous 幽默的。句子意思:大部分美国人都想变得幽默。】第三题,healthy (健康的)或 happy (快乐的)也...

8、H appy are the families where the government of parents is the reign of affection, and of the children the submission to love.幸福的家庭,父母靠慈爱当家,孩子也是出于对父母的爱而顺从大人。9、W ith the friends there are always laughs and shared happy moments, the friends are ...

The first promising step towards the KBE can be made if one is able to effectively develop a vision of the future,exploit one's self-potential, stay open-minded, never stop absorbing new knowledge and appy it in the areas of science and technology.如果能不断发展前瞻的眼光,挖掘...

答案是 1 to come 2 D 玩 don't 后接动词原形,3A 主语是三单,表示穿的状态,作谓语 4 Let's go swimming ,shall we?(改为同义句)How (about going ) swimming?5 what about playing chess?(改为祈使句) (Let's play )chess.6 She doesn't think she's h(appy 高兴的,...

my mother is going to buy me a new skirt. i'm very h [appy]my mother is48 kg. my father is 68kg.so my father is h [eavier]than my mother.how does amy feel she's e [xcited].because her class won the game.my t [hroat ]is sore. maybe i have the flue.i'm...

The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year's【 Day】.It usually comes in【 February】.Everyone in China 【likes】 the Spring Festival very much.When The Spring Festival comes,Li Hong usually 【helps】 his mother and father clean their 【house】 and do some shopping and other ...

革怪13185272044问: happy new year 的回答语是什么是Thank you.还是The same to you. -
上饶县佳可回答:[答案] 在我们大家共同度过的节日象新年,圣诞节等,别人祝福你,我们要用The same to you给以回答. 但在象你的生日的节日里我们则要回答Thank you.

革怪13185272044问: 有人跟我说Happy New Year.我应该怎么用英语回答 -
上饶县佳可回答:[答案] The same to you. You too. Happy new year. 这几个都可以

革怪13185272044问: 别人对你说 happy new year!你要怎么回复他? -
上饶县佳可回答: Happy new year too ! 或者也可以把他的话重复一遍回复他 (就是他说的happy new year !)

革怪13185272044问: happy new year 回答是什么 -
上饶县佳可回答: The same to you.

革怪13185272044问: happy new year 的回答语是什么 -
上饶县佳可回答: 圣诞节等在我们大家共同度过的节日象新年,别人祝福你,我们要用The same to you给以回答. 但在象你的生日的节日里我们则要回答Thank you

革怪13185272044问: 外国人跟我们说“Happy Chinese new year”的时候我们应该怎样回复? -
上饶县佳可回答: 嗯 说 Thank you就行 一般见面他先说how are you ,再说Happy Chinese new year,你回答:I'm good. Thank you. How are you? 就行. 别忘了分开的时候说句have a nice day. 要是他先说了,你直接说 you too就可以.望采纳

革怪13185272044问: 当朋友留言happy new year to you时,应回答什么? -
上饶县佳可回答: 下面总结三种回答Happy new year to you. 1.A:Happy new year to you.新年好. B:The same to you.也一样祝愿你. 2.A:Happy new year to you.新年好. B:Thankyou. And a Happy New Year to you too !谢谢你.也祝你新年快乐! 3.A:Happy new ...

革怪13185272044问: 对方说happy newyear,我该怎么说 -
上饶县佳可回答: 你也一样,说HAPPY NEW YEAR ,就可以的

革怪13185272044问: happy+new+year的回答是It'+s+a+sunny+day?
上饶县佳可回答: 不是,应当是:HappyNewYear.

革怪13185272044问: 回复:Happy new year to you 是用So do you 还是 so do why?RT -
上饶县佳可回答:[答案] 只有 潋滟星舞 对 You too!是 (Happy new year to) You too!的正确回复. 带有 do 动词的回复 So do you/So do I 都不对,是强调语气用的,不过在这里不能用.

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