
作者&投稿:晨肃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

my life and job are in a mess什么意思?

3. 分译法:将一个长句分成几个短句进行翻译。这种方法适用于句子结构比较复杂,信息比较分散的情况。例如:“他在大学里学习了四年,然后在一家大公司找到了一份工作。”可以翻译成“He studied in university for four years and then found a job in a big company.”4. 合译法:将几个相关的...

...are also fantastic and they did a good job in the movie._百度知...

...is a coiiege student,and he has a p___job in a shop
part-time , 也可以是particular

3、I am thinking of a job in a school.我考虑要一个学校里的工作。4、Social media screening is essentially scrutinising a job candidate's private life.社交媒体审查本质上是在细查求职者的私人生活。5、Or, you may hear back about a new job and be able to negotiate a better salary...

...and you are sure to find a good job in the future翻译成中文...

...and very kind of you to offer me a job in your company.

英语作文,what kind of job do you want to do after graduation_百度知 ...
After graduation, I aspire to pursue a career in the field of marketing. I am fascinated by the dynamic nature of marketing and its ability to influence consumer behavior. I believe that a job in marketing would allow me to showcase my creativity, strategic thinking, and ...

5.You're not going about the job in the right way.你做这事的方法不对。6.Few people can count on having a job for life.几乎没有人能指望一辈子都干一个工作。7.The job brings with it status and a high income.担任这一职务既有显贵的地位又有丰厚的收入。8.You have a strong...

Recently there's been a wave of hunting for jobs on internet. Instead of looking for a job in a personnel market or in the ads of newspapers and magazines, a job hunter tends to look for a job on the Net. Because of its convenience and high success rate and more ...

校盼17026534986问: 在办公室里“...the office”到底用in还是at -
上林县单瑞回答: 这个“小地点”其实是相对而言的,其实最主要的还是多读课文,多背词组.我们说“在学校”是 at the school, 而“在办公室里”正确的应该是 in the office,可是事实上学校里有很多办公室啊,能说 学校比 办公室小么?所以要解决这个问题,还是要多积累

校盼17026534986问: 是in the office还是at the office? -
上林县单瑞回答: be in an office 在办事处工作 be in office 在职; 当政 in office 在职; 当权

校盼17026534986问: I am at/in the office 是用in还是用at ,我在办公室 -
上林县单瑞回答: in the office 这是惯用法,有人说大地点用IN,小地点用AT ,没错,但还有惯用法的存在~

校盼17026534986问: in the office,on the office,at the office有何区别? -
上林县单瑞回答: in the office,on the office,at the office区别如下: 1、at the office 在办公室 eg:Had an awful day at the office. 在办公室里度过了糟糕的一天 2、at office 在办公 eg:The manager is at his office. 经理正在他办公室里忙着工作 3、in the office在办公室里 eg:I suppose him in the office . 我猜他一定在办公室里 一般来说,和street搭配用in,和road搭配用on,很少用at来搭配office,一般用in.

校盼17026534986问: 英语单词office的用法 -
上林县单瑞回答: 是的. 区别在于介词in at on 的范围各有不同. 从上面算,是从小大到 在语意上也是越来越不精确

校盼17026534986问: 在办公室是at the office 还是 in the office 这两个有啥区别没啊? -
上林县单瑞回答:[答案] 都不算错.我们区分用in和at的时候,是根据后面地点的大小来区分的.(这界限并不是很明显)有人用at是因为,他认为office是小地方,这样来说也是不会错的.但是,英语这东西,有很多习惯用语,是我们用语法解释不了的在英语...

校盼17026534986问: It's+++the+++teachers'office.we++hand++in+++our+++homework.是什么意思
上林县单瑞回答: 这是我们的作业,教师办公室的手.

校盼17026534986问: “在办公室里”介词用什么,in or at -
上林县单瑞回答: He's in his office now. 他现在在办公室里百. Fit up a telephone in the office 在办公室里安装度电话. furniture intended for use in an office. 用在办公室里的家具. I've been slaving away in the office. 我一直在办公室里埋头苦干. They seldom ...

校盼17026534986问: job office是什么意思 -
上林县单瑞回答: job office英 [dʒɔb ˈɔfis] 美 [dʒɑb ˈɔfɪs][释义][经] 工务处,工作场所;[例句]Do not loaf on the job in the office!别在办公室里游手好闲!-------------------------------如有疑问,可继续追问,如果满意,请采纳,谢谢.

校盼17026534986问: “在办公室”用英语是at the office 还是in the office -
上林县单瑞回答:[答案] 英文中的at虽然是“在”的意思,但一般用语在什么时间点,或者在一个点位置上面或者旁边,比如at 9 o'clock, at the table; 而in指在一个时间段或者在一个地域内,比如in the morning, in the office. 这样区分,你就不会混淆了.

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