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Ad ab式词语?
"Ad ab式词语" 指的是一种由前缀 "ad-" 和词根 "ab" 构成的词语。这种词语的构成方式是将前缀 "ad-" 与以 "ab" 开头的词根结合在一起,从而形成一个新的词语。这种构词方式在拉丁语中比较常见,而在英语中也有一些词语是沿用了这种构词方式。例如:Adhere(粘附、坚持):由前缀 "ad-" 和...

admire 和admirable 为什么重音标的不同?一个是ad后,一个是ad前。 还 ...
全部释义>> [例句]You're an admirable woman.你真是个可爱的女人。

unknit 拆开 unknitted, unknit unknitted, unknit unlade 卸载 unladed unladed, unladen unlay 松开 unlaid unlaid unlearn 忘却 unlearnt, unlearned unlearnt, unlearned unmake 恢复原状 unmade unmade unreeve 抽出 unrove, unreeved unrove, unreeved unsay 撤销 unsaid unsaid unset 去除设定 unset un...

2.The ad specifications had not been given in detail.出自-2011年12月听力原文 网络释义常用词组 1则广告 His Republican opponent , Bob Corker , denounced the ad ., 他的共和党敌人 BC 对这则广告表示谴责.2招聘广告 for emails , use the rich text format option-but always read the a...


Kejseren lagde alle sine klæder, og bedragerne bar sig ad, ligesom om de gav ham hvert stykke af de nye, der skulle være syet, og kejseren vendte og drejede sig for spejlet. “Gud hvor de klæder godt! hvor de sidder dejligt!” sagde de allesammen. “Hvilket ...

成都旅游景点英语介绍对话 成都景点英语介绍词
(206BC-220AD)),Chengdu began to enjoy the fame of one of the Top Five Capitals.In the Tang Dynasty (618-907),Chengdu was reputed as the Yang (Yangzhou) first,yi (Chengdu) second; it had by then became the economic center just after Yangzhou.In the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-8AD),...

By the mid-1300s English had reasserted itself, with a statute in 1362 enacted in Parliament that all lawsuits be conducted in English. French became a cultivated rather than a native language. The Hundred Years' War (1337-1453) meant French was the language of the enemy country. Black ...

if it's not too much trouble for you, just do as you're told... please understand that a doctor who is not a clinician is passing by.\\",\\"speak_url\\":{\\"speak_url\\":\\"\/audiofrom=zh&to=en&voice=2&cate=speakurl&key=4d1be768626dcd8ae3e8ee69c0038432&query=哎,一朝错朝朝错,...

Infinitive 不定词Past tense 过去式Past Participle 过去分词 abideabode,abidedabode,abided arisearosearisen awakeawokeawaked,awoken bewasbeen bearboreborne,born beatbeatbeaten becomebecamebecome befallbefellbefallen begetbegotbegotten beginbeganbegun beholdbeheldbeheld bendbentbent bereave bereaved,...

池朗15530454416问: Mr. Brown was very disappointed to see the washing machine she had had - -- - went wrong again. A. it -
涡阳县屋尘回答: C 第一个had是过去完成时态的助动词,第二个had是使役动词have的过去分词,内含的结构是have sth done,“让某物(被)....”这里是“让洗衣机被修” the washing machine(that/which) she had had repaired 这里其实有个定语从句,只是关系代词在定从内部做have(第二个had) 的宾语,被省略了 而且从代词上看,应该是Mrs.

池朗15530454416问: Mrs Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had repaired went wrong again?为什么填 repaired?it repaired行吗? -
涡阳县屋尘回答:[答案] 不行,此处是定语从句,先行词是machine,引导词that被省略 第一个had是过去完成时的助动词,第二个had实际上正是词组have sth done的成分,但是定语从句中不需再加it或者machine 正在为您解答的是“语法达人”!还有问题请追问,我会持...

池朗15530454416问: have自身的完成时是什么?have had吗? -
涡阳县屋尘回答: 你好! have自身的完成时have had 是现在完成时,have是助动词,had是动词过去式 (现在完成时的结构:助动词have/has+动词过去式done) had my bike repaired 让别人修我的自行车-----have(助动词) sth done 让别人做某事 = get sth done 如:I got my ears pierced. 我去(让别人给我)扎耳洞.这两个句子不能互相替换.I have repaired my bike.我已经修过我的自行车了. 可能是你自己修的,也可能是别人修的.

池朗15530454416问: have had 的用法. -
涡阳县屋尘回答: 1.have had 是现在完成时,have是助动词,had是动词过去式(现在完成时的结构:助动词have/has+动词过去式done)2.had my bike repaired 让别人修我的自行车-----have(助动词) sth done 让别人做某事 = get sth done如:I got my ears pierced. 我去(让别人给我)扎耳洞.3.这两个句子不能互相替换.I have repaired my bike.我已经修过我的自行车了. 可能是你自己修的,也可能是别人修的.

池朗15530454416问: you had better had the bike repaired -
涡阳县屋尘回答: had something done,这个短语的意思是说你要使某物(something)被怎样,这个动作的发出者不是你也不是某物,而是第三个人,对某物来说,它是被怎样,所以用done.这句话的意思是:你最好把自行车修好.自行车是被修好

池朗15530454416问: Mr.Smith was much surprised to find the watch he had had - ______was nowhere to be seen. -
涡阳县屋尘回答:[选项] A. it B. it repaired C. repaired D. to be repaired

池朗15530454416问: Mr.Smith was much surprised to find the watch he had had - -----was nowhere to be seen -
涡阳县屋尘回答: 选B 把从句恢复正常语序,就是he had had the watch repaired 表示他在此之前已经完成这个动作 have sth done ,固定搭配,使某物被怎样(是被动的,这里的sth 是承受者,而非动作的执行者),例如I had my hair cut last sunday.

池朗15530454416问: I have had the car repaired为什么有had不是have sb done 吗 -
涡阳县屋尘回答: 你好:首先这里有一个现在完成时态 have 是标志 后面是 have the car repaired 但是 在第一个have 后面要接过去分词形式 所以 第二个 have 就变成 had不懂继续问哈!

池朗15530454416问: 剑桥英语语法里:Jill didn't repair the roof herself. She had it repaired -
涡阳县屋尘回答: 第一个句子前半截Jill didn't repair the roof herself里面,didn't就已经表明了整个句子的主时态是过去式,所以She had it repaired里had是句子的谓语,而且又因为是过去时,所以要用have的过去式had.“Jill没有自己修屋顶.她是请人修理的....

池朗15530454416问: she has had repaired her bicycle 中repaired是什么成分? -
涡阳县屋尘回答: 你这个句子是没完整呢?还是次序倒了?如果就是这个句子的话,这个句子肯定是错误的.要么是:She has had her bicycle repaired. 她已经让人修理她的自行车了. 英语中有个短语:have sth done 让某事被人家做 如:have her bicycle repaired 直接翻译就是:让她的自行车被人家修理,也就是让别人修理她的自行车的意思.上面这个句子的has had中的had就是have sth. done中have 的过去分词,与has一起构成现在完成时.

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