
作者&投稿:孔蓝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

可数名词 : [U] n.不可数名词 :[C] n.ad.的意思:1、副词的缩写 adverb 英 [ˈædvɜ:b] 美 [ˈædvɜ:rb]n.<语>副词 例句:(1)In both ancient and modern Chinese languages, the adverb "geng" is veryoften used.副词“更”在古代汉语和...

TKS或者THX。在网络聊天用语中,THX也代表Thanks,但没有TKS使用的普遍。同时也有人用TY来代表Thank you。实际上,TKS是中式表达,不符合英语习惯,THX和THKS是符合英语习惯的用法,真正的老外只使用后两种;另外,TY代表Thank you老外也不常用。

没有这个单词,根据您的拼写来看,考虑应是:grade grade 英[greɪd] 美[ɡred]n. 等级; 年级; 职别; 成绩等级;vt. 评分; 安排; 依序排列,依等级排列; 评估;vi. 属于…等级; 缓缓地变化或发展;[例句]Dust masks are graded according to the protection they offer 防尘口...

没有这个词,年级是grade,或者great是大的意思,例如great wall, 你记混了吧~~~

凯撒大帝 盖乌斯·尤利乌斯·恺撒(即朱利叶斯·恺撒、儒略·凯撒、裘力斯·凯撒等)(Gaius Julius Caesar,102—44BC)罗马共和国终生执政官,出身贵族,历任财务官、祭司长、大法官、执政官、监察官、独裁官等职。3、红桃K 查里曼大帝(Charlemagne Charles the Great或Carolus Magnus, 742—814AD)...

AD 616 years (great cause of twelve years), his father Li Yuan as Jinyang left behind, Li Shimin followed to Taiyuan and his father several times set off, flat service occurred in this province of Shanxi rebellion and the invasion of the East Turkic invasion. Jinyang uprising AD 617 (Yinin...

英文介绍家乡陕西旅游景点 英语介绍陕西名胜古迹
The pagoda is built on the premises of the Temple of Great Maternal Grace (Da Ci'en), originally built in 589 AD and then rebuilt 647 AD by the Tang Emperor Gaozong in memory of his mother EmpressWende. Before the gates of the temple stands a statue of Xuanzang. North Square of Big...

要不要具体解释,不要的话,我就给答案了,不详细解释了 1、前边有 disappointment,后边要填一个对应的表示消极概念的词,所以选A. negative 2、B. faded 意思是,在一次创纪录后,他就逐渐暗淡了 3、C、highly 因为 think highly of 是一个词组搭配表示高度评价 4、A. immersed 表示沉浸在...

great C 大字组Cguitar 吉他guitarist 吉他演奏家,吉他手guitarra 吉他,吉他拉habanera 哈巴涅拉half cadence 半终止half-tone 半音harmonic analysis 和声分析...a tempo或tempo primo 或tempo I散或速度自由节奏自由 ad lib. ad libitum或a piacere 伸缩拍子 tempo rubato 同速 l'istesso tempo 感情术语一、雄伟...

公元前只能用在数字后 100 BC 公元前后都可以 AD 2005 ,2005 AD

屠点17168542020问: had great fun后加动词什么形式? -
贡觉县尿塞回答: 你好,have great fun后面加上in doing sth,其中in可以省略掉 所以这里选择A

屠点17168542020问: had great fun后加动词什么形式? 比如说The boys had great fun - ______games in the park.——So did the girls. -
贡觉县尿塞回答:[选项] A. playing B. plays C. played D. to play

屠点17168542020问: had great fun 接什么 -
贡觉县尿塞回答: 用法:have great fun (in) doing sth

屠点17168542020问: Have fun 后面加什么 -
贡觉县尿塞回答: have fun 后面动词一般是用现在分词(+ ing).例子:I had great fun playing cards with them last night.You will have fun reading this book.

屠点17168542020问: We had great fun playing in the water 为什么要用playin -
贡觉县尿塞回答: have great fun后面加的是 动词ing形式

屠点17168542020问: Have fun 后面加什么 -
贡觉县尿塞回答:[答案] have fun 后面动词一般是用现在分词(+ ing). 例子:I had great fun playing cards with them last night. You will have fun reading this book.

屠点17168542020问: 请问下后面接的动词形式(to do/doing):have fun+ be/have good请问下后面接的动词形式(to do/doing):have fun+ be/have good fun+be/have great fun+ ... -
贡觉县尿塞回答:[答案] 都是doing

屠点17168542020问: have great fun - ----后面的动词应为什么形式 -
贡觉县尿塞回答: have fun +V.ing

屠点17168542020问: we had great fun together -
贡觉县尿塞回答: 要加. have a good time have a grat fun 都是习语.尽管time, fun都是不可数名词

屠点17168542020问: have great fun后接to do还是doing? -
贡觉县尿塞回答:[答案] doing

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