
作者&投稿:缪樊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


语信18518493203问: 用十个英语单词造十句话描写某一个朋友. -
红原县普罗回答:[答案] I have a good friend, her name is Rita. she is living in Australia now. she is a beautiful girl, Her eyes are big and she has brown curly hair. she has many habbies ,such as,play the piano ,watch movies. she is very kind, and she is always helping others. we ...

语信18518493203问: 我的爱好英语作文80词,有课目,sports -
红原县普罗回答: my habbies is very widely. i like reading book.such as harry potter. it makes my life colourful.i enjoy travelling.i want to travel everywhere .it makes feel happy.l like watching tv , because i can learn knowledge from television. i like playing ball. such as ...

语信18518493203问: they have the same habits还是hobbies like ging shopping -
红原县普罗回答: 两个都可以 habits 习惯 habbies 爱好

语信18518493203问: 老师询问他的饮食习惯.译成英语. -
红原县普罗回答:[答案] The English Asked him about his eating habbies

语信18518493203问: 一、写出下面单词的形式 1、listen shop 2、full tidy boring 3、wall hobby he 4、are is第一行是进行时 第二行是反义词 第三行是复数 第四行是过去式 -
红原县普罗回答:[答案] 1.listening,shopping 2.empty,messy,interesting 3.walls,habbies,they 4.were,was

语信18518493203问: 英语翻译我的兴趣爱好很多,比如:游泳、唱歌、看书.我的座右铭是:以诚感人者,人亦诚而应. -
红原县普罗回答:[答案] I have many habbies,like swimming,singing,reading and so on... My motto is:try our best to help others,other people will try their best to help us when we have troubles.就是这个意思

语信18518493203问: 帮忙翻译下:英语是他最喜欢的学科,他有许多爱好,比如:唱歌,打篮球,游泳等.老师和同学都很喜欢他 -
红原县普罗回答:[答案] 帮忙翻译下:英语是他最喜欢的学科English is his favourite subject,他有许多爱好,he has a lot of habbies 比如:唱歌,打篮球,游泳等.like singing,playing basketball and swimming etc老师和同学都很喜欢他teacher...

语信18518493203问: his,are,what,hbbies( ? ) 连词成句. -
红原县普罗回答: What are his hobbies?第一时间为你解答,如有帮助,敬请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

语信18518493203问: the same habby 还是the same habbies -
红原县普罗回答: the same hobby same是相同的意思,既然是相同的,就不必用复数了,对吧?

语信18518493203问: 汉语翻译,英语 -
红原县普罗回答: 1. 我把李民看做我最好的朋友,我们有同样的兴趣和爱好.(see)  I see Li Min as my best friend , we share the same interests and habbies . 2.  他们把数学老师视为他们最好的教师.(look upon)  They look ...

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