
作者&投稿:天宁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

gangling (动作难看的) → gangle (行动笨拙, 难看)5. 以副词后缀- ling结尾的词, 例如:sidling(侧面; 斜看) → sidle (侧身而行)darkling (暗) → darkle (变阴暗)grovelling (匍匐,平伏) → grovel (匍匐,平伏)另外, 有很少一部分逆生词的构成方式有独特之处, 即不是删去被误认的后缀, 而是删去前...

通过这种 "倒退构词法" (Back-formation)构成单词,有以下几种情况。1.由行为者(名词)倒退构成某种行为或动作(动词)。 例如:burgle (黑夜盗窃) burglar (夜间窃贼)sculpt (雕塑) sculptor (雕塑家)typewrite (打字) typewriter (打字员)rove (漂泊) rover (漂泊者)edit (我) editor (我)hawk (...

逆成法(back formation)逆成法与缀合法恰好相反,缀合法借用此缀构成心词,而逆成法则去掉被误认的后缀构成新词。例如:televise由television删去-ion逆生而成。利用这种构词手段创造的新词叫做逆生词。逆生词多半属动词,形成逆成词的原形词最多的是名词和形容词。a. 名词->动词。例如:--pedlar à p...

Thomas gray Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard赏析 英文
Like the "rude Forefathers" among whom he is found, the narrator ghost is "to Fortune and to Fame unknown" (118). Like anyone who "This pleasing anxious being e'er resigned," he -- in this narrative itself -- casts "one longing, ling'ring look behind" to life (86-88). As he s...

sidling(侧面; 斜看) → sidle (侧身而行)darkling (暗) → darkle (变阴暗)grovelling (匍匐,平伏) → grovel (匍匐,平伏)另外, 有很少一部分逆生词的构成方式有独特之处, 即不是删去被误认的后缀, 而是删去前缀构成[ 4 ]。例如:unflappable (不易惊慌的, 镇定的) → flappable (易于惊慌的, 不...

gangling (动作难看的) → gangle (行动笨拙, 难看)5. 以副词后缀- ling结尾的词, 例如:sidling(侧面; 斜看) → sidle (侧身而行)darkling (暗) → darkle (变阴暗)grovelling (匍匐,平伏) → grovel (匍匐,平伏)另外, 有很少一部分逆生词的构成方式有独特之处, 即不是删去被误认的后缀, 而是删去...

sidling(侧面; 斜看) → sidle (侧身而行)darkling (暗) → darkle (变阴暗)grovelling (匍匐,平伏) → grovel (匍匐,平伏)另外, 有很少一部分逆生词的构成方式有独特之处, 即不是删去被误认的后缀, 而是删去前缀构成[ 4 ]。例如:unflappable (不易惊慌的, 镇定的) → flappable (易于惊慌的, 不...

羽阎17358459832问: 英国大学留学文书写作注意些什么 -
白城市安宫回答: 申请者在写作Essay时要把握一个原则:展示(showing),而非说服(convincing).这个原则处理好了,任何题材都会写得很成功.一篇Essay一般在几百字左右,而在选好题材后,就是要运用正确的写作语调.正确的写作语调不仅可以体现...

羽阎17358459832问: 蝴蝶趴在花上用英语怎么说
白城市安宫回答: The butterfly is dancing on the flower. 这个更形象些 ( I think )

羽阎17358459832问: 怎样完善新西兰留学文书?
白城市安宫回答: 留学是申请和留学文书离不开,想去新西兰留学,提交一份优秀的的留学文书很重要... 例如Antagonism(敌对)、Groveling(卑躬屈膝地讨好)、Winning(抱怨)等,希...

羽阎17358459832问: 电影《辣妈辣妹》 中文台词 -
白城市安宫回答: 太多了,就不翻译了,毕竟是英文的,还是原台词比较有感觉: anna和她母亲tess的: Anna: You couldn't last one day in my high school. Tess: Actually I could, and I would do it without getting a detention. [first lines] Tess: Honey, wake up. Anna: ...

羽阎17358459832问: 蹬的英语是什么??
白城市安宫回答: step it 蹬 It began to sharpen with each stroke. 每蹬一下车子,疼痛都在加剧. -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 He counted his cadence of cycling against the sweep second hand on his watch. 他按照手表秒针跳动的节奏,计算着蹬车的频率. -- 英汉 - 辞典例...

羽阎17358459832问: “雨月ed无名的路”的歌词是什么?(中英文) -
白城市安宫回答: ありふれた出来事だと さめた目で见つめていた 张开双眼凝望 无非寻常过往 无意识にこぼす ため息に混ざって 不知不觉 愁上眉间 垂首长吁短叹 目の前にある未来に 失望を见つけ出して 殻の中にこもってた 可以预见的未来 无法避免的失望 ...

羽阎17358459832问: 英语翻译 -
白城市安宫回答: I want to tell you about my school. I am a music-loving students. At home I have a lot of natural collection of music CD. As a result, many students have told me to take it. But some people ha...

羽阎17358459832问: 它趴在桌子上用英语怎么说 -
白城市安宫回答: 它趴在桌子上 It's groveling on the desk

羽阎17358459832问: 求一份《辣妈辣妹》的经典对白 -
白城市安宫回答: 精彩对白Anna (in Tess's body): I can't marry Ryan. Eww. Tess (in Anna's body): We'd like to speak to you about something that we think happened to us at your restaurant. Anna (in Tess's body): Yeah, something that SUCKS. Pei-Pei's Mom: Coo-...

羽阎17358459832问: 钢琴家 英文影评 -
白城市安宫回答: The Pianist is an astonishing and harrowing depiction of the breakdown, and restoration, of the human spirit by degrees, made all the more personal in the retelling by Roman Polanski's having lived in Nazi-occupied Poland as a child at the time of ...


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