
作者&投稿:攸步 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

字面上的Hip是臀部,Hop是 跳跃,Hip - Hop可以说是一种自动自发的精神,勇敢尝试的生活态度,Hip - Hop从单纯的音乐型态涉及到生活方式和精神,看起来简单却是复杂,早期的Hip - Hop包含有四个元素:地下涂鸦(Graffiti)、街舞(B-boying) 、玩唱片(Djing)、说唱(Mcing),...

computer- related crime
请帮忙用"街头犯罪的原因"为主题写一篇英语作文大二作文因为时间... refering to the reason of street crimes ,i think the following may be good ansers to it first of all it is a sign of disorders of the socity owing to the poverty of the lower class of the society both at home and abr...

请帮忙用"街头犯罪的原因"为主题写一篇英语作文大二作文因为时间... refering to the reason of street crimes ,i think the following may be good ansers to it first of all it is a sign of disorders of the socity owing to the poverty of the lower class of the society both at home and abr...

With the rapid development of the Internet, various types of crimes have also emerged in large numbers. Among them, cybercrime is a particularly serious and tricky problem.Due to the anonymity and convenience provided by the Internet, criminals can easily commit crimes without being ...

越绿19882168623问: greeting的不可数和可数意思分别是什么greeting 一词可以是不可数名词,也可以是可数名词,不可数的greeting和可数的greeting 意思相同吗?如果不是, -
吉林省复方回答:[答案] 表示普通的问候,致意,打招呼时,不可数 She waved a friendly greeting她友好的打招呼 2.表示祝词,贺词,或给某人教正式的问候时,可数 brithday greetings 生日祝词 My mom sends her greetings to us.我母亲向大家问好(这里要注意哦,较正式...

越绿19882168623问: greeting用法的英语论文 -
吉林省复方回答: greeting [英][ˈgri:tɪŋ][美][ˈɡritɪŋ] n.招呼,问候; 敬礼; 祝贺; 欢迎辞; v.问候(greet的现在分词); 致敬; 迎接; 复数:greetings 例句 greeting: "looking for something in particular? 最佳问候:“您在找什么特定的东西吗?2.will its greeting be courteous or rough? 它的问候是谦恭抑或粗鲁?

越绿19882168623问: 问候用英文怎么说 -
吉林省复方回答: greeting

越绿19882168623问: 他经常问候我的父母 英语翻译 -
吉林省复方回答: 不知道为什么是三个空?个人认为应该是“He often greetings to my parents.”,但是填不了三个空,所以不行.不过一楼的用法应该不对,感觉上有点不顺,“greeting”应该是动词的.2楼的用法没有问题,可以引用,(往上写的话就先用2楼的吧)剑桥第一册里有出现过.但是如果你是做题的话可以试着回忆一下有没学过这样的词组. 个人倾向于第二种,如果还不对就不知道了. 看来是刚上架的问题,行就写上,不行就等等.如果有帮助………… 楼 主 要 给 分 !

越绿19882168623问: 请问英语里有没有“Greeting on you”的用法 -
吉林省复方回答: greeting on you 向你表示打招呼,不表示祝贺!祝贺别人应该用congrantulations

越绿19882168623问: 英语培训机构面试的口试
吉林省复方回答: 高考外语口试是对考生外语听、说、读能力的考查,外语口试成绩是外语外贸类专业... 考生在考试的时候,一定不要频繁使用同样的词组,要不断变换表达方式.再次,要...

越绿19882168623问: 谁知道英语常用交际用语 -
吉林省复方回答: 交际用语 ※ 打招呼与告别用语(Greeting and Saying Good-bye) 1.-How are you ? -I'm fine, thanks. 2. -Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you, too. ※ 谈论颜色(Talking about colour) 1. -What colour is it? -It's red. 2. -What's you ...

越绿19882168623问: greet有adj么? -
吉林省复方回答: greet是没有形容词的形式的,句中作为名词和动词使用.一、词汇分析 greet 英 [griːt] 美 [ɡrit] vt. 欢迎,迎接;致敬,致意;映入眼帘 二、短语1、sound greet 健全迎接 ; 声音迎接 ; 声音招呼 ; 声招呼2、William Greet 格瑞特3、greet with ...

越绿19882168623问: 找英语常用交际用语
吉林省复方回答: hello,hi,how are you ,goodbye,see you ,welcome 1. - What can I do for you? - I'd like some apples. 2. - Where can I buy some stationery? - Let's look at the shopping guide. Oh, it's on the ground Floor. 3. - Could I buy half a kilo oranges? - Certainly. ...

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