
作者&投稿:郜狐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Black children mother shouted loudly: "children, you are wele. e and look at my fruit trees on the long ball, perhaps, there's a lot, you find out." Black children shouted: "rades, on the tree!" Going, and they all climbed up the apple tree. They eat, laugh, know the secret ...

and because once we are gone, there will never be any more.We are more than just beautiful or interesting. We are more than just a source of food. Every animal like me has its place in the balance of nature. Destroying one kind of my rades can create many problems. For e...

1.无数念 如:No news is good news 没有消息就是最好的消息 以-ics结尾的学科名词通常无复念 如 acoustic 声学 ethics 伦理学 tactics 战术 physics 物理学 politics 政治学 The physics includes mechanics,heat,light,electricity,etc。物理学包括力学,热学,光学,电学等。但这些名词表示具体的...

Your rades chase e'en now the fliers, And, but for you, possess the field 若不是为了你,在远处烟雾中 战友们也许已在追击逃敌,兴许已经把战场占据。For while the tired waves, vainly breaking, Seem here no painful inch to gain,因为当疲惫的波浪徒然冲洗,仿佛再攻不下惨痛的一寸土 ...

serious will also take some of the words back, left the bad eyes began to use the mouth to work, but there is too much, all the way across a few rades began to chat with each other, koumo splashed others don't care, but also is the mouth froth splash talent for the 'long' add...

微闸15666001911问: grades读什么 -
阳泉市羧甲回答: grade (瑞的)加s读(瑞子) [^reid] 1. 等级;级别;阶段 These are second-grade grapes. 这些是次级葡萄. 2. 【美】(中,小学的)年级;(某年级的)全体学生 The twins will enter the fourth grade this fall. 这对双胞胎今年秋季将升到四年级...

微闸15666001911问: . grades(成绩)怎么读 -
阳泉市羧甲回答: 音译就是格类思~英音:[greid]美音:[gred]~

微闸15666001911问: grade怎么读 -
阳泉市羧甲回答:[答案] grade[英][ɡreɪd][美][ɡred]n.阶段,阶级;等级,级别;标准;班级vt.安排;依序排列,依等级排列;评估;评分vi.属于…等级;缓缓地变化或发展复数:grades 第三人称单数:grades 过去式:graded 过去分词:graded ...

微闸15666001911问: grass和grade读音相同吗? -
阳泉市羧甲回答: 不同 grass 英[grɑ:s] 美[græs] n. 草,青草; 草地,草坪; 告密者; 〈俚〉龙须菜; vt. 用草覆盖; 使…长满草; 使…吃草; vi. 渐渐被草覆盖; 放牧; [例句]The windows overlooked a lawn of tall waving grass.窗户外边是一块草地,高高的草随...

微闸15666001911问: grade4怎么读,音标是什么 -
阳泉市羧甲回答: grade 英[greɪd] 美[ɡred] n. 等级; 年级; 职别; 成绩等级; vt. 评分; 安排; 依序排列,依等级排列; 评估; vi. 属于…等级; 缓缓地变化或发展; [例句]Dust masks are graded according to the protection they offer 防尘口罩根据它们的防护效果分等级. [其他] 第三人称单数:grades 复数:grades 现在分词:grading 过去式:graded过去分词:graded

微闸15666001911问: my grades are terrible.怎么读 -
阳泉市羧甲回答: My grades are terrible.我的成绩很糟糕.中文谐音:买 沟瑞磁 啊 特勒啵儿 grades [g'reɪdz] n. 分数; terrible [ˈterəbl], adj. 可怕的;很糟的;令人讨厌的; adv. 很,非常

微闸15666001911问: 英语单词复数发音 连读 -
阳泉市羧甲回答: 这个啊,不是绝对的,我们都是读things啊,读Z你不觉得别扭吗?那个规则是那么说清清浊浊,但是老外读的时候不一定的,有很多该读Z的地方也读s音的,那个读音主要是为了顺口,知道吗,怎么顺口怎么读,不然为什么元音前面冠词要加an,the的读音要改呢,都是为了连读的顺口,或者听的清楚.

微闸15666001911问: 请写出grade的谐音和翻译 -
阳泉市羧甲回答: 应该是古瑞得更贴切. g在r前的发音是“古”.grade [ɡreid] n.(官阶、质量)等级, 品级, 阶段, 程度The milk is sold in grades.牛奶分等级出售.〈尤美〉 (考试或作业的)分数, 评分等级He merits a grade of B on his composition. ...

微闸15666001911问: he+often+fell+ill+,his+grades+dropped的读音 -
阳泉市羧甲回答: 只能给你拼音,He often feels ill. 他经常感到不适. [hi] [ˈɒfn] [fi:lz] [ɪl]His grades dropped. 他的成绩退步了.[hɪz] [ɡ'reɪdz] [drɒpt]

微闸15666001911问: 单词phosphorus的读音是什么 -
阳泉市羧甲回答: phosphorus 磷 英音:['fɔsfərəs]美音:['fɑsfərəs 可以听读音的

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