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是argument。英-['ɑːgjʊm(ə)nt]美-['ɑrɡjumənt]释义 n. 论证;论据;争吵;内容 例句:She handled a difficult argument skilfully.她巧妙地应付了一场艰难的辩论。

make an appointment  英[meik æn əˈpɔintmənt]  美[mek ən əˈpɔɪntmənt]  [释义]  相约; [法] 预约; 期;  [例句]You can make an appointment at...

学霸!帮忙写一个作文《How to improve our envionment》
How to improve our environment Our e nvironment is getting polluted by many ways. People dumping garbage all over t he place. Cars, and trucks spilling oil ove r the ground. More constructions meant more deconstructions of nature. Many th ings. But the ways we could to ...

110526期Ment M!Countdown 谁和boyfirend第一次演出?
+ Hello Hello >> FT island (回归了...)13.Fiction >> BEAST 14.It's The Weekend + Time is [L]over>> Jang Woo Hyuk 本周冠军:Fiction >> BEAST 恭喜恭喜 撒花撒花...http:\/\/\/a003\/blog\/item\/4e6855d33abca62c32fa1c6d.html?timeStamp=1318862447340 ...

Abandonment 就是abandon的名词形式.Abandon作为名词的时候意思和它动词一样. 只是你可能不知道它动词的这个意思罢了.Abandon v. give (oneself) over to natural impulses, usually without self-control "to abandon oneself to grief"Abandon n. a complete surrender to natural impulses without ...

Pronunciation:英 [ˈmænɪdʒmənt] | 美 [ˈmænɪdʒmənt]Meaning: The process of managing or overseeing something; the people responsible for running an organization or business; the skills and ability to handle tasks ...

是argument。argue去e加ment。argument n.争论,争吵; 论据; [数]幅角; 主题,情节;参数 基本内容 1.争论,争吵,争辩,辩论 We should supersede outdated regulations and customs.我们应该废弃陈规旧习。The two lawyers had anargumentat their very first meeting.这两名律师初次见面就辩论起来。2...

广褚19441103856问: government是什么意思 -
思南县血塞回答:[答案] government的发音音标: 英音 [ 'gʌvənmənt ] [点击发音] ; 美音 [ 'gʌvənmənt ] [点击发音] government怎么翻译: 名词 1. 政府 2. 治理的形式;政体 3. (一国的)统治,治理,统治方式,管理方法 词形变化:形容词:governmental;副词:...

广褚19441103856问: government 怎么读 -
思南县血塞回答: government ['gʌvənmənt] n. 政府 用中文直接音译应该是“嘎佛门特”.

广褚19441103856问: government 怎么念???
思南县血塞回答: ga vern ment

广褚19441103856问: government是什么意?government是什么意思
思南县血塞回答: [英] [ˈɡʌv(ə)nˌm(ə)nt] [美] [ˈɡəvər(n)mənt] n. 政府; 内阁; 支配关系 [例句] the government's economic record will undoubtedly cost them the seat 政府的经济记录肯定会使他们失去席位 [变形] 复数:governments

广褚19441103856问: Governnent怎么读,发语音 -
思南县血塞回答: 应该人家拼写错误了吧, government, 政府, ['ɡʌvɚnmənt]

广褚19441103856问: government,secret,project,photographer,traveling,amazon 解释这些词并写出它们的音标! -
思南县血塞回答: government: [ 'gʌvənmənt ] n. 政府 secret: [ 'si:krit ] a. 秘密的,机密的 ad. 秘密地 n. 秘密 project: [ 'prɔdʒekt ] n. 工程,项目,计划,事业 v. 计划,设计,表达 v. 投射,放映,凸出 photographer: [ fə'tɔgrəfə ] n. 摄影师 traveling: [ 'trævliŋ ] 旅行 amazon: [ 'æməzən ] n. 女战士

广褚19441103856问: govement和government的区别 -
思南县血塞回答: 没见过第一个 government 英[ˈgʌvənmənt] 美[ˈgʌvərnmənt] n. 政府; 政体; 治理的形式; 管辖,治理; [例句]The Government has insisted that confidence is needed before the economy can improve. 政府坚持认为只有坚定信心经济才会有起色. [其他] 复数:governments

广褚19441103856问: gov怎么读? -
思南县血塞回答: gov [域] Governmental entities,政府部门要发音的话可以去看

广褚19441103856问: 政府工作人员用英文怎么读? -
思南县血塞回答: object或officer,但后者指政府官员,所含的意思比前者小了

广褚19441103856问: “政府”用英语怎么写? -
思南县血塞回答: government

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