
作者&投稿:余军 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用wrong造句:1. You've done me wrong.你冤枉我了。2. I got the date wrong.我记错了日期。3. Something has gone wrong with the machine.机器出了点问题。4. It was a wrong decision to leave the job.离开这份工作是个错误的决定。5. He admitted he was in the wrong.他承认他错...

用“wrong' 造句
There is something wrong with my computer.我的电脑有点问题.

用“wrong' 造句
There is something wrong with my computer.我的电脑有点问题。

1.I will fight all who do wrong.我将与所有错误的事情斗争。2.Not all the answers are right.并非全部答案都是正确的。希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ...

go wrong造句带翻译
He loves to say `I told you so!' when things go wrong.只要一出事他就爱说`我早就跟你说过吧!'The whole society must help the young men who go wrong.全社会都要帮助走入歧途的青年。You can't go wrong (ie You will surely succeed) with our new carpet cleaner.使用我们新型的...

用go wrong 和be angry with 和strange 各造2个句子 不要太难的 我现 ...
The computer doesn't work ,I think maybe something goes wrong.电脑用不了了,我想是哪里坏掉了。Don't be angry with him.不要生他的气。There's a strange person in the street.大街上有一个奇怪的人。

帮帮忙用go wrong \/owe sth to sb \/forgive造句,谢谢了
everything may go wrong when we are in bad mood Bill Gates always owes hie success to his family It is all my fault ,please foive me

用something wrong造句
There is something wrong with this machine.It needs repairing

what'swrong 英语造句 求解答
what's wrong with you me him her it them us Kangkang Maria Jane 谢谢,望采纳~

lock sb up 将某人锁于某处不得进出;将某人监禁起来 ex:Don't forget to lock him up in order not to let him out.为了不让他出去别忘了把他锁起来。go wrong v.走错路,误入岐途,(机器等)发生故障;出岔子;出乱子 ex:We must have gone wrong somewhere ...

莫盼13683096249问: 用go wrong造句(不要太长,15个单词左右或更少,谢谢) -
泉州市心荣回答: All the things have went wrong!

莫盼13683096249问: go wrong的用法和例句. -
泉州市心荣回答:[答案] go wrong:出错; 发生故障1,Where (ie At what point) did I go wrong in my calculation?我在计算中什麽地方出了差错?2,She tends to over-react when things go wrong.事情一有差错她往往反应过激....

莫盼13683096249问: 谁知道go wrong是啥意思,能造句更好!
泉州市心荣回答: go wrong,走错路, (机器等)发生故障. There is some noise. The machine must go wrong. I think we go wrong. We are lost.

莫盼13683096249问: go wrong造句带翻译 -
泉州市心荣回答: 1. Where (ie At what point) did I go wrong in my calculation? 我在计算中什麽地方出了差错? 2. She tends to over-react when things go wrong. 事情一有差错她往往反应过激. 3. Their marriage started to go wrong when he got a job abroad. 他找...

莫盼13683096249问: go wrong是啥意思,能造句更好 -
泉州市心荣回答: 出错的意思,常与电子产品,工具相用.例句My watch was gone wrong 【被动语态} 通常不直接用,同义句There is some wrong with my watch

莫盼13683096249问: 有没有一些英语短语和句子例如:go wrong 例句:WHen you get old ,three things start to go wrong -
泉州市心荣回答:[答案] go bad 变坏 go crazy = get mad 便疯狂 go blind 变瞎 . go wrong这里是系表结构.

莫盼13683096249问: My clock has gone wrong. -
泉州市心荣回答: My clock has gone wrong. 我的钟有毛病. 此句中go是系动词,类似be动词的用法,后面加形容词.意思比较灵活,比如:变得……,发生…….不要当然不行了,系动词go+wrong共同构成谓语.类似的可以用作系动词的动词还有turn,grow,get等.比如:Spring is coming and leaves turn red. 春天来了,树叶绿了.Her face turns red. 她脸红了.

莫盼13683096249问: 用 go wrong 和be angry with 和strange 各造2个句子 不要太难的 我现在才初二 最好有中文可以翻译下 -
泉州市心荣回答: The computer doesn't work ,I think maybe something goes wrong.电脑用不了了,我想是哪里坏掉了. Don't be angry with him.不要生他的气. There's a strange person in the street.大街上有一个奇怪的人.

莫盼13683096249问: 用英语单词造句(要解释句子意思)1.long - term memory2.short - term memory3.lose one's memory4.tell a joke5.go wrong 6.agree to -
泉州市心荣回答:[答案] 1.long-term memory—Sometimes information in the long-term memory is hard to remember.有时处于长时记忆中的信息很难... 4.tell a joke—let me tell you a joke and see if I can make you laugh.让我来给你讲个笑话,看看是不是能把你逗笑. 5.go wrong...

莫盼13683096249问: 帮帮忙用go wrong /owe sth to sb /forgive造句,谢谢了
泉州市心荣回答: everything may go wrong when we are in bad mood Bill Gates always owes hie success to his family It is all my fault ,please foive me

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