
作者&投稿:氐贸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

go for a walk造句?
go for a walk是 动词词组; 翻译:散步。词组的结构:不及物动词go加上介词短语构成。go的过去式:went;现在分词\/动名词:going;过去分词:gone;三单形式:goes。举例:Shall we go for a walk together?我们一起去散步怎么样?We'll go for a walk if you feel like it.要是你愿意,...

英语过去进行时造句:1、when\/while we were having supper,the light went out.我们正在吃饭时灯熄灭了。2、i was walking in the street when someone called me.我正在街上走时突然有人喊我。3、while he was waiting for the bus,he was reading a newspaper.他边等车边看报。4、he was ...

with +O+to do \/doing\/p.p造句
with a lot of things to do, i am very busy.with a lot of things done, i am relaxed.with students doing homework, the teacher wrote someting on the blackboard.

用show来造句: 1.His decision to continue shows great strength of will. 他决心坚持下去,显示出了很大的意志力。 2.The figures clearly show that his claims are false. 这些数字清楚地表明,他的说法是错误的。 3.Our photograph shows how the plants will turn out. 我们的照片展示了植物的生长状况...

“lunch” 的词组翻译:午餐 用lunch造句(5句中英文):Let’s grab lunch together at that new café downtown.(我们一起去市区那家新开的咖啡馆吃午餐吧。)I usually have a light lunch consisting of a salad and a sandwich.(我通常吃一份包括沙拉和三明治的简单午餐。)Due to a busy...

用get out of造句
He said he would one day get out of jail.他说总有一天他会走出监狱,重新做人。如果答案对您有帮助,请点采纳或右上角好评哦!!谢谢 O(∩_∩)O

use单词造句:1.Her article is a discussion of the methods used in research.她这篇文章论述的是研究中使用的方法。2.More and more people are using the Internet.越来越多人在使用互联网。3.All I know is that she used to work in a bank.我只知道她曾在银行工作过。4.Things ain't...


the other 造句10个 要用the other +名词复数的句型,谢谢?
6、The other witnesses will bear out what I say.其他证人将会证实我的话。7、Ask the other beggars.问问其他乞丐。8、The favourite easily outran the other horses in the field.那匹最受欢迎的马轻而易举地跑得比田里的其他马快。9、We’ll join up with the other groups later.我们以后...

造句:---(~ o ~)~zZ快回答

展融19419565257问: go out 造句 -
金塔县复方回答: He puts on his coat and goes out他穿上上衣就出去了

展融19419565257问: go out造句 -
金塔县复方回答: he goes out playing basketball.

展融19419565257问: 用out和go out造句 -
金塔县复方回答: Two birds are flying out of the window. He went (go)out of the house immediately as soon as he saw me .

展融19419565257问: go out应该怎么用 -
金塔县复方回答: go out 1.外出,出去: 例句: He didn't go out yesterday.他昨天没有外出. 2.出国,移居(国外): 例句: He went out to Australia about five years ago.他大约在五年前移居澳大利亚. 3.参加社交活动,出外交际(或娱乐): 例句: Marry went...

展融19419565257问: out造句,go out造句,practice造句 -
金塔县复方回答:[答案] John looked out the window. 约翰看向窗户外面 ]When you do go out ,look for available deals and discounts. 如果一定要出去吃,记得查找可用的优惠和折扣. Practice the principles you preach. 实践你自己宣扬的原则.

展融19419565257问: 用go out of one'way(to do sth)(强调主语)造一个句子 -
金塔县复方回答: 造句如下: 1. She goes out of her way to make her mother happy. 2. He always goes out of his way to help his friends when they are in trouble.

展融19419565257问: 造句 go out of one's way to do sth -
金塔县复方回答: go out of one's way to do sth是表示特地,想尽办法做某事”的意思.We go out of our way to finish this task.我们竭尽全力去完成这项任务.

展融19419565257问: 分别用go about ,go against ,go ahead ,go bed ,go all out ,造句,并写汉语分别用go about ,go against ,go ahead ,go bed ,go all out ,go along with ,go back ... -
金塔县复方回答:[答案] 1.We must go about our work now.我现在必须要着手我们的工作.2.This misbehavior will go against his chance of promotion.这一错误行为将不利于他提升的机会.3.You go ahead and tell him that I'm coming.你先行一步,告诉他我随后就到.4.I want to go...

展融19419565257问: go out of one's way to do sth 如何造句 -
金塔县复方回答: 您好: If you are ever in trouble, my parents will go out of their way to help you. 如果你遇到麻烦我父母会尽全力帮助你.祝开心!

展融19419565257问: 用go out of ones way to do 造句 -
金塔县复方回答: 1.They go out of their way to think of ways to serve all the passengers. 他们不怕麻烦,想方设法来为所有的旅客服务. 2.Don't go out of your way to furnish opportunities to your rivals. 不要故意给你的对手提供机会. 3.All the cars go out of the way to...

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