
作者&投稿:贰冰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I still cant forget that my history teacher talked to me until 10:00 p.m. on April 30th,...And then I rushed to the river bank immediately. However, I saw nothing but the peaceful ...This must be worse than all the traffic accidents Ive heard of, I thought to myself and got...


2、 cubism:['kju:bɪzəm]n. 立体派;举例:The paintings of Paul Ce 1 zanne prefigured the rise of cubism in the early 20 th century.保罗·塞尚的绘画预示了20世纪初叶立体主义的兴起.3、 escapism:[ɪˈskeɪpɪzəm]n. 逃避现实,空想...

He shouldered his way through the crowd.他用肩膀推开人群前进。The smell from the kitchen made his mouth water.从厨房传来的气味使他流口水。3. 形容词转化为动词 We will try our best to better our living conditions.我们要尽力改善我们的生活状况。They tried to perfect the working ...

求英语作文 关于去健身房运动的故事 250字左右
一、英语作文:Title: A Story About Going to the Gym Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Sarah who decided to start going to the gym. She had always been interested in fitness but had never taken the leap to join a gym before. Determined to improve her health ...

请区别下面两个词的含义,并举例说明。 cooperative ,collaborative_百度知...
cooperative表示愿意合作的,强调一种意愿,如:The woman in the bank was not very cooperateive.(做表语)词汇解析:cooperative  扩展词汇 英 [kəʊ'ɒpərətɪv]     美 [koʊ'ɑːpərətɪv]adj. 合作的;协作的 ...

b拼音怎么写?? p拼音怎么写?? f又怎么写???
拼音b像收音机,拼音p像旗帜,拼音m像两个门洞,拼音f像拐杖。b、p、m、f通过声道的气流的产生机制。在大多数语言中,所有辅音都采取肺呼气机制(pulmonicegressive),但部分语言也会使用紧喉音(喷音)(ejectives)、内爆音(implosives)、搭嘴音(啧音)(clicks)等气流机制不同的辅音。常用用法 1...

25 to life 的中英歌词
i can not moonlight on the side CbwJd5tk 我无法在另一边做什么兼职 CitDm1DXt\/ ^~3SSLS4" i have no life outside of that tD+9kf2 因为除此之外那就不是我的人生 \\'|> p\/5I 22.8PO0 dont i give you enough of my time 0a}u;gt,4w 我为你付出的时间还不够吗? 4...

eminem 8英里中文 歌词
The spirit I have before I go back to the same crap,在我的精神,我回去同废话,To the same plant, in the same pants,对同一工厂在同一裤,Trying to chase rap, gotta move a.s.a.p,大通试图敲,gotta谨a.s.a.p,Gotta get a new plan, mommas gotta new man,gotta找到新的计划,新mommasgotta...

1 car(d)ive; pla(n)ice 2 You forgot to show us what the box looks like, 请补充后追问 3 P=3; T=5; A=9; M=6; S=8; L=2; D=0 3 4 5 9 5 4 +5 4 6 9 5 4 === 8 9 2 9 0 8

瞿支13291757774问: 有take pills的用法吗 -
巴音郭楞蒙古自治州益肾回答: 你好,很高兴为你解答 一般都是用“take the pills” take the pills吃药 重点词汇 pills药片; 药丸( pill的名词复数 ); 口服避孕药; 讨厌鬼 双语例句 以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考 1 You want that, don't take the pills. 你想那样,就不要吃药. 2 After you take the pills, what are you gonna do? 你得到药片,你要做什么? 希望对你有所帮助

瞿支13291757774问: 帮写篇英语短文
巴音郭楞蒙古自治州益肾回答: Doctor:What\s wrong with you? tony: I feel trrible! I had a headahce Doctor:Let me see.Ho,a little fever,I will give you some pills, you will be better soon,don\t worry!(give the pills to tony).Two pills a time and three times a day. tony:Thank you!

瞿支13291757774问: Give后而是加宾格吗? -
巴音郭楞蒙古自治州益肾回答: 是的,例如: Give me the book. They give her their love. 但是,要注意这个代词不是做宾语的,就不是宾格.如: Give his love to her.满意请及时采纳,谢谢

瞿支13291757774问: 英语填空1.please - ________him to the nurse there,and she'll give him some pills.a.carry b.bring c.let d.take2.look!this - _____my new telephone ang my ... -
巴音郭楞蒙古自治州益肾回答:[答案] D,B,B,A,C,C,B,Runner well,eat for vegatables

瞿支13291757774问: 关于give的用法 -
巴音郭楞蒙古自治州益肾回答: give用作宾补动词的时候就是S+~+ n./pron. +to- v,双宾动词,全称双宾语动词.指的是该词后面可跟两个宾语,比如I gave you an apple. 词汇分析 音标:英 [gɪv] 美 [ɡɪv] 释义: vt. 给;产生;让步;举办;授予 n. 弹性;弯曲;伸展性 vi. 捐...

瞿支13291757774问: pill的副词,名词,和形容词是什么? -
巴音郭楞蒙古自治州益肾回答: pill 作动词时vb,有 “to give pills to”以及“to make pills of”的意思 词形变换如下:过去式:pilled 过去分词:pilled 现在分词:pilling 名词:pill 复数形式:pills piller n. 药剂师,药商,小球,小丸,小药丸 至于它的副词形容词,没有见过,也没有查到

瞿支13291757774问: give用法 -
巴音郭楞蒙古自治州益肾回答: give sb. sth give sth. to sb. give up 放弃 这些常用地 其他的:及物动词 vt. 1.给;送给[O1] I gave him a book. 我给他一本书. 2.给予(某人时间、机会等);授予[O1] I'd like to give him another chance. 我想再给他一次机会. 3.供给,产生;带来[O...

瞿支13291757774问: 求在课上阅读的3分钟英语文章 -
巴音郭楞蒙古自治州益肾回答:[答案] A farmer had a cow.He took very good care of this cow and one day when it was ill,he was very worried.He telephoned the vet.“What's the problem?” The vet asked him when he arrived.“My cow's ill,” the farmer said.“I don't know what's the ...

瞿支13291757774问: ...anymore and had to stay in bed.   小题5: , her husband left the home and never returned. Liu was so sad that she wanted to kill   小题6:  by taking pills. ... -
巴音郭楞蒙古自治州益肾回答:[答案]小题1:moving 小题2:chosen 小题3:father's 小题4:happily 小题5:Unluckily 小题6:herself 小题7:cares 小题8:eighth 小题9:was 小题10:giving

瞿支13291757774问: 求生之路2哪个模式才可以使用秘籍呢?
巴音郭楞蒙古自治州益肾回答: 式,其他模式都可以使用秘籍 使用方法: 先在选项里面把控制台调成“已启用”,... give adrenaline肾上腺素 give first_aid_kit急救药箱 give pain_pills止痛药 give melee猎...

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