
作者&投稿:鲁芝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ate through怎么读音
ate 英 [et] 美 [et]v.吃;吃饭;喝(eat的过去式)through 基本词汇 英 [θruː] 美 [θruː]adv.通过;径直;自始至终;(电话)接通;完全 prep.穿过;凭借;一直到 adj.直达的;直通的;贯穿的;完成的;结束的

get through和go through的区别
一、get through 和 go through 表示“通过(某地、议案等);用完”时可互换使用。二、1.gothrough 经历,经受(坏事、苦事);仔细检查(寻找);2.get through 度过(艰难或不愉快的一段时间);通过(考试、审查等);(用电话与某 人)联系上;完成(任务、工作等);①We can’t really im...

get through的区别和用法。
get through和go through的区别如下:1、get through和go through都表示通过(某地、议案等);2、get through表示度过(艰难或不愉快的一段时间);通过(考试、审查等);(用电话与某人)联系上;完成(任务、工作等);3、他们基本是同意的,只不过是go through是不及物动词,get through是及物动词...

get through和go through的区别是什么?
1、go through是不及物动词,英式发音为[ɡəu θru:],美式发音[ɡo θru],意思是:(法律、合同等正式)通过; 用完。2、get through是及物动词,英式发音为 [ɡet θru:],美式发音[ɡɛt θru];意思是:完成; 读完。

get through与go through的区别
区别:go through:是不及物动词;读音:英 [ɡəu θru:] 美 [ɡo θru];意思是:“:(法律、合同等正式)通过; 用完”例句:Men go through a change of life emotionally just like women. 男人和女人一样,也要在情绪上经历更年期。get through:是及物动词;读音:英 [ɡet ...

get through与go through的区别
区别:go through:是不及物动词;读音:英 [ɡəu θru:] 美 [ɡo θru];意思是:“:(法律、合同等正式)通过; 用完”例句:Men go through a change of life emotionally just like women. 男人和女人一样,也要在情绪上经历更年期。get through:是及物动词;读音:英 [ɡet ...

被理解 overpass nlt美天桥, 陆桥 vt胜过, 通过, 忽视 pass n经过, 关口, 途径, 护照, 通行证, 入场券, 传球, 及格 v;get through 英文发音ɡet θru#720中文释义通过到达做完接通电话度过,熬过困难时期等例句It is hard to see how people will get through the winter很难想像人们...

get through什么意思
get through 中文意思:穿过; 完成; 读完; 用完;例句 Can you get through the door?你能穿过这扇门吗?through [英][θru:][美][θru]prep.透过; 经由; 通过,穿过; 凭借;adv.从头到尾; 彻底; 自始至终;adj.(电话)接通; 通话完毕; 有洞的; 直达的;例句 Did you really go through ...

请告诉我这首歌的名字 维也纳少年合唱团的
through dark of night calling after me And whereever I climb Far away and any where You raise me high beyond the sky through stormy night lifting me above Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus Venite Spiritu Venite Spiritus Far away beyond the sky Ah...

get through 有穿过的意思吗?
get through 英 [ɡet θru:] 美 [ɡɛt θru]词典 穿过;完成;读完;用完

稻贵18344101971问: get through to 和 get across to的区别 -
大港区罗霖回答: 要区别这两个词组,主要是区别through 和across 的用法: 1.through 表示穿过一边喝另一边,强调穿过两边. eg.The river flows through the city from west to east.这条河从西到东流过城市. 2.across 常用来表示从一定范围之一边到另一边的动作或事物的交叉位置. eg.She swam across the river.她游过河去. 希望对你有帮助,祝你进步.

稻贵18344101971问: get through to get across to get through get across用法区别 -
大港区罗霖回答: get through to: 1\使被理解, 使明白Mary could hardly get through to Jack.玛丽几乎无法使杰克明白她的意思. 2\(电话)接通I can't get through to him that he must have a good rest.我无法联络上他要他必须好好休息.get across to :后接...

稻贵18344101971问: get through与go through的区别 -
大港区罗霖回答: get through v. 到达, 做完, 通过, 度过, 打通 go through v. 经历, 经受, 仔细检查, 用完, 被通过, 参加, 搜查, 履行 go through就是一般的“穿过” get through 有“克服”的意思 ge through difficulty

稻贵18344101971问: get through to与get along with 的区别 -
大港区罗霖回答: get through to: 使明白;接通(电话) Try to get through to him that he's wasting his life in that job.设法让他明白做那种工作是浪费生命.I can not get through to her that I have to be at the airport by2: 15.我无法让她明白必须在两点一刻...

稻贵18344101971问: get through什么意思 -
大港区罗霖回答: get through 1. (使)通过: The woman was so fat that she couldn't get through the doorway. 这女人胖得连门都通不过. 2. (使)通过考试;(使)达到标准: John has got through the examination. 约翰已经通过考试了. 3. (使)通过法案(或...

稻贵18344101971问: get through 和 get over的区别 -
大港区罗霖回答:[答案] get through 到达,做完,通过,度过,打通 释义: To arrive at the end of; finish or complete. 结束:到达终点;结束或完成 To succeed in making contact; reach. 到达:成功地和…联络;到达 To make oneself understood. 使自己被理解 ——————...

稻贵18344101971问: go through和get through -
大港区罗霖回答: get through 1. 通过,穿过 2. (工作)完成 When you get through with your work, let's go out. 你完成工作后,我们出去吧. 3. (测验)合格 Tom got through. 汤姆考试及格了. 4. 接通电话 I rang you several times but couldn't get through. 我给你打...

稻贵18344101971问: get through use up run out /give out run out of 哪个知道这些短语的用法、意思?
大港区罗霖回答: get through 通过, 到达, 做完, 接通电话.1.She had to duck her head to get through the low doorway.她不得不低下头才能穿过低矮的门口.2.He is expected to get through to the finals. 我们期待他进入决赛.3.I couldn't get through. 我打不通电话....

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