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磁带机的存储介质就是磁带。目前常用的磁带介质有普通金属磁带MetalParticle(MP)、高级金属蒸发带AdvancedMetalEvaporated(AME)、具有自动清洗功能的高级金属蒸发AMEwithSmartCleanTMTechnology等类型。MP介质MP磁带即普通金属磁带,它的实现原理金属粉末粘到磁带上,一般MP磁带可以读写2,000次。 AME介质AME介质(...

the same to与the same with 的区别
ame后面接with或to。例如: 1. He was in the same factory with me. 他那时和我在同一家工厂。 2. It is the same to us. 这对我们来说是一样的。 两者可以通用

sausage是香肠的意思。双语例句 1.It'sakindof sausage.这是一种香肠。2.Thereisnothingquitelikethearomathatwaftsfromher sausage andbeancasserole.她做的香肠和_豆角香飘四溢,无物可及。3.Theknifeforcutting sausage wassittinginthesink.切香肠用的刀放在水槽里。4.Thechickenbreastwasstuffedwitham...

薛颖17624874080问: play games with是什么意思及反义词 -
曹县茶碱回答: 中文释义: play games with sb. 耍花招;玩花招 英语句子 Play chess;have a game of chess 玩西洋棋 Made us play silly games.让我们做荒唐可笑的游戏.I was playing with Jane, but Anne interfered and spoiled the game.我正在和珍妮玩,可是...

薛颖17624874080问: 和……玩游戏用英语怎么说 -
曹县茶碱回答: .play game with 第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!

薛颖17624874080问: 在play a game 后面可以跟什么样的代词,请一一例出:例子play a game with -
曹县茶碱回答:[答案] play a game against/with sb, 和…玩的游戏/ 比赛; play a game of 玩…游戏: To pass the time,we played a game of cards. 为打发时间,我们玩起了纸牌.

薛颖17624874080问: all和any在肯定句中的差别?如:All game with plenty of movement is good.Any game with plenty of movement is good. -
曹县茶碱回答:[答案] 第一句是病句: All games with plenty of movement are good. All强调“所有”这个含义,比如说“我们这儿的小伙子都挺棒的”,就用All. Any强调的是任何一个个体,比如说“我们这儿的小伙子随便拎出一个都挺棒”,就用any. Any是单数,侧重在...

薛颖17624874080问: game with i can my computer play正确连句 -
曹县茶碱回答: I can play games with my computer .祝学习进步,天天快乐!满意请采纳!谢谢!:)

薛颖17624874080问: the person that i play computer game with这句子对么 -
曹县茶碱回答: 对.that引导定语从句修饰person play with sb,与某人一起玩,play作不及物动词要跟with

薛颖17624874080问: 用所给词的适当形式填空. watch   we  go  surprise  be Yesterday my father and I ( 1 ) - ________to watch a football game with our pet dog . My dog ... -
曹县茶碱回答:[答案]1.went 2. watching3.were 4.surprised 5.ours

薛颖17624874080问: 知道play with yourself是什么意思么 -
曹县茶碱回答: play with yourself 自己玩;自娱自乐 重点词汇 play with同…一起玩; 玩弄…; 考虑; 逗 双语例句 以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考 1 Try to play this game with yourself. 试着和自己玩这个游戏. 2 Rehearse your responses aloud, role play with a friend or videotape yourself&but don't memorize your words. 大声朗读答案,可以找朋友或自己用录像来一番角色扮演.希望对你有帮助

薛颖17624874080问: We want to find a play the game play the game with -
曹县茶碱回答:[答案] B 不定式做后置定语,经常说Play with sb,而不是play sb,所以with 不能省!

薛颖17624874080问: 连词成句:the,want,i,game,with,to,try,the,children(.) -
曹县茶碱回答: 原题 the,want,i,game,with,to,try,the,children(.) 连词成句 I want to try the game with the children.意思 我想要和孩子们试一试这个游戏.

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