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pa66 unfilled 这个unfilled是什么意思
unfilled 英 [ʌnˈfɪld]adj.未充填的,没有充填物的 双语例句 1 Unemployment and unfilled vacancies can exist side by side.失业和未填补的空额可以同时并存。2 This describes the normally inverse relationship between unemployment and unfilled vacancies in the labour market....


empty意思是“里面没有东西”、“一无所有”,具有“空无一物”的隐含意义,它可以用来描绘box、vessel、cupboard、bag、purse、room、house、street、stomach、head 等词。eg:This trunk is empty of its contents.这只箱子空空如也。We found the room empty.我们发现房间里空无一物。At midnight e...

【反义词】unfilled 空的

Thewaypeopleholdtothebeliefthatafunfilled 急需这篇翻译
The way people hold to the belief that funfilled.人们坚持相信充满快乐

2. A few steps on from the cigarette shop is the city's job center, where a manager with little else to do points to a screen that tallies 98,678 unfilled vacancies across Wisconsin.离香烟店几步远就是城市就业中心,在那里,无所事事的经理指向一块屏幕,屏幕上显示威斯康星州的空缺...

The shortage of information technology workers is a significant constraint on Microsoft’s growth, currently, there are more than 450,000 unfilled IT positions in the United States alone. Community colleges, representing 45% of all U.S . Undergraduates, could be a major solution. Microsoft ...

1、vi. 被再注满 2、vt. 再装满;再充满 3、n. 替换物;再注满 读法:英 [(for v.)riːˈfɪl; (for n.)ˈriːfɪl] 美 [(for v.)riˈfɪl; (for n.)ˈriˌfɪl]短语 1、Refill inks 填充墨水 2、refill card...

DissolveUnfilledTeamDelay=5000 电脑制造的第一队没造满前提下解散小队的延时 ;*** New AI type snippets *** 新AI控制 AISafeDistance=20 AI认为安全的敌军集结距离20,在此距离外将不会主动出击 AIMinorSuperReadyPercent=.7 敌军使用次级超武的几率 HarvesterTooFarDistance=5 敌军将在离目的地5...

《红警2》rules代码修改:1.查找 TeamDelays,这是 RULES 中最重要的 AI 命令.如 TeamDelays=1200,1350,1600,它分别对应冷酷的,中等的,简单的敌人的部队建造间隔。一般设为 250,250,250,与下面的代码连用的 话你将体会到敌人连续攻击的厉害!MinimumAIDefensiveTeams 电脑最小的防御部队数量 MaximumAI...

庾信17269905334问: 英语的关于假期的前面加什么形容词
贵池区普必回答: enjoyable, exciting, fun-filled, good, lovely, wonderful disastrous dream holiday foreign, overseas package holiday family activity, adventure, camping, skiing 不都是形容词,但是都可以修饰holiday

庾信17269905334问: 英语的关于假期的前面加什么形容词 -
贵池区普必回答: 不就是个写形容词的题吗?根据你的感受就行了. 我认为,既然有让人开心的感受,也必然会有让人难过的感受. 楼主,这种理由不牵强吧?尽可能打你所需要的. pleasurable 、 satisfying 、heartbreaking、affecting、unforgettable、...

庾信17269905334问: ...nevertheless,talked into going on another fun - filled holiday in the wilderness.(38)__ - Instead,we had a pop - up camper with ... -
贵池区普必回答:[答案] DCAFE 36.D 上文 They had nothing in common with me 说明作者原来认为他不会成为野营者.而下文主要描述的是"我"从... 39.F 由第三段第一句 going on another fun-filled holiday 可知,"我"对这次旅行非常满意,而由下文 We have done a lot of ...

庾信17269905334问: 求一篇My favorite holiday英语作文,180词左右 -
贵池区普必回答: 1 My favourite holiday is Spring Festival. Before the holiday, we begin to get ready . We clean the house and buy a lot of things. My mother buys new clothes for each of us. Mother and Father don't go working during the holiday. We going shopping ...

庾信17269905334问: My Favorite Holiday 英语作文 -
贵池区普必回答: My favorite holiday is New Year.It;s a very important festival in Chinese cultrue.In fact,it's the highlight of the year.Everyone returns home for a family reunion.We have a big feast and chat about all the things that have happened in our lives.People also ...

庾信17269905334问: 以holiday fun为题十句话作文大全 -
贵池区普必回答: My holiday was great this year. I went to a lot of fun places, and I had fun with my family and friends. Some of the places I visited were really beautiful, and I will definitely re-visit them in the future. During this holiday, I also spent time to study for school. ...

庾信17269905334问: it's simply a fun little holiday.里的fun little?? -
贵池区普必回答: 形容词,一个是fun(有趣的). 在修饰名词时,修饰语的顺序习惯把表示“大小”的词紧挨着被修饰的名词.所以fun在前,little在后,一个是little(小的),little这里不修饰fun,而是修饰holiday,意为“小节日”,与圣诞、暑期等大的节假日区分. 这里的holiday 用两个词来修饰

庾信17269905334问: 欢乐暑假用英语怎么说 -
贵池区普必回答: have fun on holiday

庾信17269905334问: I had a lot of fun on my holiday什么意思
贵池区普必回答: have fun就是高兴愉快地意思,on my holiday是在假期里.放一起就是 ——我假期玩儿的很愉快.

庾信17269905334问: favorite holiday什么意思? -
贵池区普必回答: 最喜欢的节日/假日

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