
作者&投稿:丁态 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

蓝阙15268541989问: 关于金融的英语词汇 -
永善县复方回答: big macs, big/large-cap stock, mega-issue 大盘股 offering, list 上市 bourse 证交所 corporate champion 龙头企业 Shanghai Exchange 上海证交所 pension fund 养老基金 mutual fund 共同基金 hedge mutual fund 对冲式共同基金 share 股...

蓝阙15268541989问: finance 和 fund有什么不同 -
永善县复方回答: Finance可以做金融或融资或财务等理解,是一个很大的概念;fund一般就是指基金.

蓝阙15268541989问: 调配资金怎么翻译的 -
永善县复方回答: Fund---“基金”是指一笔“专款”,应译成 a fund ,而不译成 funds .按照牛津英文词典的字义解释, Fund 为可数名词,意为 sum of money saved or made available for a particular purpose (...

蓝阙15268541989问: 商科fafm是什么专业 -
永善县复方回答: fafm专业的全称是:MSc Financial Analysis and Fund Management也就是商务分析及基金管理专业.

蓝阙15268541989问: fund , asset ,capital 的区别 -
永善县复方回答: asset 就是资产负债表里的资产, capital可以做资产里的不变资本,可变资本. fund指专项资金,基金,一般事业单位报表里会有相关科目

蓝阙15268541989问: The International Monetary Fund has received both criticism and - ____for its efforts to promote financial stability,prevent crises,facilitate trade,and reduce ... -
永善县复方回答:[选项] A. worship B. credit C. argument D. privilege

蓝阙15268541989问: 基金fund和资金funds的区别 -
永善县复方回答: Funds are amounts of money that are available to be spent, especially money that is given to an organization or person for a particular purpose.For example:The concert will raise funds for research into Aids....government funds.A fund is an amount ...

蓝阙15268541989问: 英语翻译International Monetary Fund 是IMF的全称,我也知道它的中文叫做国际货币基金组织,不过其中的Monetary是个形容词,晕了,那个,funk不就是... -
永善县复方回答:[答案] 下面是朗文的翻译:注意虽然是形容词,但是必须跟名词联用,monetary fund, policy, union 之类的,多当基金(的)翻译 mon‧e‧ta‧ry [only before noun] 解释“relating to money, especially all the money in a particular country: the government's ...

蓝阙15268541989问: treasury 和 fund都是资金的意思吗?有什么区别啊? -
永善县复方回答: treasury treas.ur.y AHD:[trµzh“…-r¶] D.J.[6tre9*ri8] K.K.[6trW9*ri] n.(名词) 【复数】 treas.ur.ies缩写 treas. A place in which treasure is kept. 宝库:一个保存宝物的地方 A place in which private or public funds are received, kept, managed, and...

蓝阙15268541989问: 商界 术语 -
永善县复方回答: KPI(Key Performance Indication)即关键业绩指标CSG:Customer Solution Group,客户解决方案集 养老基金 pension fund 一刀切 universal application;non-discretionary implementation 一级市场 primary market 应收未收利息 overdue interest 银行...

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