
作者&投稿:野都 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

你好 常见调味料英文:pickle ash 花椒 pepper 胡椒粉 salt 盐 MSG(monosodiumglutamate) 味精 chicken boiullon 鸡精 five spices 五香料 cumin powder 孜然 ginger 姜 garlic 蒜 scallion 葱 leek 韭 更多:caviar 鱼子酱 barbeque sauce 沙茶酱 tomato ketchup, tomato sauce 番茄酱 mustard 芥茉...

In the Peter the First Range there are such heights as Qullai Ismoili Somoni, 24,584 ft (7493 m), and Lenin Peak, 23,377 ft (7125 m...In the shallow South China, East China, and Yellow seas, the deltas of the first five rivers mentioned above are pushing steadily seaward. ...

自盆18283858611问: 有个流行的英文歌曲名字是什么,歌词听起来是...
湖北省止咳回答: 是不是这个《菩提树下的爱情 》(dragostea din tei),是罗马尼亚语.有一段(高潮部分)听起来很像"no meny".

自盆18283858611问: 初中英语单词用法 -
湖北省止咳回答: 1. be able to do能够做 After paying great efforts, he is able to speak English fluently. 2. be about to do正要做 As I was about to say, you interrupted me. 3. add… to…把……加…… If...

自盆18283858611问: 完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)إ<br/>Once,?
湖北省止咳回答: 【答案】【小题1】A【小题2】B【小题3】D【小题4】B【小题5】A【小题6】B【... he himself had sold for five dollars,故选A.【小题6】考查动词辨析及对语境的理解....

自盆18283858611问: 缺词填空 -
湖北省止咳回答: Comics (can) be funny, scary (or) full of action. Some people rent five or ten comics at a (time). 漫画书可以是有趣的、惊悚的、或者是动作片. 有些人一次就借上五到十本漫画书.

自盆18283858611问: 帮我找一个有关于If the dream is big enough,the facts don't count的选词英语题目. -
湖北省止咳回答: 梦想有多大,舞台就有多大…… She seemed so small as she pushed her way through the crowd of boys in the playground as they were playing basketball. She managed to shoot jump-shots (跳投) just over their heads and into the net. The boys ...

自盆18283858611问: ...either fed normally or had an apple extract(浓缩物) added to their diet.It turned out that those fruit flies that were given apple extract lived about 55 days—five... -
湖北省止咳回答:[答案] D You are probably familiar with the saying:An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A recent research carried out by the ... added to their diet. It turned out that those fruit flies that were given apple extract lived about 55 days—five days longer than the flies ...

自盆18283858611问: ...high voice can help you become more confident.Play sports    Physical exercise makes you tired but completely relaxed. A strong body helps you be full ... -
湖北省止咳回答:[答案] 1.suggestions2.Five3.easier4.strong5.confident6.Record7.progress8.yourself9.important10.successful

自盆18283858611问: 推荐Hip - hop和R&B典型乐曲或歌曲
湖北省止咳回答: Fire Buring Remember Me Best I ever had Hotel Room Service I Know You Want Me Every Girl You're a Jerk 1. The Message - Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five 2. ...

自盆18283858611问: ...Finally a leg maker was found and the day came when Hank stood up before the mirror for the first time he saw himself as he has always wanted to be - a full five... -
湖北省止咳回答:[答案] 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.B 分 析: 文章主要讲述了一个天生残疾的人Hank的故事.Hank天生双腿残缺,孩子们都嘲笑他走路时拖... 2.根据第三段“for the first time he saw himself as he has always wanted to be-a full five feet eight inches tall”可知,Hank安...

自盆18283858611问: 英语证书培训考试试题
湖北省止咳回答: 分这么低,谁会来呀,猪!2007年5月山东省英语口语等级证书考试四级试题(1)... (examiner's full name) What's your name?Hello,…… (examinee's full name) Can ...

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