
作者&投稿:郸航 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

邹知13523009735问: 手机空间里面看过的视频在哪里能找到? -
封开县生脉回答: 找到手机空间里面看过的视频的具体方法及步骤: 工具/原料:智能手机一部(这里我们以OPPOr9为例做以演示,其他机型类似),手机QQ 1、首先打开自己的手机qq,然后接着再点击打开qq空间. 2、接着,找到下图这种类似公众号的视频点开. 3、点开后你会看到上面会显示一下观看记录然后就消失了,这时你只需要点屏幕下拉即可在次看到观看记录四字. 4、最后,点开观看记录即可看到你以前看过的所有视频.如果你想删除视频点击又上角即可删除观看记录.

邹知13523009735问: 怎么把QQ浏览器缓存的视频导出来本地 -
封开县生脉回答: 利用“缓存文件夹”提取视频 首先说明下缓存的意思: “浏览器缓存(Browser Caching)是为了加速浏览,浏览器在用户磁盘上对最近请求过的文档进行存储,当访问者再次请求这个页面时,浏览器就可以从本地磁盘显示文档,这样就可以加...

邹知13523009735问: ...七月十五日是结夏安居修行的最后一日,法善充满,你必须在七月十五日当天,为各地的出家人准备百味五果,供养他们.这样,集合了所有僧侣及众神的... -
封开县生脉回答:[答案] The eyes lotus is a magical power in the Buddha pupil an of the eyes Jian lotus, eyes lotus is since filial piety have much of ... the method be kind to be full of, you have to at July 15 day that very day, is everyplace of the family prepare 100 flavors five fruits ...

邹知13523009735问: 2008年奥运会吉祥物:五个福娃 它们各自的含义(越短越好)中文一份 英文一分短短的越短越好最好一个福娃一句话另附一句英语解释. -
封开县生脉回答:[答案] 欢欢是福娃里的老大,他性格外向奔放,熟稔各项球类运动,代表奥林匹克五环中红色的一环.传递激情! Huanhuan is ... 传递欢乐. Jingjing is a panda ,he is simple and honest five rings sanguine ,being full of a strength ,representing Olympics are ...

邹知13523009735问: 求杭州历史文化和风景名胜的英文介绍,要全!口语化一些没关系,但不
封开县生脉回答: Hangzhou, is the capital and largest city of Zhejiang Province in Eastern China. ... The area immediately surrounding the modern city of Hangzhou was inhabited five ...

邹知13523009735问: [英文]关于月球的英文文章大概初三的水平吧 我想最迟星期二要什么方面都无所谓好的话追加分 -
封开县生脉回答:[答案] Moon Did you ever look at the Moon and think you could see a face? Sometimes dark spots on the Moon look like eyes, a ... 11. The astronauts set up experiments on the Moon and brought some moon rocks back to Earth. Later, five more Apollo ...

邹知13523009735问: 求国际商务谈判语料 -
封开县生脉回答:[答案] 我们就可以签订为期五年,每年75,000件的合约. R: 若每件1000美元的话,我们的平均收益也不过是百分之四.这对我们的... Robert: Excuse me, Mr. Hughes, but it seems to me we're giving up too much in this case. We'd be giving up the five year ...

邹知13523009735问: ...the sun is ()in the sky in the morning and it is()in the sky in the afternoon./tall,high,low,short/put the rice in the () packet.now the packet is ()./full,hungry,empty,fall/ -
封开县生脉回答:[答案] the sun is (low)in the sky in the morning and it is(high)in the sky in the afternoon./tall,high,low,short/ put the rice in the (empty) packet.now the packet is (full)./full,hungry,empty,fall/ tall和high的区别: ⑴说人,动物,树木等有生命的东西,主要用tall,不用...

邹知13523009735问: Eminem Stan歌词是什麽?中文意思是什麽? -
封开县生脉回答: Eminem-《Stan》 副歌:Dido My tea's gone cold I\'m wondering why I..我的茶凉了, 为什么…… got out of bed at all我的心情总是不好. The morning rain c...

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